
Virgin Bride For The Beast Wolf

"Take your clothes off. It's time to bathe." Hearing those words, fear overwhelmed me, and I felt as if I might wet myself. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around my body, unable to fathom removing my clothing. He rose from his seat, approached me with a sinister smile, and placed his hands on my hair. "Would you like me to assist you?" Trembling with fear, I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head, vehemently refusing while inching away from him. "Well, if you don't want to disobey your husband, do as I say." He returned to his chair and sat down, watching me intently, waiting for me to comply and undress.

Jessica_Molly · Fantasie
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147 Chs

Chapter 1

Before we start I want to say a big thanks for reading and giving my book a chance. This book is participating in the WAS Contest so your love and support towards it will give me hope to keep writing.

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Also i will be turning this book into a third pov so don't worry and keep reading..

Everyday two chapters

Sierra's heart raced with fear, causing her movements to falter. She felt the urgent need to escape before he could find her again, the mere thought of the horrors he had committed bringing tears to her eyes.

The darkness closed around her like a heavy cloak, the cold seeping into her bones as she moved through the shadows. The only sounds were her own footsteps and the mournful howling of the wind. Questions swirled in her mind - why was she the chosen one? Before she knew it, the words escaped her trembling lips, and darkness overtook her.

18th Birthday:

Awakening with a pounding headache, burdened by the remnants of a disturbing dream, Sierra's heart was filled with gloom as she contemplated her eighteenth birthday, devoid of any joyous celebrations.

From her birth, she had questioned and lamented why fate had brought her to this wretched town. Growing up, she discovered that the place she should have called home was nothing short of a nightmare.

Images of lifeless bodies haunted her whenever she closed her eyes, a grim reminder of the lives lost each morning. Rumors whispered of a monstrous beast that had been mercilessly slaughtering people for years, driven by its insatiable desire for a bride—a virgin bride, to be precise.

Her mother had done everything possible to shield her from the prying eyes of the villagers, but deep down, Sierra knew that one day they would uncover her secret.

Sierra's mind pondered the sacrifices women made, surrendering their bodies to avoid becoming the beast's bride. Her dreams of marrying a handsome man and starting a family with beautiful children seemed distant amidst the surrounding horrors.

Seated alone in her room, she gazed out of the window, observing the hushed conversations among the people below. Undoubtedly, they were discussing the wolf beast that plagued their town. One day, everyone would succumb, and perhaps the town would fade into history—a tale of a wolf's ruthless rampage on humanity.

Summoning courage, Sierra left her room and made her way to the bathroom, stealing a glance at her reflection in the mirror. With a deep breath, she composed herself, seeking a moment of respite before deciding her next move.

Her mother adamantly forbade her from venturing outside, turning her confinement into a living hell. After bathing, she emerged from the bathroom and retrieved a black gown from the box where her clothes were kept. Settling on her bed, she clutched her cherished doll, a companion since she was merely six years old. It was her confidante, the sole source of solace in her desolate existence.

Sierra sat quietly, lost in her thoughts, when a sudden knock on the door startled her. Hastily, she rose and opened it, revealing her mother standing there with a plate of pancakes, singing a birthday song for her.

Despite their financial struggles and the absence of a father figure, Sierra's mother had always been the greatest blessing in her life. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she embraced her mom tightly, whispering a heartfelt "thank you."

Guiding Sierra to her bed, her mother held her hand and gently caressed her cheek. "I understand that you want to go out, but you need to know that I'm doing this to protect you," she said with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

As Sierra watched her mother speak, she sensed the weight of the burden her mother carried, and it pained her to see her like that. It wasn't her mother's fault; it was the Beast's fault for relentlessly seeking a human bride. Why couldn't it marry one of its kind instead of a human?

Pulling her mother into a warm hug, Sierra shared in her sadness. "It's okay, Mom. It's not your fault. I believe that one day, someone will defeat that wolf, and everyone will be free." She tried to console her mother with those words, but deep down, doubts lingered in her mind.

Sierra's mind was filled with uncertainty: can they truly be safe?

With a warm smile, her mother stood up and handed her the plate of pancakes. "You need to eat, dear. I'll make more in case you get hungry again," she said gently.

As her mother began to walk away, Sierra reached out, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. "Thank you, Mom," she expressed with a smile, and her mother returned the gesture before continuing on her way.

Savoring the pancakes, a surge of happiness washed over Sierra. Her mother's culinary skills were exceptional, and she would always be her idol for as long as she lived.

After finishing her meal, Sierra approached the window, opening it wider to observe the people outside engaged in conversations. Curious about their discussions, she watched them intently.

Suddenly, a man turned his face towards her, causing her to startle. Quickly stepping back, she instinctively covered her face in fear, hoping he hadn't noticed her. Whispers escaped her lips as she clutched her chest, feeling her heart race.

Sierra glanced in his direction once more, observing him engaged in conversation with a group of people, gesturing towards her window. Filled with trepidation, she swiftly closed the window, cutting off any further contact with the outside world.

Seated on her bed, she wrapped her arms around herself in a tight embrace, trembling from the cold air and the consuming dread that gripped her. Remaining motionless, she longed for peace, hoping that perhaps it was just a harmless exchange happening outside.

Choosing to recline, seeking a momentary respite, her eyelids were on the verge of closing when a loud crash downstairs shattered the silence, snapping her back to full alertness and heightening her fear to its peak.

Her mother's voice reverberated through the house, filled with desperation and urgency, as she pleaded with someone to stay away.

Sierra's heart raced with concern for her mother's safety, propelling her to spring from her bed, her resolve firm to protect her at all costs. With a swift motion, she swung open her bedroom door, only to be confronted by a group of men whose gaze bore down on her trembling form.

"Take her," commanded one of them, and without hesitation, they grasped her, their hold firm and unyielding, pulling her forcibly outside. Amidst her mother's piercing screams and desperate pleas to save her, Sierra felt herself being dragged away, the echoes of her mother's anguish ringing in her ears.

Her mother's worst fears had materialized into a chilling reality. Overwhelmed by the unfolding events, Sierra closed her eyes, succumbing to the inevitable as they forcefully whisked her away, her spirit drained of the strength to resist.

I wish for a castle.. some gift me castle God bless

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