
Welcome to Xandar, Metahumans!

Eve Bekian

Nova Corps Elite Trooper 001279

Bored as Hell on Xandar Star

I was very curious about these guests I was to receive today. It's not everyday the queen informs you that friends of Carol Danvers were going off world for diplomatic reasons. Surely if everything worked out well they'd need a liason? Perhaps someone more familiar with their group no?

Putting my thoughts aside I couldn't help but take a second look at their ship. It seems a bit small for a mid sized cruiser class ship. But it was strong enough to withstand the hyperlane forces so it must be a better ship. I wonder what weapon system it uses? Questions to ask later. "YOU CAN PARK YOUR SHIP IN THIS SPACE HERE!" I announce to their captain.

I fly over and give them some space as they park their ship. She was a skilled driver to have them wheels down in under 20 in such a clean landing. The hatch opens and I see their crew, 5 women. One of them, their captain has blue skin and orange hair with gold eyes, their second in command was a Caucasian woman with long red hair, one brunette with a white streak in her hair, a young woman with her hair in two pigtails that were quite cute and a woman with blonde short cut hair.

I take the lead in offering my hand to their leader, "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you in face. My name is Eve, I'll be your guide during your trip here so I do hope we can all get along during this time."

The blue skin woman grabbed my hand with a decent grip, "Raven Darkholme, but you can call me Raven. It's a pleasure to be here, I'm quite excited for this trip myself."

The girls go in order introducing themselves as Jean, Anna, Kitty and Gwen as we head towards the transitional areas. We exchange light greetings as they take a curious glance around.

"Curious? The planet that we currently stand on is named Xandar Star. The headquarters of the Nova Empire trading federations as well as the Capitol of the Elite Nova Corps. The Nova Corps has a history of knowledge that are stored in our helmets and passed on from soldier to soldier."

"I see a lot of different aliens here? What's the planet's main species?" Anna asked

"The planet is mainly dominant to Xandarians which make up the mainstay of the Nova Empire. This is the fourth planet under Xandar Prime. But it's also the home of the Aakons, Hurctarians, Xeronians and Krylorians."

"So many? I can't wait to see them all."

"You definitely will, the races are quite intermixed so it normal, to see some of everyone everywhere. "

We continued chatting as I lef them up to the castle and showed them the way to the queens meeting chambers. Naturally I won't enter since regardless that's above my payroll so after escorting them I go to the Corps building and take off my helmet, damn I hate this thing but it's so cool!

"Yo Eve!"

I turn around to see my good friend Nicholette Gold walking up.

"Nikki! Long time no see, how long have you been back in the Andromeda?"

"Just flew back in, I saw some chick with blue skin earlier, she was pretty hot!"

"Sigh, Nikki, you really haven't changed."

"Girl I told you helmet or not power can't change me. Now come on I heard Ko-Rel and Tanak are throwing a huge party later, I haven't changed out of this damn bucket suit in months!"

I can't help but smile as I let my friend drag me away. Maybe I should invite Raven them to the party later let them get introduced to some of the Corps. Food for thought.

Damien Nyxxus

I've Got a Bad Feeling Buddy

It's been a few days with my vacation with my new SuperBro Black bolt. His people have long since moved into their island and have been building it. With our technology and Wakandas help their had the bare grounds of their city laid out in no time. Which is why the king T'Challa, Damien, and Blackagar went deep sea fishing and later Logan heard about it and joined in.

"I say bub, why so fidgety?"

I look at Logan then look at the sea, "I just keep getting a feeling that something bad is about to happen."

"Relax, what could possibly go wrong?" Blackagar asked. I swear this man has basically chilled out to the maximum since he could speak.

"Yes my friend, enjoy the day fishing comfortably, this isn't Earth we don't have to deal with any disasters" TChalla backed him up.

Logan and I just couldn't help but look at the two of them. There's no way these guys really just said that back to back like that right?

Right when I was about to reprimand them we heard a strange sound like something falling. We barely looked up in time when a giant iceberg slammed into the sea setting off gigantic waves. Luckily Logan was quick enough to use his ring to stabilize us, but what the hell? When did Mars turn into One Piece? This isn't the new world?

I looked up and found a smirking Carol with a non apologetic Terra who couldn't help but tease "Did you catch anything baby brother?"

"I was about to but you scared the fish away! What's with the iceberg? That's pretty huge."

"Weren't you complaining about the lack of top line oceanic predators? Carol and I found that block a few years back but had no need for it."

Deep underwater the iceberg quickly broke apart as 7 giant fish shaped creatures swam in 7 directions one of which was aimed right at the boat.

"Terra what did you just drop in our oceans?" Before she could answer a 15 meter long megalodon body with a alligator shaped head jumped out of the sea, but wait a second are those legs?

"Megalodiles a alien creature that's a cross between crocodiles and megalodons. They breed pretty nicely with long growth cycles so at the very least they can compete with squid and pleiasaurs for ocean dominance."

"....Why is my planet becoming more dangerous."

Before I could keep complaining a small grey shape broke into the atmosphere behind them as Terra just smile and said "By the way I brought a friend to recommend to Nat."

That bad feeling I had, was just getting stronger.

Meanwhile deep undersea a Megalodile that had sat in some coral for a few minutes finally moved again but this time there were 15 extra eggs sitting in the soil.

Deep Space

The Sanctuary II

"Master, we found him floating deep near Nidavellir space. Seems as if Asgard's bifrost had an issue." Ebony Maw dragged the unconscious Loki towards Thanos sitting on his throne.

Thanos glanced at Loki before saying "If I remember correctly The space stone should be somewhere on Earth." Thanos turned his eyes to Loki as he stood up.

"Gamora and Nebula are searching for the Soul Stone. The Time Stone is with the Sorcerer Supreme, and the Power Stone is Lost. The reality stone won't appear for some time."

"My Lord, what are your orders?" Ebony Maw stood attentively.

"Why do the dirty work, when we can let someone more....'suitable' fetch the stone." With a flick of his wrist Thanos took the scepter holding the mind gem and aimed it towards the fallen Asgard prince. A few moments later 'Loki' opened his bright blue eyes.