
Going Live

Oprah looked at herself in the mirror taking a deep breath. This might be one of her most viewed shows ever. When the CEO of Star Enterprises asked her this favour she didnt hesitate to say yes.

*Knock knock knock* "90 seconds til we're live."

She looked back in the mirror and put on her award winning smile making her way out to the set where her live audience was waiting. The second she stepped up onto stage she heard the fans screaming her name. No matter how long she's done this she always enjoys the thrill of being loved.

Taking her seat as the cameras focus on her and her show goes live "Welcome to The Oprah Winfrey Show and we have one hell of a show for you guys tonight. To Start off the night i have my colleague J. Jonah Jameson editor and chief of The Daily Bugle, nice to meet you J, how are you tonight."

"Its nice to be here Oprah. I gotta admit your chairs are way more comfortable than mine."

"Hahah, so J let's talk about this new 'Mutant Registration Act' what are you thinking? The Bugle is situated right in the heart of New York where it was rumored OverWatch began. What are your thoughts on the powered individual population."

J sat in his chair and said "Now OverWatch is a beautiful organization. They do good work, but i do think they shouldn't allow just any riff raff into their ranks."

Oprah looked over seemingly interested and said "Oh? Do explain J. Jonah."

"Spiderman. That guy is a menace to public safety, i mean he goes around leaving his webbing everywhere inconveniencing the average civilian. With heroes like them who needs to be concerned about the average thug."

"Now J., from what i hear from my sources is that he's still in training with GhostSpider. He's young but moving on. Ladies and Gentleman I've been informed that a special guest star has landed in the building, give a SUPER warm welcome for our secret guest, INVINCIBLE."

The crowd started cheering and hollering as the non caped crusader came from around the corner waving with a smile. Invincible walked over and shook J. Jonah's hand and then proceeded to give Oprah a hug before taking his seat.

"Now Invincible, what's up man. Where have you been? One day you're zipping around the skies and then you went as silent as Tony Stark. What happened?" - Oprah

"Ah Ms. Winfrey you see my wife and I recently found out she was pregnant and it came as such a shock that I took some time to adjusy to my new family dynamics."

"A family man I like that, i respect that. So should we expect InvinciBaby to join OverWatch as well?" joked Oprah

"Oh no no no, in front of the Mrs. im very vincible so no SuperBaby shenanigans under Mama Hawks watchful gaze."

"Hah, even the mightiest man falls under a woman's touch." Jonah joined in as the audience laughed.

"Now Invincible, c'mon all of the world is awaiting your response to the mutant registration act. What does OverWatch, no What do YOU feel about the Senators bill?"

The audience was quiet as the cameras zoomed inq. Fans at home held their breaths as the studio manager was elated at the ever growing views.

"....to be honest, i didnt think it affected me. Im not a mutant, im not some mutated creature, im a Meta human. And what does it mean to be a meta human, it means that in addition to having super powers im still just as human as you. I feel, i bleed, I love, i cry. The very thought that someone would force meta humans to reveal themselves is rubbish."

"Now hold on The Senator clearly said they would take them in for training. Isnt that a good thing?" J Jonah asked

"Maybe. But thats assuming they dont end up as soldiers or worse."

"What do you mean by worse?" Oprah asked

"Why do you believe OverWatch was formed Oprah? The very first of us all understood one thing. Those in high positions didnt care for us. I didnt see the sun until i was 22 when i escaped the facilities i was trapped in as they tortured me and took my blood trying to reproduce my powers. Every member of the watch has their story and more often than not its not happy."

"So are you saying this Mutant Registration Act is under the pretense to secretly experiment on other Metahumans?"

"Im saying that under no circumstances will forcing people to go to a government building and be filed as different will lead to separation or segregation. OverWatch and none of our members will be registering. We lead very dangerous lives and having people know who we are outside of costume can be dangerous to our families and loved ones."

"Well Invincible I can say without a doubt you gave the world something to think about. So now America lets ask you? How would you feel about the registration call in and we'll do our best to answer your questions." Oprah

"Oh! Our first caller is Patricia Knight in Colorado, youre on the air Patricia."

"Hi! Yes first of all Invincible im a big fan and Congratulations on your marriage and first child, i just wanted to let you know that we support you and meta humans around the world. No matter what forcing people to register will only cause conflict."

"Thank you Patricia and i can see you have a heart of gold, and yes conflict of that scale would be very bad." Invincible

" Now lets hear from Karen in Alabama"

"Hi Yes, i wanted to say this registration is a good thing, as a mother I'd feel safer knowing my child can play outside without worrying about some girl with lava hands burning him. These mutants should be shipped off somewhere with others of their own kind. For both of our goods."

"Now wait a minute," J Jonah interrupted "Now as a man of the news i try to stay neutral and fair to all, but that's extremist thinking. How many times did Metas came in and saved the day. Based on your thinking thats as good as saying you want them all in concentration camps."

Invincible spoke up "I agree. Its thinking like that which enables those with the intent to turn us into soldiers like Ross, or experiments like Essex to get on the good side of politicians like Kelly. That way of thinking has never helped anyone and only ever created conflict and chaos."

"Well i think our time is just about up. And boy what a show it was thanks to our guests J. Jonah Jameson and Invincible. You guys were lovely to have and the World will have a lot to discuss. But any last words from our Super Friend?"

"To all young metas and more this isn't the end. The power is ours, we get the vote, let them hear your voices. If you truly wish to go through with the act then very well that it your decision and we'll respect it."

"Thats very mature of you Invincible. Well thats all the time we have tonight Im Oprah Winfrey and thanks for watching tonight's show. See ya next time."

Bonus Scene

Raven sat in her cage looking venemously at the white haired woman taunting her. A dart in the lower part of her leg stuck firmly in her thigh keeping her from moving even the smallest muscle.

"Well well you truly were difficult to catch. But even the enigma that is Mystique still fall prey to the hunter" the woman said playing with the broken OverWatch badge in her hands.

Raven just scowled at her and asked "What do you want Sable, whatever they're paying you ill double it."

"Now now Mystique, even though you switched sides and started playing with the big boys doesnt mean you can afford a lady of my caliber." She took a step forward as the badge started going off repeatedly before a voice came in.

"Mystique, come in Mystique. Hello? This is Widow telling you to check in...."

The badge glowed for a few seconds before it finally shut off as Sable through it into her bag.

"Well now that thats done let's finish this job. We'll have to be smarter this time around with transport but don't worry, ill take care of you."

Sable tooked a few steps forward as Mystique tensed her paralyzed body before a poof sound alerted both women. A puff of blue smoke appeared as Nightcrawler appeared in the cage.

"So this is vhere you vere, Black Vidow told me to pick you up so bye bye scary lady." he said as he wrapped Mystique in his tail and poofed away.

Sable was taken back but just smiled and pulled out a phone and dialed it "Yea hello? This is Silver, i got the package" she said holding up three small jars of blood "Whos the contact...Richards? Alright ill drop em off and you better have my money Essex. I don't care how many clones you have, if you rip me off ill kill you."

She dropped the phone before stepping on it breaking the call and walked over to her motorcycle and pulled out a small incendiary grenade and threw it on the scene before driving away. Time to go collect a cheque.