
Atomic Heart (Not a Chapter)

So I just bought the game and played it for about 4 hours and even though I haven't beaten it I already can guess who the real antagonist is in the game, I might be wrong but based upon plenty of clues that the MC ignores of who is the real bad guy is because of rather obvious reasons the player can see but the character themselves won't realize until later.

But man the reason I'm being it up is obvious right?

Of course I'm talking about the slutty fridge NORA that wants to have her way with you, man I've never thought I'd be attracted to a fridge before.

But no the Twins are really hot looking, I mean they even made it so they have nipples if you look at them close enough, so playing the game I'm thinking about making a future Arc with Atomic Heart as a setting.

Not set in stone mind you, I gotta beat it first, probably will have it all done by Thursday or Friday since I have those days off.

Also thought about a Doctor Stone arc as well but nothing set as I don't have a quests in mind for those worlds yet after all.

Anyway just wanted to put it out there that I'm having fun playing it and might add it to this story in future.