
Villainous Retribution

"Now tell me," Siegren mouthed dangerously. "Where is the numen of the Fallen God?" ** After the Fallen War, all realms of Aeterna were destroyed, and what is left is a crumbling remnant of the mortal world. Scattered in the four continents of this remnant are fragments of the fallen god's power—the numen. A chosen few were known to harbor the knowledge about the numen, and one of them is Lumi, a priestess who was imprisoned in a temple as a catalyst for divine power. One night, a gruesome massacre occurred in the temple, freeing Lumi from imprisonment. The attacker was Siegren, a mysterious man who has the ability to render divine power worthless. With a sword on the throat of the head priest, he asked for the numen of the fallen god. Lumi, who wanted to escape her predestined fate as the catalyst for power, offered a deal to the one who killed more than half of the temple's clerics—the man named Siegren. In exchange for his assistance in her journey to reunite with her parents, she would guide him to find the twelve lost pieces of the fallen god's power. Without the fear of retribution, the two embark on a journey to attain each of their objectives... only to find out that nothing about Aeterna is what it seems. ———————— • Both OP and Weak-to-strong tag is applicable as MC’s strength may appear OP at first, but as he discovers more enemies, he realizes he is not strong enough • Since MC collects numen of power, he gradually grows stronger • FMC and MC develops friendship as the story progresses • No harem • MC is an antihero but isn’t a psycho who randomly kills people. ———————— This is my entry for WSA 2022! Novel and Art is done by yours truly. Any form of support will be appreciated! • Chapters per day: 2-3 (daily updates) • NOVEL ART: Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram (chainslock_) • Fantasy Music Theme: https://youtu.be/ewLsklXif_I

Chainslock · Fantasie
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82 Chs

Make Haste

Lumi sat at one of the tables that were unoccupied. The clank of glass and the singing of bards led her to look sideways to peek into their endeavors. Ever since she was able to get outside, she couldn't help but be fascinated even by what a normal person could perceive as ordinary.

Unlike the temple's gentle, tranquil folk songs—the sound of Aclarian tavern music was crisp and novel to her ears. It was livelier, bolder, and wasn't in any way reserved.

She stared as drunken men sang the song together with its bard. The bard who was sitting in one of the barrels while strumming his lyre then saw Lumi's stare, giving her a playful wink.


The tavern they entered was past the alleyways and takes a more circuitous route into a much-secluded area. It was one way to gather information, considering taverns pose as bridges in exchanging intel. Of course, Lumi did not know given she was a sheltered—or held prisoner in the temple.

She was merely able to observe her surroundings. Men, women, and demihumans sometimes give each other money for items that are wrapped in pouches; occasionally, they would head into the temple's upper floor where goods are probably stored to do their business.

"Have you heard about what happened in the old graveyard?"

"Yeah. They said some grave keeper went there and saw dead bodies."

"Dug up?"

"No. Headless and new. Rumors say that murder had been committed in there by some monster. I'm not too sure since the bodies were quickly 'collected'."


"This is the most bizarre part. They said Estelan knights collected those bodies. How weird is that?"

Lumi listened to people's conversations and then lowered her hood even more.

If the bodies they killed have been amassed, then there is a high chance that the knights are already in their pursuit. It won't be a good thing to stay in one place for such a long period of time when they're on the run.

Lumi then stood up, leaving her half-eaten meal.


As the night grew deeper, rustling noises from a black cat in the garbage dump were the only sound one could hear apart from the bark of the dogs from the far distance. Cats hissing in anger as they engaged in a fiery conflict echoed in the alleyways on such a quiet night. It was already nearing midnight, and the crowd had already dissipated long ago.

The capital is split into four streets. The north, east, south, and the west. The Aclarian Library is presiding at the eastern part of the street, which is closer and within the proximity of the palace found in the north.

Siegren told her that they had to be careful in order to avoid rousing suspicion to evade stirring unnecessary conflict. To do this, they waited for the clock to strike 12. Though Lumi wasn't sure what the reason was for such a specific time, she agreed to do so. After all, it wouldn't be ideal to commit bloodshed now considering it could compromise their escape.

And then… as the large hand of the clock tower hit 12, a bell resounded, prompting Siegren and Lumi to disappear into the dark.


Lights at the library shut off as the clock struck 12. The librarian blew out all of the candles before she locked the doors. Much to her oblivion, two individuals are waiting patiently for her departure.

They waited.

And waited.

Until such time she was gone from their sight.

Stealthily, they ambled their way and crept into the premise like snakes silently slithering to uncharted territory.

It was easy to destroy the locks without breaking a sweat. To Lumi's surprise, the locks weren't inscribed with any spells—restrictive, protective, or anything for that matter. A thief could break in if they wanted to.

But then again, why would a thief break into a library?

As they entered the library, Lumi grabbed the oil lamp hanging on top of the shelf and lit it using a match conveniently placed next to it.

The two ventured inside the library, eager to find clues about an ancient power that a mortal couldn't even use.


Siegren had been trying to sense malevolence, but there wasn't anything. The library was far more arbitrary than what he initially expected.

He and Lumi decided to split up in order to make haste.

The silence was deafening for Siegren.

He then ambled his way to the shelves, easing into the maze-like route of the library.


Siegren blinked, turning around.

Books then fell from his sword grazing into one of the shelves. Several texts tumbled down to the floor. As Siegren bent down, lenaing to pick them up-- his eyes landed to a certain text.



Siegren stared at the book.

'Did you know? Knowledge is a double-edged sword.'

As Siegren flipped to the pages, the image of a monster looked back at him, as if it was peering into the depths of his soul.


'Knowledge permits you to choose between good or evil.'

The monster illustrated from the book then made its way out of the book, wrapping around Siegren as it shrouded his whole face. Siegren's eyes fell blank as the monster continued to enter his body. Its hollow body then sought entrance through his mouth, rendering his senses dull as his arms fell limply to his side.

A scene flashed in his mind.


A young boy held a large sword tightly with his trembling, bloodied hands. He couldn't take his eyes off the enormous, burly, and deformed warrior that was carrying an axe almost his size.

The warrior said inaudible words, but its voice signified it was in pain.

Siegren's lips parted as to speak, his resolve crumbling as he realized the deformed warrior was mute.


"Kill him."

Those words led Siegren's expression to go blank.

Like a switch has been flipped, the child's arms grew steady, and his stance grew stronger. The deformed man charged to attack, but as he swung his axe down, the child had already disappeared.

Behind him flying with his sword ready to slash was the emotionless Siegren who then heartlessly lacerated his nape. The mercenary recoiled but the child ruthlessly slashed his neck and then proceeded to end his misery by cutting his head off completely.

The man who was watching the child then smiled widely.

"Good job, Siegren." He then snapped his fingers, prompting the child to return to his senses.

Siegren fell to the ground, knees wobbly and weak. He stared at the blood pooling around him from the deformed man he had killed, and then his gaze slowly met the eyes of the old man whose smile disappeared the moment they made eye contact.

"Lock him up."


Siegren snapped back to reality as his body trembled in nausea. The monster was already in his throat, and its body had used his skin for suction.

'Ignorance is bliss… because even if you do good or evil, you wouldn't know anything at all. You won't feel guilt, redemption, anything.'

Siegren tried to raise his trembling hands to reach for his blade.

'Do you want knowledge or ignorance, Siegren?'

