
Fall of Japan Pt. 2

(**) = TimeStops

A second after I said that she already did a large leap into the air before rapidly spinning forward before coming down to give me a frontal axe kick.

I however didn't move an inch as I just held up my arm and blocked her attack with my forearm as the damage dealt from the attack diffused down my body and staright into the concrete of the rooftop we were standing on, causing the ground to crack from the force alone.

"Ohh…. That tickled…." I smirked before grabbing her leg faster than her inhuman senses could react before I spun her rapidly as I let go letting her go flying before smashing through some office windows and into the building proper as a result.

"Oh Miurko, please do keep me entertained, I would be so disappointed if this fight ended so quickly." I say before leaping into the air and landing with Grace into the building.

'…. Damn these voices whispering in my head.' I grab the side of my head as I began to hear whispers that were invading my mind due to the influence of the Mark of Slaanesh that was now branded on my chest.

The voices were distant but we're offering me pleasures beyond my wildest dreams but I knew the cost was my soul for taking up those offers so I ignored them, but like an itch you just can't scratch it was getting annoying by the day, so I needed to end this little 'adventure' here in One For All's world and fast before I begin to get…. Irrational….


Suddenly the debris that was covering Miruko was shattered and sent flying all over the place as she pulled herself out from the rubble with cuts and bruises on her body but a feral blood soaked grin on her face.

"You think that's enough to keep me down?! Get serious already!!!" She said clenching her fists before launching herself at me with a rabbit like grace as she punched at me to which I blocked with myself barely moving an inch back from the force alone as I held her fist in my hand.

"You want me to get serious? Alright how about I show you how screwed you actually are?" (**)

"BLLEGRH!!!" Suddenly she is sent flying as she spews blood from her mouth before smashing through several walls and being embedded in the final one on the opposite side of the building as her eyes roll up making her lose consciousness from the extreme and sudden pain her body went through as a result.

(**) "You're a feisty one aren't you? How about I make you into my pet?" I say before The World Over Heaven Touches her head.


With that done and out of the way I pull her down into my shadows which I have overwritten as a power on myself to allow me not to just store myself and objects but also people while putting their bodies in a stasis like state, it's where I was keeping Eri as well.

"Haaa, since I don't have time to go and get them all personally and since their all sleeping." I say before snapping my fingers.

In three separate locations in Japan three girls that had the seeds of darkness that had bloomed into cold flowers of evil had manifested and were soon pulled into the shadows as a result, Ochako, Tsuyu and Momo were these three girls who will become furture subordinates and possibly concubines if i so feel like it.

(**) I then landed up upon another rooftop as I thought to myself, "Most of Japans top Hero's have been Dealt With, Izuku's quirks have begun to all manifest and he's going around the country trying to stop Villians while avoiding the league and most of the worlds top hero's are dead." I say to myself as I overlook the city from atop a skyscraper.

It was mostly pure chaos and anarchy down on the streets, riots, muggings, theft, assult, murder and kidnapping, wherever you looked this city and all the cities of Japan and even the cities all over the world were all beginning to look like war zones that the governments have lost complete control of.

The Age of Chaos has truly dawned on this world and there's nothing anyone can really do about it now, as the governments of the world crumble only the strong will be able to live how they please as things will devolve into a state of anarchy that dictators will rise from the strongest of villains to control their regions of the world with AFO pulling all the strings as the worlds true ruler.


In the distance I saw a massive Dragon like woman absolutely using her powers to decimate Villians left and right which made me smirk.

"You know? I've always dreamed of riding a dragon as a kid, looks like I have another pet to claim…." I said before casually walking through the air towards my new 'pet'



"You want to handle her?" All For One asked me as we watched satellite imagery of several fighter jets departing from the Pearl Harbor heading in the direction of Japan specifically.

"Of course, her powers, no matter how ludicrously strong they are, won't be able to kill me even if I let her try." I say casually as I crack my neck as this time I might get some real excercise from all this compared to everything till now.

I had my pawns and pets that I wanted and now the one last final threat was upon us as Shigiraki was personally hunting down Izuku himself with the orders to kill him at all costs as AFO knows that the vestiges of the former users won't allow him to take it so it's best to just kill the last and final user for good and if Shigiraki fails then he will step in and finish the job personally.

"She's entered my range…" is all I mutter before I enveloped my mouth in shadows before passing a message to one of the many fighter pilots that were with her as to what I want them to do or else I'll destroy every single fighter jet and kill everyone in a heart beat.

After passing that message I began to sink into my shadows as I had made my shadow powers now able to reach halfway across the world in an instant.

"I'm going to enjoy this…." I chuckle before vanishing before reappearing on the small island of Mata-Utu.

"Cathleen Bates, please, entertain me to my heart's content…." I say with a wicked grin as the finale was soon upon us all.


Am I finally back? I dunno cause I have no clue if this will get traction or not after it's almost been a year since I posted a chap on this story that I had to reread this arc in particular as to what's going on and what's going to happen next.

If I get flooded with you guys wanted me to work on this more then I'll think about actually taking this story out of its Break Status that I have on it.

But until then, see ya!