

"DO YOU TAKE ME AS A FOOL FROST" I slam my hand into the desk glaring at the presumptuous woman. "YOU DARE ASK FOR 51% OF STAR ENTERPRISE FOR WHAT? PROMOTION?"

"I suggest you calm down Nyxxus. Your star labs has bright future and itd be ashame if you got black listed for threatening me."

I breathe in and out to calm my beating heart. Since ive arrived in this world ive noticed at times when i feel anger my adrenaline spikes way higher than it should. Probably Viltrumite bullshit. I lean back in my chair with Natalia and Warren by my sides.

This meeting has been going back and forth in circles for hours. Not knowing how to proceed Emma made the suggestion of buying out star labs share up to 51% to spread the company across the globe using Frost Internationals as a baseline.

Obviously i shut that down. Sage counter suggested allowing us to collaborate on the Pharmaceutical side of things only. Whenever Star labs makes a breakthrough for medical purposes Frost Internationals would hold exclusive selling rights for the first 90 days and 10% shares. In return they can donate as much as 2.5 Billion start up capital.

We begrudgingly take the deal while agreeing to meet up in the future in order to hash out details. We leave Frost Internationals after saying Goodbye to Tessa aka Sage.

"Whats next Nat?" I made Natalia my official secretary and she takes her job very seriously.

"You have meetings with those scientists you wanted to higher. But i must admit some of these people have nothing to their names and others are still teenagers. Are you sure these are who you wanted?" She flashed me the list and i smile seeing who all agreed to come for an interview.

We head back towards Star Labs with Warren driving. We avoid the workers and trucks moving around everywhere. Finally coming up to a door with Laura standing outside of it. I open the door with Natalia and Laura right behind me. I take a look at the people inside this room.

"Dr. Susan Storm world class geneticist. Gwen Stacy high school student thank you for making time to come see us. Shuri thank you for making the time from your busy college classes."

"How could i not after seeing some of the blueprints and samples you sent to us."

"I must admit the girl is right" Amadeus Cho stated. "The interplanetary ships alone would revolutionize space travel."

"I thought we were meeting because you were interested in funding the Baxter Corporation." asked Susan

Gwen just kept her eyes on me the whole time not wanting to mess up her chance to join this project.

A projector starts as i begin my presentation "Well let me explain. Thousands of years ago an alien civilization made contact with this planet. They were like us but stronger, more powerful The Vikings called them gods. Later on Earth was once again visited by another species. This time they took humans to space and did experiments on them. These humans eventually split off into two groups. One came back to earth and the other chose to reside on the moon. These were the first Inhumans. Around that time a child was born on Earth. The first Omega level Meta human. He became known as Apocalypse and luckily he was dealt with and buried deep in the deserts somewhere between the now known Wakanda and Egypt. He started the first wave of meta humans. Human beings who awoke their own power instead of externally induced like the Inhumans. That sample i sent all of you was a real sample i took from an alien lifeform i had Natalia steal from a madman. These 'Symbiotes' are alien parasitic beings that latch onto and live on a host. The reason i called you four is that in a few years times Earth will be challenged over and over in the stream of galactic dominance and war. I want you four to be the first wave of Star Labs. On the outside StarLabs is a company working for the general public but for us this is going to be the base we take back the world from. "

I take a second to breathe as i watch them stare at the images of Meta humans moving around the world causing chaos and damages.

"Why us?" Shuri asked

"Despite the fact that you all are geniuses of the era i know i can trust you. Whether its Shuri living in your secret city, Cho hacking government servers to give people a better chance at life, Gwen secretly helping your Dad's cases, or Susan trying your best to hold onto the legacy of your father through his company. You all used your brains to better the people around you. The world needs you all if we're gonna break the chains of fate and move forward. At this i start floating surprising everyone in the room.

In the end Shuri and Gwen both agreed to join StarLabs while Shuri said after 5 years she has to return home. Cho said he needed time to think about it while Susan wanted to talk about it more with her brother. Turns out the government had just took over the Baxter foundation and was calling in Geniuses Richard Reed and Von Doom to work on a big project.

I told Susan to let me know when she's ready and she thanked me and left. Today was tiring so i go to take a bath. A quick flight to the mansion later and im sitting in a perfectly warm steamy bath. I close my eyes and unwind from my troublesome day when Laura comes in and sits next to me.

I wrap my arms around her naked waist as she pulls herself into my embrace and we sit there silently. Theres never been a word between us. Two scarred young adults who's more familiar with each other's screams than smiles. The fate of this planet is in the hands of a broken idiot? Huh, kind of fittinng.