
The Prelude

"That's it Laura dont think of it as pushing yourself forward." Im here with Laura today teaching her how to fly. Her powers have been growing steadily for the past few months. I believe she's going to be stronger than me eventually.

She was made with blood in the mix and that doesnt account for her complete adamantium skeleton and her monstrous healing. But she still has issues flying at times.

"What am i doing wrong? Why can't i keep pace?" Laura asked frustrated

"Flying for me is more like a muscle. The more you use it the better it gets and easier it is. You just started and you very rarely take to the skies so for you its like a useless muscle."

I watch her stand there in the air with her arms out for balance, as she furrowed her eyebrows and started muttering "bad useless muscles" under her breath.

I chuckle and fly over taking her hands. "C'mon step on my feet lets go for a float." She doesnt hesitate to step on my feet. I can tell she's keeping her flight active but letting herself rest on me. Smart girl keep it active.

The two of us begin to float above the city and eventually we get into the clouds. Laura tightens her grip on me and i just laugh "Scared? You shouldn't be. Even if you fell it wouldnt hurt much and you'd heal from it before the dust settled."

She just glared at me, and i took that as my cue to stop teasing her. I just smile at my girlfriend and begin to float forward. "You see Laura when i fly its not much thinking. I can take off and land in any position, i can change directions abruptly and from anywhere even mid air. There's no thrust, no lift, no drag. I move freely through space uninhibited. Youve always been on your feet, now you just have to get used to your feet not needing to touch the ground."

She takes a deep breath and starts hovering away from me. Before finally stabilizing herself. She breathes in and out and starts hovering further and further before getting a playful grin and shooting off across the skies.

"Oh you're so on!" I bend my knees and with an extra kick i blast off team rocket style across the skies after my 5 month pregnant wife.

Meanwhile at Shield Hq

Fury was livid. First Kelly brought that stupid 'Mutant Registration Act' thankfully enough no World Leaders are eager to sign it considering how much help OverWatch has been lately.

However that incident with the Hulk threw some people anxiety. They saw how many members of OverWatch went down fighting the Hulk. That was the first big blow the public has seen them take since their formation.

But the biggest question asked by everyone is Where was Invincible? Of course Wolverine told me he's taking a family break but the public doesnt know that. Sigh. What else could possibly go wrong today.

"Sir, Tony Stark was kidnapped in Afghanistan today, we are currently unable to pinpoint his location." barged in Shield fodder C

"WHY THE HELL IS STARK IN AFGHANISTAN! I want all available hands looking for Stark this instant. Call in Widow or Quake to help search either is acceptable."

Fury watched the agent leave his office and he just sits back and sighs in his chair. Thinking about how to handle this bill. It wont be too long before its made public and even less time before Invincible found out.

Maybe i should prepare something in case he brashes out. If that guy went uncontrolled then maybe only she could match him. As an image of a blonde woman flashed through Nick's mind.

knock knock knock

"Sir im here to report for duty" says Ava Starr walking into Fury's office.

"Starr you're being transferred to StarLabs they have a way to stabilize your condition and if you agree OverWatch would like to extend an offer for you. That part is up to your discretion though."

"Sir, I would be honoured to join if StarLabs could really fix me."

"Good let's go I'll be taking you directly."


"WHAT WAS THAT! HILL TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!" exclaimed Fury running outside his office on the tri-carrier.

"Sir, it was a sonic boom. Something just went past us extremely fast." stated Robin i mean Maria Hill.

"Well what the hell was it."

Rewind a few minutes back to the skies

Damien was finally catching up with Laura when she nose dived. He smiled and launched himself downwards. He was going leisurely until he saw Laura start to swerve and panic. Fear creeping into him he sped up to catch her.

But instead she turned around and smirked at him as she stopped abruptly watching him soar past her. Damien was dumbfounded but he failed to stop in his moment of shock. He crashed face first into the sea startling a school of North Atlantic Bluefin Tuna.

He came out of the ocean dripping wet with Seaweed on his head. Laura floating an inch above the cresting waves couldnt help but laugh at his predicament.

"You think it's funny? Fine just wait until i catch you."

She stopped her laughing and flew off at Sub sonic speeds with me evil laughing before taking off after her. We continued our cat and mouse game for a bit, before we noticed a giant flying base. Laura had stopped close to it looking at it in wonder.

As she noticed the Shield Logo she put up a pout about their cool toys and i had to remind her the WatchTower is situated in space now. We planned a really great prank and by we i mean me who grabbed Laura by the waist and shoot off at my fastest speed causing a massive sonic boom next to the glorified helicopter.

We enjoy the rest of our morning flying around before getting home to see Ororo grilling burgers as Natalia and Sue floating in invisible boards in the pool. We touch down next to them and by that i mean i landed and Laura left a huge hole in Susan's flower bed.

Im enjoying the scene with my girls when Domino comes out of the house with a flashing Orange Badge with a lightning bolt running through the logo.. "This thing has been going off for five minutes. How do i shut it off?"

I see the badge and my eyes light up with excitement. Oh yes! MY FIRST CROSSOVER.

"Ladies its time for a Crossover! Who wants to come."