
Breaking Point

*Kilish! Ripp! Splash!*

Finally after what felt like hours, but in actuality was only roughly 30 minutes Meruem finally gained the upper hand as he had ripped off Netero's left leg, severing it completely from mid-thigh downwards before he sat down with it in hand showing what he had taken from the old man.

"Looks like I was finally able to see through and disrupt your flow, you better give up now because the next attack I'll rip off your right arm." He said pointing to the stump of a left leg.

Netero, isn't fazed by the lack of his left leg, that or he has such a strong Will that he is just naturally shrugging it off as he uses his left hand to hold his stump tightly as he flex's his muscles to such a tight degree that he forcibly stops the bleeding before pulling off his belt and wrapping it around his leg like a tourniquet as he easily kept his balance and stood on one leg.

Seeing this Meruems eyes widened at the tenacity of the human before him before he tossed the leg back towards Netero as it landed not far from his side, "You are the strongest and most tenacious human I have ever come across! Truly a worthy opponent for me, but I have two questions to ask before we continue…." Meruem asked with interest before the human before him.

"That depends on the question." Netero answered back though he was grateful for this pause mid battle as it allows him to regain his bearings after having his leg cut off and feeling the phantom pains from the loss of it all.

"First is why do you call me that name? Meruem, that is unfamiliar to me…." He was intrigued where he had heard that name from as he was unnamed and still hadn't come up with a name for himself for the longest time.

"Hmph, after you left your mother in such a state, a few Chimera Ants were more loyal to her than they were interest in following you, so they gave themselves up to us in the hopes we could do everything we could to save her, but it was all for naught as her wounds were to severe but before her death she decided to name you Ant King, and that name she gave to you was Meruem, but it seems you never let her tell her seeing as you were the cause of her death in the end after all." Netero goes on to explain the events that had happened over the past few weeks leading up to their assault on their Palace.

"Hmmm…. I see, Meruem huh…. I guess if that was her dying wish then I'll take it…. Though I see a look in your eyes human, you have a question for me yourself, well since you answered one of my own, I'll answer one of yours." Meruem decides as he takes that name as his own before he looks at Netero who has a look on his face as he has a question of his own.

"That En that I felt before decending from the sky's, that wasn't one of your royal guards was it? That power…. Is even more terrifying of an aura then what a feel wafting off you, just what is that thing that is on your side…." He still got the chills from that massive amount of malevolent energy that he felt staring at his very eyes, he felt like a defenseless chid standing before an all powerful beast that would just kill him with a look and devour him with a single bite.

"…. Ask him, the Skeleton King and 'him' are both what you would call outside help, why they have decided to help us you'd have to ask them." He said pointing over at Ainz who was just silently watching the entirety of this interaction before him.

Netero looks over at the Skeleton King, but from the conflicted looks on his face he can't express what his true thoughts are as he can't feel any Nen from the Skeleton King, but he feels more terrified of him then what he felt before as he feels he was looking at death himself as it sat before him looking right into his very soul.

And as if reading Netero like a book Ainz spoke, "If you think me and him will destroy the Human world then you have nothing to fear, soon enough me and him will leave back to where we came from as we only came to the human world to see what it was like, only to be disappointed in most of humanity's lack of strength." Ainz decided to make a rather believable lie on the fly since they were going to leave soon and destroying the Human World wasn't really interesting to either him or Dio as they both have a mission to complete before they can go back home.

"I see…." Netero didn't say anything more as he had a good guess where they originate from and is thankful they have lost interest in humanity , because what he is about to do he can feel himself not being strong enough to deal with the being before him, but hopefully if all else fails, Meruem will die with his last attack.

"Now my second question human, what is your name." The ant king pointed at him but Netero puts his hands together, and even with a lack of a Leg he still activates the 99th hand as he stares Meruem down.

"Beat me and I'll tell you! MERUEM!" He shouts out as he puts all of his heart and spirit into this fight once more as he puts all of his extreme focus into his attacks as the battle rages on between these two men.


Back at the Palace I was still reading my book while Pitou was nearly done with her healing of Komugi's wounds, and it wasn't just us as both Pouf and Youpi were here as well, whoever they had to fight they dealt with finally though they were somewhat wounded but clearly not dead or even severely injured either so it wasn't that bad for them.

Clearly without the aid of Meleron like it was in the original none of the other side characters survived their battles against them and thus ultimately got killed as after all Netero is only one that could kill all of the Royal guards with his strength where as no one else could do the rest lost their lives as a result.

Though the looks on their faces they were pissed that some no name human was getting healed up by Pitou while they were injured but seeing this made me smirk, "Seems like you two got your asses handed to you enough to get hurt like that, you need some healing?" I said before I closed my book and looked at them.

"…." They didn't say anything and didn't look at me but they slightly nodded which made me grin a little as I had a wonderful idea in store for them both.


I then got up from my chair and slowly walked to them before walking up behind them and then-

*Whip Whip Thwick Thwick*

Before I placed my hands on their bodies as the healing life energy of Hamon channeled throughout their bodies that visibly began to heal at a rapid rate before they were completely healed to their peak form.

Nodding at my work I walked around them both once again before going back to my seat and taking my previous posture once more.

'Time Resumes'


"Huh?" They both suddenly feel revitalized as they look down at themselves and see all the wounds they had were completely healed, and besides the damaged clothes it looked like nothing ever happened to them both.

"Your welcome." I say before I open the book I was reading once again to begin to pass the time, but before I could even get into it once more-


A massive wave of Nen energy coming a long distance away could be felt by all of us which startled the Royal Guards as this power they felt was clearly more powerful than them, and even more frightening, it could match their king and even surpass their king in power, but then-


Another wave of Nen energy was sent outward as another powerful being similar to the strength of the man that was fighting with the Ant King was felt in the same area which highly disturbed the Royal guards but just laugh.

"Hahahahaha, I see they were able to power through my gift and take it down themselves, don't worry as I'll handle this myself." I said with a wide grin as if I was a child that just got some brand new toys for Christmas (**) before I vanished from their sights completely.

And it didn't take me that long to see who was approaching me as I began to walk in their direction as they looked at me with clear anger, rage and sadness mixed in.

"Well, well, well, looks like you both were able to power through and beat my gift, tell me, how did it feel to kill your mentor and best friend with your own hands? Gon? Killua?" I asked the two chil- no I asked the two men before me who both looked at me as if they would love to do nothing more than to rip me apart.

"…." They had nothing to say as their Nen flared around them both which just made me grin in response.

"Take one more step and this will be the end of you both." I said as I pointed at them, but the looks on their faces they were both unperturbed at what I said, so-


They both took one step toward making me shake my head, "I see, you have chosen…(**) poorly." I say as I reappear and wind my fist back and launch an attack at their backs.

But they both react quick enough to counter my punch with both of their punches of their own leading to a ball of conflicting Nen energy to appear in the middle of our attacks making so no one's attack reached each other, but mine in the end was still stronger as it sent both of them skidding backwards as I grinned.

"This might be entertaining fight yet." I said as I stared the both of them down as the battle for their lives finally begun.

DIO v.s Adult Gon & Adult Killua