

I'm here to learn how to write a novel so please help in anyway possible

viol27 · Urban
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10 Chs

chapter 6:the new clubroom

(after all my classes had finished I made my way to the location aika told me to meet her but to my surprise Hina was already here)

hey Hina your here already

"yeah I got here early"

oh that's nice.

but where's aika

"she said she needed to use the restroom"



[my arch nemesis the silence]

'oh hi akira'

[my savior]

yeah hi

"I'm here to"

'yes sorry for making you wait hina'

"it's fine so what are we supposed to be doing anyway "

yeah i was curious about that to

'nothing really just sit and talk about anime . but before that lets go register you and Hina as club members'

(we went to get registered and came back )

'ok now I can properly explain as I was saying it's really just a club where we talk about anime and have fun'

"so why did you invite akira out of everyone in your class"

'because I often hear him talking to himself in class about being reincarnated and such'

"makes sense"

(Hina continued to interview aika while I sat in silence and so the whole day passed by quite uneventful)