
Villainous Heiress And Her Ex's Tyrant Boss

Participating in Cupid quill contest!! Please show your support! "He lied, cheated, and dared to reject me with utter disrespect!" This is the fury of a vengeful soul, who shows no mercy. Hailey Gao's whole being is fueled by an unrelenting fury. She's out for the blood of her boyfriend : Mason He, who spurned her in the most degrading manner, igniting a hatred she can't ignore. This is when Hailey's path crosses with Adrian Zhan, a tyrant in the business world whose very name instills fear. • • "Together, we'll crush our enemies," Adrian proposes, sparking a risky alliance. "And make them regret ever trying to ruin us," Hailey retorts with a sly smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. • • What begins as a supposed fake relationship, a transaction of mutual use, takes an unexpected turn. • • "We're in a relationship now. You are mine alone; remember that." • • Hailey is startled as Adrian seems to invest genuine emotion into this charade. Is her ex's boss truly in love with her, or is he skillfully playing a game of deceit to make their faux relationship disturbingly real?

Kuchi_G_ · Urban
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29 Chs

Public Romance, Private Vengeance

A while later, the other chairwomen left, leaving Hailey and Madam Gao alone in the garden. The silence between them was heavy, but not uncomfortable, and the calm that came after a long day felt good. They both took a deep breath.

"It's been a while since we have spent time together like this, hasn't it?" Madam Gao said smilingly as she stared at the sky.

"But it's not like you don't hear from me... you call me every day for reasons I don't know of," Hailey said, taking a sip of her tea, and Madam Gao chuckled.

"Anyways, how are you these days? Do you feel well?" Hailey asked.

Madam Gao nodded happily, "I'm fine, my dear."

"What about everyone else?" Hailey asked suddenly.

"Everyone's doing fine. I haven't spoken to them in a while. Even though we clearly are family, we are not that close. Why don't you just come and live here with me like those days..." Madam Gao sighed, looking down sadly. Her face was clouded by sadness, but she tried her best to hide it.

"You know I can't stand the sight of them... I don't even want to cross paths with them... so that's why I decided to leave..." Hailey said calmly.

"Hailey, what will you do if I were to suddenly disappear without a trace of coming back?" Madam Gao stated calmly, her smile faltering slightly. Her voice became stern.

Hailey looked at Madam Gao, shocked. "No... you're not going anywhere, even if you do go... I will look for you."

Hailey's words were determined. She wouldn't allow any harm befalling her grandmother who had protected her all her life. The garden seemed to hold secrets of their shared past, and the weight of unspoken words lingered in the air.

Madam Gao looked at Hailey and sighed deeply. "Gosh, that's not what I meant. How will you search for a person who already died?"

"Grandma, if you die, then who would hold my leash? I would go full-on villain if you suddenly die," Hailey said seriously, a dark glint showing in her eyes.

"So, you don't want me to die and finally rest?" Madam Gao asked.

"No, I don't. You can't leave," Hailey replied, crossing her arms and looking away.

"Hailey, you've grown up and become strong and independent now. You don't need your grandma anymore. What you need is a partner, a lifelong partner who will stay by your side and support you in every decision that you make," Madam Gao spoke softly but firmly.

The two were silent for several moments until Hailey spoke. "Is that why you're forcing me to go on blind dates? I just broke up with my boyfriend; give me a break, will you, old hag?"

Madam Gao glared daggers at her and pinched her cheeks as Hailey winced. "We both know you don't feel the slightest bit of pain."

Hailey pouted and said, "I did feel the pain of being heartbroken; he was my first love after all. Just that I am unable to cry. You know it has always been like that with me."

Madam Gao smiled, let go of her cheeks, and said, "I will help you pick a great husband that will not break your heart."

The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the garden as Hailey replied,

" I will do that myself."

Madam Gao's laughter resonated through the tranquil garden, carrying both warmth and wisdom. She cleared her throat, her gaze fixed on the horizon as she shared her heartfelt sentiments, "I want to be alive when you finally find the man you want to marry... then I can die in peace, knowing that you are not alone anymore."

