
Virat- the devil god

, Virat Devil who was God's first child or say a wonderful structure who was almighty among all the angels created by God. He left heaven because of his pride. After leaving heaven, he came to earth and established his kingdom, he wanted to do everything that was close to God on his side, he would fulfill the wishes of the people, give them immense fame and in return take their dearest thing from them. . Mira believed a lot in God. Her husband's condition was very bad due to some illness. She also showed her husband to many doctors but all raised their hands. Her husband had only a few days' time. She was soon to give birth to a child. Meera used to be immersed in this worry throughout the day. One day her friend Sana told her about Virat. For the sake of her husband, Meera promised to give her unborn child to Virat. Meera was very happy to see her husband in good condition, but it is said that happiness does not last long, the same happened with Meera, Virat gave life to her husband but for a few months. The day she lost her husband, she gave birth to a lovely baby girl, Kaya. Kaya was born with a snake shaped mark on her hand. When Meera asked Sana about that mark, she was quite stunned as the mark was of the Devil Queen i.e. Virat's wife. Kaya was very different from childhood and children and Meera knew this too. Meera did not want to hand over her baby girl Kaya to Virat under any circumstances. So she brought Kaya to a new city far away from that place. Meera felt that she had saved her baby girl Kaya from the clutches of Virat but it was not so. Meera always thought that why did Virat choose her daughter only? At first everyone thought that Virat has chosen Kaya because he and his mother were very close to Mira God but there was a reason behind it too. Before leaving heaven, Virat was in love with Kaya. Kaya's real name was Eliza, coined by the Queen of Heaven. But God did not approve of their love, due to which he left heaven and Elijah's marriage was fixed with the Water Angel. On the day of her marriage, Kaya went to the earth to meet Virat. But before meeting Virat, she was caught and taken captive and brought back to heaven, two options were placed before her, either she should get married or she should be destroyed by taking birth on earth. SHe accepted to be destroyed on earth. She would have perished as soon as she was born on earth, but Virat saved her. He loved Elijah very much even after he left heaven. On the other hand, God's second son, Jisoo, who came to Earth in search of the "Crystal of Hard", did not know that when he meets Kaya for the first time in college, he falls in love with Kaya at the same time. On the other hand, Virat also takes admission in the same college for Kaya but Kaya does not remember Virat. But when Kaya falls in love with Virat then Virat attacks Swarg due to his vengeance and that is why he again lose Kaya. Invading heaven, God throws virat and his army back to earth and takes away his beauty It is said that even today Virat is looking for Elijah.

Kajal_Chaudhary_2264 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

true or false (part-1)

Virat Devil who is the first child of God or say a wonderful structure who had the same power as God. Virat was the most powerful of all the angels created by God and also very near and dear to God.

Virat loved God very much.  He used to control all the good and bad powers so that those powers could not harm anyone.

With time, the pride in Virat increased, he started considering himself equal to God.  One day there was a meeting in heaven in which everyone was invited but Virat was not called.

Due to which his self-esteem got hurt a lot.

Then he left heaven and came to earth too.

Being powerful and intelligent, he established his control over all the powers living on the earth, even there were many secret societies of humans who worshiped him.  In return, he used to give them immense wealth.

The way people believe in God and worship him, Virat also wanted people to worship him in the same way.

  He had a villa which was known as "Virat Villa".  Virat wanted to have every power, every single person on his side who were close to God.

Meera was watching the birds sitting in her garden when her friend Sana came to meet her.

Both Sana and Meera were 3 months pregnant.

Sana asked Meera "How is your husband's health now"?

Meera (in a sad voice) - Showed many doctors but there is no improvement in their condition. Now only God's support is there.

Meera believed a lot in God, she used to pray to God every day for her husband.

Meera's eyes fell on Sana's expensive necklace.

Meera said to Sana "Your necklace looks very expensive".

Sana (laughing) - 90 lakhs is just bought.

Meera (surprised) - 90 lakhs!  But where did you get so much money from?

Sana (in a loud voice) - Where from what, my husband's.

Meera- But your husband's business has stopped and you have so much debt from above.

Sana looked around and then slowly came to Meera and started saying "It is all due to Virat".

Mira - Virat?  Who is Virat?

Sana said softly - as soon as the city ends, there is a forest 200 km away "Black Jungle".

Meera - "Black Jungle" but I have not heard of any such forest.

Sana - And you will not even listen, very few people know about this forest.

In that forest there is a villa named Virat which is known as "Virat Villa".

Mira - Black Jungle, Virat Villa What are you talking about, I think all this is nothing more than rubbish.

Sana - There is a place and Virat Villa too, you will get what you ask from Virat and in return you will also have to give him something.

Meera - Have to give but what?

Sana - He who asks.

Meera - Well then what did you ask from him?

Sana quickly replied - money and fame.

Meera (laughs) - And what did you give in return?

Sana (with a feeling of fear on the face) - My life and my husband's life, we will be slave to him for the rest of our life.

Hearing this answer of Sana, the smile on Meera's face suddenly flew away.

Even after Sana's departure, Meera kept thinking this thing in her mind, Meera could not believe these things because she believed that there is nothing bigger than God.

Still, the question was arising in his mind whether this was true or false.