
Vincent's Survival

Having just been reincarnated, Vincent was almost torn to shreds by a werewolf. After surviving this, he vowed to kill all supernatural creatures in existence and ensure mankind is safe.

Mys_Terio · TV
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3 Chs

The Station

"Maybe that wasn't such a good idea," Vincent exclaimed after changing back into his human form. His mouth was still bloody from his massacre. Looking around, he could see the mauled form of werewolves all around him. Even after killing all of them, his lion self had proceeded to viciously tear their carcasses apart.

"So, even if I have my human intelligence, some time the animal instinct will overwhelm me in case I have strong emotional relationship with anyone around me. Good to know now then before," he observed, feeling glad he wasn't doing this in front of humans.

He was, however, glad that he got Slade Wilson's combat knowledge and experience. They had helped him calm down enough to plan how well to enact his vengeance. But, seeing the outcome, he was glad this wasn't anyone else. Just as he was deep in thought, something started happening to the carcasses of the wolves. As the sun was rising, the bodies started transforming from mauled carcasses to corpses.

"Okay, what the actual fuck!" Vincent exclaimed, horrified. The wolves had turned to humans, this wasn't normal and no amount of godly combat experience would help him recover from this horror. He keeled over and hurled, saw the contents of his stomach and hurled even harder. Chunks of flesh, blood and fur were mixed in his vomit, making him nauseated even more.

"This isn't happening!" he cried as he fell to his butt, disbelief written all over his face.

"Calm down, calm down. This was a do or die situation. They are werewolves, they wanted to kill you for sport. You had every right to defend yourself," he said to himself, over and over again, trying to convince himself. Calming down a little, he quickly thought of what to do.

These were supernatural creatures, he remembered there was one wolf missing, the one that he had sent flying with the werewolf leader's carcass...now corpse he assumed. He needed to find that corpse too, but it might be impossible. The werewolf most probably must have taken it with him for he was not back yet.

"Fuck!" Vincent cursed in frustrations. Werewolves, to his knowledge, had keen sense of smell, even if he cleared the place, the run away might have already called for reinforcement and he wasn't ready to find out if he could survive larger groups of werewolves. Thus, he needed to leave right fucking now.

Cursing out loud again, he activated his monkey talisman, transforming into a pedigree falcon. No way werewolves could fly, unless this was some bullshit fantasy world.

Taking to the sky with a flap of his wings, he concentrated on his balance. He noticed he didn't feel uncomfortable with the new form, already adapted to it. Flying was easy as long as he kept his balance in the air and as one of the fastest bird, he covered a great amount of distance fast.

Everywhere he saw, it was only pine trees for miles. This must be the reason why the werewolves must have hunted here, this vast forest hid their crimes quite well. Flying for a while, he finally came across a highway and boy was he glad. Roads lead to civilization and he needed that more than ever. Following the road in one direction, he didn't have to wait long before finally coming across a small town. This was perfect.

He perched onto a tree and looked around him curiously. He needed to know the town like the back of his hand and what was more perfect than a mouse. As pests, mice were everywhere, one more in the town would not be frowned on. His bird form faded and in its place, a mouse appeared.

Squeaking cutely, he skittered down the tree and ran into the town. One thing he knew, he had to act as a mouse. That meant, he should be meek, scared and always on the move. And so, his your of the small town started.

He first started with marking every important places like the sheriff's building, cafes, schools,residential areas city hall, recreational centres and most importantly, a garage. Once marked, he started by scouting the sheriff's department. They had an armoury, he needed the guns and ammunition they had. Better be prepared for war than be caught with a thumb up your ass, the Slade knowledge whispered to me.

Still as a mouse, he infiltrated the sheriff's building. He waited when someone, a deputy, opened the front door to get out and made his grand entrance. Unfortunately, it was a female deputy who screamt like a banshee when he whizzed past her leg. He did not wait to see if she was alright, increased his speed and ducked under a table.

He waited a little while before zoomed to the cover of another desk. Seeing no reaction, he ran to the cells, jumping onto the bed and hiding into the covers. That was when he heard running. Taking a peek out, he saw deputies rushing in and start looking all over the place. They moved desks, chairs, files, making him deadpan at their frivolous search.

'Fuck, they look like they're searching for a serial killer!' he lamented.

"Search the cells too. The mayor's coming over and I have no intention of losing face at the moment," the sheriff, a middle aged, slightly overweight man shouted at his deputy. Now that he was looking around, he noticed there were campaign posters all over the building. The sheriff was running for the mayor's office.

'Just my luck,' Vincent sighed in defeat. First werewolves and now the police! He was not getting a break, was he?

He activated his snake talisman (A/N: NGL, just remembered it existed!) and became invisible just as a deputy opened the cell's door. He jumped off the bed and ran out of the cell as the deputy started tossing the place.

He gave a sigh of relief as he toured the building while invisible. He made sure nobody stepped on him in all the chaos, chuckling to himself at how funny they were running around. Finally, he found the gun locker where the entire station kept their weapons and took his human form, still invisible.

'Now, I wait,' he sighed as he sat down.


Night time, it was time for him to make his move. He could hear the only deputy in the station snoring away in comfort. There were video cameras in the building, thankfully, so he deactivated his snake talisman as he walked to the deputy. It was frighteningly easy to take out his cuffs from his belt and cuff him to the chair. Taking a piece of clothe from his tattered mess of clothes, he tickled his nose, making the man sneeze awake.

"Hi," Vincent greeted him, innocently. The deputy's eyes widened in fear before trying to move but found he couldn't.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" the deputy fired his question quickly, his fear burning.

"I have some questions I need you to answer," Vincent continued, relaxed.

"I'm not answering you shit until you uncuff me," the deputy shouted at him. Vincent chuckled before taking his gun from his holster, cocking it and removing the safety pin.

"Yeah, I must insist," Vincent chuckled, seeing how the fear in his eyes increased. He nodded helplessly. "First of all, which state are we in?"

"Nevada, Stanson county," the deputy answered. Vincent nodded to himself. He could work with that.

"Which year?" he asked again.

"Two thousand and nine, February the eighteenth," the deputy answered quickly. Vincent nodded once again, it was a little back in time from his date of death, but it would do.

"Do you have a car?" The deputy nodded vigorously. "I'm going need your keys and your wallet." The deputy stared at him in disbelief. He then sighed and signalled to his pocket. Vincent fished out the two and nodded at him.

"Thank you for your cooperation," he said before pistol whipping him unconscious. He then went to the gun locker, ripped the padlock off and smiled to himself when he saw two assault rifles, four glocks and two shotguns in there together with a crate full of loaded mags. He slung the rifles onto his shoulders, the crate he carried and went to the parking lot outside the building. The only car in there was the deputy's so he didn't have to search for it. He put everything in the trunk before getting into the car and driving off. He needed to first get out of the county before he could remove any gps trackers and plate then disappear.

"Thank you Slade," he chuckled as the car picked up speed.