
Violeta:the unforgotten past.

Rising_scorching · Fantasie
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3 Chs

chapter 3

"Maybe it is?" Violet asked herself.

Her mind was telling her your just being delusional, it was cold night- time, late and you needed sleep. Its not what it seems like.

Like Ramonda. She scoffed. Her mind couldn't stop thinking about her and the incidents she was having with her so called 'friend.' Why is she trying to kill me? Won't she die too? I need to stop thinking about this.

Trying to relieve herself, she stopped. She took deep breathes trying to free her mind. No more Ramanda, no stress and no more questions, imagine a mindset like that.

Her mind was free. She could now see clearly. However instantly regretted it. A massacre she saw. With a sunken heart, she glared towards a great inferno. Chikori was under an attack. It blazed, blistered and burned in the atmosphere. Violeta ran. Despite the depressing tears rushing through her eyes, she ran. She had to find her parents, atleast see them.

Tge air got thicker and thicker as she hot closer to the smokey core. The tears ran along her cheek as they were swept away by the swift wind. I will never forgive myself for this, her mind repeated multiple times. Suddenly, she stopped. Her parents house was at the edge of Chikori and she stood facing it. It was lit in flames.

"Mama!"she screamed as she reached out to the fallen house.

Her long braids were tied, avoiding fire. She went in.

She whispered,"this must be the living room."

The room was half-destroyed and the fire raged in a ring around it. It she began to sweat and feel the true heat of the fire.

"Mama,mama!"she continued to scream,her voice getting wearing with each word.

Percily she jumped over some debris to reach the kitchen. The debris fell in a clench noise. She scanned the room for any signs of her parents:body,cloth,anything that showed they were nearby.

The fire raged on. But for some reason it fell silent. She stopped.

"Lets check this house,"she heard from a tongue that displayed clearly whoever said that,  wasn't from Chikori.

Their footsteps got louder. Quickly she hid behind some debre. She felt there presence;they entered the house.

"Looks clear," the man that stood behind the other said.

His what seemed to be elder put up his finger and examined the room.

Invaders, Violeta squeezed the spear, thinking of her parents. She wanted to charge so badly but something was holding her back. I should play this smart.

"Someone was here,"he sniffed," someone is here."

Violeta leaned forward to see what was happening. He was tge eagle of the room. Sharp eyes,stance like an assasin with his perfectly gelled hair that slowly faded towards the lower part of his head.

She felt a fire in her that smelt of rage, telling her not to sit there and do nothing. Her eye met the spear. The thought in her head told her to attack. I mean it was her home, what if she was the only one who could save them at this point.' I can finally prove her wrong.'

Out of no where a Ramonda awoke," prove yourself worthy Violeta, to be the next leader of the Milaje. huh. Show them what who you are or the truth, a worthless nobody. Take it, you know you want to."

Her head was playing back moments from her childhood when she was looked up to, expected and picked on. Including the two boys scene. The necklace shined. 'mum,' she thought,'thats it.' The eagle man went up tge stairs leaving her soon to be victim.

She held the spear. Tight. Sliding out of her hiding, and looked up to her pray. She charged. As she swiftly moved forward to the agitated man, his eyes read surprise and fear as he looked at her for a split second. The spear struck his lower chin. The impact force him to move back. As he rotated back to fight her off, he met Violeta's foot. A question mark kick she had seen her mother practice earlier. Struggling to keep her balance the smirked at his body.

She had never done anything like that before. Knocking someone out. She had the option to finish him off; make sure he never steps foot on the earth ever again. She pointed it to his face. Then drawing it closer to his neck, she pulled his head to get a good look at him. His hair fell and she could now see him clearly. The spear was at his neck.

"Do it," Ramonda said," prove to me you aren't weak."

She closed her eyes, held it tightly and drawback, then left the house. Apparently the eagle guy had been watching her the whole time. He leaned on the dark doorframe, smirking at the scene. It faded to a serious look as he followed her slowl.

"Weak,"he said," I should fix that."

She looked around. A ring of fire. In the distance she saw two dark figure fighting. She thought of helping the other. Running towards them. While running the effect of inhaling all that smoke was catching up to her. Before she could catch her breathe, a strong bash from behind pushed her forward. She hit the ground hard. Even eat some grass. Immediately she spit it out. She looked up. He was pointing his weapon right at her face. It was so close. it fell back.

"stand," he said with so much pride.

Violeta was confused. She didn't. But instead allowed herself to get lost in his sharp cold eyes.

He then knelt right next to her. She felt a strong but weird feeling."do you think am joking with you, I said stand!," he shouted right in her face. calm he reached his hand forcefully onto her neck. Shocking her. She felt the cold embrace of death chasing her.

"leave my daughter along!"her knight in shining armour screamed.

An arrow scratched his cheek. He sunk any thought of remorse and mercy to the deepest pits of his heart. Frantically destroyed them. When he felt a drop of blood touch his light skin. That was it. He thought Violeta as far as he could. She tried to catch his breathe: coughing it off. Her voice was gone. Her vision bearly there, she watched the man.

Her parents looked at him with do much anger that they got into their fighting stance. He got into his fighting stance and charged. My parents moved back and fought on against him.

Violeta decided to help. Although the fact she was very weak, she still dragged herself towards her spear. She had to help. The fight went on and fire behind it made it imaculent. Nakkia tripped him with her legs and he looked at them from the ground.

"any last words."He saw Violeats father with a charged bow aiming at him."This is what you get for hurting my daughter!"He released. The man moved. He grabbed the bow, broke it and flipped the dad over. Same with the mother. He picked her up and gave her a good one to the stomach. she fell. Then he picked the Father and did the same. There was a harsh silence.

"I could just finish you all myself, but I guess I will leave you to burn in the fire,"he lit a match, dropped it and fled the scene.

The harsh fire grew towards them as her parents crawled towards their daughter. They reach her.

"Violeta our dear daughter, am sorry I couldn't do my job as a father and protect you, sadly this is how life ends for your mother and I but for you, this is just the beginning of your story avenge us,"her father said as he squeezed her hand. Her mother came in and exposed the necklace,"Violeta,whenever you see this think about us, hope and be determined to your goals we trust you." They hugged.

More of the invaders came carrying what seemed to be bombs. Getting ready to give the land its final send off. They let Violeta go."Live," they whispered as they pushed her off the cliff.

Violeta looked up at the dust, smoke and flame hug as a huge red ball above her. The sparks filled the sky and made it hard to see. Tears fell from her eyes. The air got thicker and thicker the further down she went and soon enough every thing went blank.