Turning to Hailey, tears welled up in Madam Gao's eyes, "I promise to stay with you till I can no longer do anything." Hailey, sensing the depth of her grandmother's emotions, gently wrapped her arm around Madam Gao's shoulders, offering comfort. "Grandma, you're not going anywhere; please stop talking about death," Hailey whispered with concern in her voice.

A serene silence enveloped them, the garden witnessing a poignant moment between generations. After a while, Hailey suggested, "Let's go inside; I will make you something to eat."

Madam Gao agreed, rising from her chair, and Hailey, displaying both care and determination, assisted her grandmother on their way. "Ms. Julie, you can come in as well," Hailey invited Julie, who nodded.

As they moved toward the house.


The day before the blind date.

Amid the calm ambiance of the office, bathed in soft, natural light filtering through expansive glass windows, Hailey sat in her ergonomic chair, with her right leg gracefully crossed over the left, Hailey tapped her left fingers against the desk in a rhythmic dance of impatience, her undivided attention fixated on the glowing screen of her iPad cradled in her right hand.

The office, featured a substantial mahogany desk adorned with meticulously arranged stationery. The minimalist blinds framed the floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing the daylight to gently cascade into the space, creating a serene atmosphere that complemented Hailey's professional demeanor.

The walls bore witness to Hailey's illustrious journey as a CEO, adorned with framed accolades that mirrored her notable achievements. The bookshelves, flanking the room, housed a curated collection of literature and personal mementos, offering a glimpse into the delicate equilibrium between Hailey's work and personal life.

A deliberate knock resonated, and Julie, the trusted confidante, entered at Hailey's summons. The door closed softly behind her, enveloping the room in a sense of confidentiality. Standing before Hailey, Julie awaited further instructions, her presence adding a layer of familiarity to the otherwise corporate setting.

"You called for me, ma'am," Julie acknowledged. Hailey's gesture welcomed her closer. As the door closed, an air of exclusivity settled in the room.

"Julie, you told Madam Gao about my breakup with Mason, didn't you?" Hailey's inquiry cut through the silence, delivered with stern precision.

"Yes, I did, ma'am. She said I should report everything happening in your life back to her. I apologize," Julie admitted softly, her gaze shifting, momentarily avoiding direct eye contact with Hailey.

"It's fine; I just wanted to be sure it was you. I've decided to go to the blind date, just for her sake," Hailey declared, her resolute tone underscoring the sacrifice she was willing to make for Madam Gao.

Julie, respectful and attentive, inquired, "Do you want me to check more about Chairwoman Hang's grandson?"

"No, I'm not interested. I'll create a scene at the date and ensure he doesn't like me. Just give me thirty minutes; I'll ruin it in thirty minutes," Hailey replied with a confident smirk, her focus shifting to her phone as she pulled it out and placed her iPad on the desk.

"But that won't stop Madam Gao from setting up more blind dates for you," Julie pointed out, her concern evident.

"Then I'll keep ruining each and every one of them until she gets tired of it," Hailey responded, the determination in her voice echoing a willingness to defy the orchestrated attempts to find her a match.

Julie, though harboring questions, nodded understandingly. "You may leave now," Hailey dismissed her with a wave, prompting Julie to exit the office and gently close the door behind her.

While immersed in the digital world scrolling through her phone, a particular post on her news feed captivated Hailey's attention. A picture displayed Eliza exiting a restaurant with a mysterious guy, his face concealed under a cap. Despite the disguise, Hailey discerned the identity of the man.

"Popular E-celebrity Eliza finally dating again after her break up with the famous Actor Mu Xiang," the caption read.

Hailey, pressing her lips together tightly, sighed deeply as she leaned back into her chair. "They're already going public. That's good; it will make my revenge sweeter," she muttered under her breath, a hint of satisfaction seeping into her resolve as she set her phone down.