
The Foundation of the Watch

"Yea no thanks dude." I casually dismiss Xavier and his offer. His group looks baffled that i turned them down while my squad just casually followed my word.

"Are you sure? Surely you must be aware that you're not safe out in the open?" Xavier asks again this time with a wave of 'Trust Me' vibes coming out towards me.

"Will you stop doing that?" I ask causing Xavier to flinch. "You ask why i wont follow you its because first impressions fucking matter. And yours is the worst. Your boy shoots me with a laser out of his ass then you proceed to mind fuck my people not just once but twice. And you want us to come live with you to join your little child soldier army. Yea no fucking thanks."

The Xmen all had different reactions. Scott looked ready to attack while Ororo and Jean looked shocked at hearing the professor tried mind fucking us. Kitty looks conflicted at the conflict while Kurt and Anna look indifferent.

"I assure you that things aren't as simple as you imagine it to be. This world is very dangerous for young Mutants such as your-"

"Metahumans" i cut him off. "Mutants make it sound like we're not human. Mutants are what people refer to zombies and cancerous tumors as. We're not some cancerous cells Charles. We're humans with metaphysical powers and abilities."

Ororo seems to nod in agreeance with me but Xavier brushed it off. "Very well then. Are you absolutely sure that you dont want your fellow members to have a choice. We can provide a stable home."

I look back at my group and only Tandy had a bit of hesitation before deciding to stick with us. Turning back to Xavier "I think we made our stance clear." I turn to leave but im stopped by Scott's hand on my shoulder.

"Im not going to let you get them all killed." Scott says with his eyes glowing. Xavier just sat back quietly. Ororo stepped forward but then stepped back as her eyes glazed over.

I didnt even move as Tandy and Laura were already on either side of him with a sharp object on either side of his head. "Do it laser boy, give them a reason." I see his knuckles tighten before he reluctantly steps back.

I have nothing against the Xmen but i dont want to live in a mansion thats always in repair. Our groups depart from each other and the first one to speak was Domino. "Its a good thing we seperated. The luck around them was all so shallow. Like a calamity would happen to them soon."

Thats about right the xmen are really unlucky. No surprise. The first thing we all did was find our way out of the woods. I fly up above the trees and i can see where we are. About 20 miles out from the nearest city not to mention that its New York. Great.

It takes us about a day to reach the city and another day to settle into an abandoned warehouse on the edge of the city.

Domino goes out for a bit and comes back with a little over 50K. Of course she said she got lucky and found a 20 and put it all into one slot machine and won the jackpot. Well i forgot how much of an asset luck is.

We spend about a week searching for a place to live permanently while Domino and Tandy goes out and 'get lucky'. Warren was extremely business savvy so in the end we bought a small mansion that had a huge underground bunker that only cost about 3.5 million.

Of course that amount hurt our finances, but when you consider we made that all a week after escaping our imprisonment, then its not a huge loss. Laura refuses to leave my side so we share a room, Warren took the highest room with a balcony for him to take off from.

Amara and Domino are in the rooms to the right and left of mine. Tandy and Ty chose different rooms close to each other. We have plans to turn the bunker below into our temporary base of operations.

Right now its 2003 which means 5 years until IronMan. "Alright people the first order of business. " We're all sitting at a round table that Domino found.

"We can't simply live off of luck. Warren i want you to start a public company. Dom and Tandy will help you get initial funding. I want our focus to be improving basic lifestyles. From smart Tvs to medical. Stay away from making any weaponry deals. I want this company to bring people nothing but joy from our name. Dom and Tandy for the moment you two are on finances, after Warren gets the company started and running then im gonna have you two switch to recruitment. We're all strong but we cant believe we're strong enough or lucky enough to survive any threats by ourselves. Laura youre gonna be training Amara and Ty. Theyre both useless in certain situations if they dont have their powers so i need you to change that."

The others nod and start making notes to proceed smoothly when Amara speaks up. "What you gonna do boss?"

"Im gonna be starting recruitment, find people who are exceptionally gifted in their fields and get them under us. Im strong and fast but i cant be everywhere. We needs brains, planners, schemers, fighters. And most importantly we need a telepath. Xavier had you guys by brains and we couldnt do anything. If he truly wanted us to follow he would've made us."

"Wait you mean he could've-" Tyrone started

"There's a reason no one questions Xaviers school. Its because the world's strongest mind rapist is living there. Very few people could resist him."

"Thats very true child, even the most gifted telepaths can find themselves in a pickle against him." All of our attention is pulled to the woman who just poofed into our base. We power up as she smiles and waves her hand neutralizing all of the others. "Fascinating, Damien was it? Tell me why every timeline i go against you i lose. But when i join you, that you take me to the stars and beyond. Very interesting."

I look at the pale gothic chick floating in front of me with obvious discomfort "Oh silly me let me introduce myself. My name is Selene, and i do believe i will join your little crusade here." She takes a seat at the other end of the table and everyone looks at me. Damn magics making life difficult. I sigh and retake my seat signalling everyone else to do the same.

We throw a few ideas back and forth before the meeting finished. Selene was very insightful on some of the hidden dangers on this planet. Im not stupid enough to trust her 100% yet but for now shes my strongest ally.

"By the way, what are you calling this little group of yours." Selene asked and every perked their ears up.

I look at my team and i smile thinking how this is the beginning of something bigger than anything this world has ever seen.

"The group that watches over the planet and protects it from threats both in planet and off. We shall be the OverWatch." With that finished i get up with Laura and Selene following me. Its time to go catch a spider.