
We Need to Talk

Red charged forward grabbing the nearest truck sending it flying into the gaggle of heroes. Each member uses their own methods to dodge but Iceman fails to see the red fist aiming for the back of his head. However right before he was hit Nightcrawler teleported behind him and saved him.

"Oh shi- thanks Crawler. That might've killed me if it hit" Bobby thanked Kurt getting a nod in return as they focus back in the battle to see Cyclops unleash his beams at Red.

Red blocks the beams with his hands as he moved forward until he grabbed Cyclops' face and threw him into a building leaving a crater. His hands sizzle for a second but heals almost immediately.

"Hahaha you insects think you can handle me?" Ben charged at the monologuing villain only to be intercepted and thrown down the street flying through a skyscraper.

Red jumped up into the air before slamming down with so much force all of the lighter members were instantly pushed back. Logan snuck up behind him and slashed at his legs angering the man.

His wounds started healing but Logan retreated as a searing heat started radiating off of Red.

"You insects are starting to piss me off. Just be good little maggots and die already!" Red threw his arms out grabbing Johnny and Iceman as Bobby started yelling as his skin cracked. "THESE ARE HEROES? PATHETIC CHILDREN PLAYING GODS! YOU THINK YOU CAN SAVE EVERYONE? YOU CAN'T EVEN HELP YOURSELF! YOUR FANCY POWERS ARE WORTHLESS IN FRONT OF PURE RAW POWER!"

His body started heating up more hurting the iceman in his hand as the fireman struggled to free himself. Quake stepped up and slammed her hands on the ground causing a mini earthquake around him loosening his grip enough to Kitty and Kurt to free their friends.

Scott climbed up out the rubble to see his friends and teammates getting trashed around so he made the decision. Ever since Selene fixed his eyes he's always has more access to his powers. Yet it was so destructive he still wore the visor to limit himself.

He's never had to fight against people who could stand up to his beams on full visor blast but now things are changing. Hulk, Abomination, now this Red Hulk. Hes had enough.

He took off his Visor and opened his eyes shining red as he ran up to the rest of his peers. "You want Raw Power Red" he said as a few of his teammates turned their head shocked seeing him with his eyes glowing. "THEN ILL GIVE YOU RAW POWER!"

He unleashed his beams tearing apart the concrete blowing away the cars and signs in its path as it raced to meet Red. R. Hulk crossed his arms together as he met the beams head on. Sliding backwards 10 meters as his feet drag through the concrete adding to his resistance before he finally stopped and held his place.

His regeneration working overtime as his skin kept burning and healing over and over. Scott's eyes started working overtime even bleeding slightly until he stopped his powers finally exhausting himself as Daisy supported him.

Red stood there for a second his body steaming as he took a deep breathe and then smirked. "Gotta admit kid that one left a mark, but if thats the best you got then im disappointed."

His body glowed slightly under the immense heat he was radiating. He took a step forward as most of the OverWatch members stepped back. At that point Amara grit her teeth and made an order "Anyone who isnt at least a Red badge evacuate the area. Set a perimeter keep civilians away. Kurt if he gets past half a mile from this area you bring him back. Jean the second you get a chance knock him out. Anna get Scott out of here and you charge up his powers we need range. Now move people!"

They stood there dumbfounded for a second but instantly recovered and rushed to complete her orders. Red looked slightly amused but let them go about their business as he faced down the girl.

Amara clapped her hands as the ground shook and magma erupted around the man. She clenched her fists as the magma formed snakes wrapping around his wrists stopping him from moving. Red struggled to break free but the magma kept reforming and keeping him in place.

Anna came back and charged up a Red beam which blasted Red back. The Hulkling was caught unprepared so the beam managed to knock the wind out of him.

Seeing the opportunity Jean jumped on it to attack his mind. She forcefully invaded his mind and caught flashes of a robot, a green man, the 16th Essex that she's encountered and the Senator talking about a registration act. She flinched seeing his memories and he took the opportunity to regain clarity and threw a chunk of rock at Jean who barely managed to shield herself with a weak shield that shattered on impact sending her back.

Ross stood there breathing hard as his heat diminished. He took a step forward towards the team and using the last bit of heat he slammed his hands together sending out a heatwave shattering all the glass in the vicinity while melting tires to the road.

The team battered and ragged stood ready to take a last stance as he spoke up "I gotta admit, you kids sure did a number on me. Once i get my hands on you, believe ill put your powers to use the right way." He sent a wicked grin which sent a shiver down their spines, but before he could act a green Hulk fell from the sky and started beating the Red senseless with primal yells in between each swing.

He beat him into the ground for a solid minute before getting satisfied and getting up to the bewildered OverWatch members seeing him totally KS them.

"Ummm good job uh, Hulk?" Amara said to the green guy. He just grunted and kicked the red man as Invincible flew in and looked at the scene.

"What happened here?" he asked as his eyes landed on the crater and sees the passed out red giant slowly reverting "There was two of them? What the hell?"

He was about to reprimand them on the destruction when Jean grabbed his arm from behind, "Invincible. We need to talk."