
Villainess soul swapping system

Her world was messed up, she was lost in the echo of her past remembrance. All that left was hope… that too crushed by the very girl she thought of as her sister. “I was the one who killed your baby,”she spoke as she killed her. But it wouldn’t be fair to not give her a chance now, would it? Called upon by the Goddess of Soul, she took upon an adventure that will change the destiny of the two worlds that she had seen. Once a pure innocent girl, now reborn in the body of the ‘Mad Witch’ as she takes upon her shoulders the responsibility of changing the destiny of the dead woman walking. Once a naive maiden, she now embarks on becoming one of the most cunning ‘villainess’ the world has ever seen… But she had a secret that the world did not know… [Soul Connection System!] [You have gained the Skill: Undefined Reality!] … … Rosalyn Escarte. The ‘Mad Witch'. She goes by many names. All she wanted was to protect her children. Give them a proper life… “Burn her children in front of her and then burn her too,” the King ordered with an evil smile. Alas, the one who was burnt was the Kingdom which burnt her children in front of her, unlocking the dark magic within her heart. But that was only the start… Wandering from one kingdom to another, she took upon the title of ‘Villainess.’ Feared by the world, she was captured by the King of Everice, who ordered her imprisonment in the Tower of Nihilty. Foolish attempt… It wasn’t enough to capture her since she could simply use her blood to create a magic circle and escape… Until something went wrong… [Congratulations! You have gained the Soul Connection System!] The circle was messed up by a slight mistake… [You are dead!] And the result was far beyond what she could predict… [Your soul will be imprisoned within the System until the User gains enough Soul Points!]

Steorra_Layl · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Prologue 1


City Hospital

2:15 AM


The cautiously opening door lead the way to a room that was completely foreign to the outside world. The smell of disinfectant was faint, and the flowers beside the "Get well soon" Card were kind of dead now. As it should be, the ward was absolutely devoid of any sounds. Alas, the silence broke down by the approaching footsteps inches away from one particular bed. One can see through the moonlight, her beautiful white face which looked old now, as her illness kept getting worse and worse. Her eyes were swollen but awake, her body was weak and asleep.

In a vegetative state, with still movements, she lived her months here in this tragic condition, someday hoping to wake up and live the life she once used to live, On the same night, which was scenic from multiple views, there was one scene which wasn't.

"Hello?" the man whispered on call as he closed the door of the same room from the inside, leaving nothing but him in the room with the sleeping beauty.

"I have done everything you asked for. From this point onwards you and I are nothing but strangers walking their own way," he spoke with slight tension in his voice. He was evil, a sadist of his own kind, but the lady on the other side had proven herself to be worse on a level he didn't imagine he would have seen in this lifetime.

"Eh?" she smirked on the other side," What's with the hurry? Don't we share a bond together? The bond of life and Death.

Haha!" Her hideous laugh echoed a little, as she emphasized 'Death' as if she heard the most funny joke in her life.

"What do you mean by that?" that man asked with a serious tone. It wasn't what he had signed up for.

"We will discuss that later, For now, bring the phone closer to my not-so-dead-but-gonna-die-soon sister please?" she spoke enjoying every moment of hers as she commanded on the phone. The man wanted to speak something but for now, he kept his silence as he brought the phone near the vegetative girl.

"Sis. I have always loved everything about you. From the bottom of my heart, I do.

Whether it's your money, your fame, or your father, I loved everything that you had…" The voice grew a bit darker as the lady whispered, "Even your husband, Hahahaha… you don't know how happy I am today, that I can make everything that makes me happy, as mine! Though I will remove a couple of trash here and there, like that maid of yours, or that stupid kid you were helping, Reminds me of the last decade how I took care of your… child. PFT… hahaha! I am sorry! I am sorry! I shouldn't laugh at it…

I mean it wasn't something I really wanted to do but come on love. If you had given birth… which you actually did… that filth would have made things really hard for me to take your husband, wouldn't he? It was a boy just in case you didn't know. He had your eyes. I gouged them out first… that was a pleasure as well… Every second of killing him made me feel ecstatic… His cries were the best… shame it didn't last long."

Guess what? The baby was completely healthy and beautiful minutes before I killed him, oops…

How else could I have stopped you from getting into an unbreakable marriage after giving them an heir? " Well!!! Eh Eh! She fake sobbed, that was heartbreaking "Don't worry aren't sisters supposed to take care of each other? So rest assured and Rest In Peace"!!

As the call was disconnected the display lit up making the silent tears visible that trickled down through the corner of her eyes. The man standing beside her was taken back by shock.

A Woman that laid there in a vegetative state for months together was now... he glanced at her for one last time and walked away as fear slowly hovered over him.

~ 66:00 am the morning…

A young lady dressed in a suit of a resident nurse walks in looking at the lady surrounded by wires. She felt something wasn't right. She fastened her moments and reached near her just to find the lady's face had turned pale and her silent, soft breaths slowly fading away with each passing second. The machines around her recorded her unstable vitals. In a state of panic, the nurse tried adjusting the clamps & wires properly. Pressing the emergency switch, she was trying her best to cope with the situation, soon the team arrived that included Doctors & other staff. They started examining Roselyn as the examination was still in process along with the first-line treatment,

Roselyn was soaked in her sweat, her eyes widen due to shortness of breath, facing severe palpitations parting her, she tried making space for the suffocation to emerge in the form of painful whimpers, it didn't take her long to finally shirk in pain, letting her breaths in the midway, choosing silence over struggle, she finally gave up on her life, her examination and lifeless body screamed her death, they finally released her from those scary wives and tubes that surrounded her and caged her, Staff called her relatives to inform them about her death and proceed with other formalities with everyone.

[Few days ago]

When Roselyn returns, she is shocked to see her mother was no more. The room slowly turned cold and deserted with her lifelessly laying on the bed ready to be buried. Roselyn Aldair always counted herself among the luckiest women. Her eyes would never stop admiring & her heart would never stop loving her husband, to her he was the greatest blessing from the "Goddess of Love ", growing up in a messed up family her sister was everything to her, after the unexpected death of her newborn, her sister " Phenona margret" and her husband " Alford Dillon" Were the purpose of her existence.

Ever since Roselyn got sick 3 years ago after the death of her mother, she couldn't help herself get through the trauma, she stopped going to work and started neglecting her health, the Death of her beloved mother triggered Roselyn's past memories of losing her newborn, hence she ended up being bedridden and her sickness worsens day by day to the extent that she held no ability to even step on the floor, her husband was an infamous Tycoon and he was less interested in letting go of deals and staying back to take care of her,

Nannies were hired to look after Rose but they soon packed up due to Roselyn's mental health. She use to talk to her own self, sometimes to her mom, and most of the time he was busy playing or taking care of her kid which to them seemed scary, At the spur of the moment " Pheona" Showed up to support and take care of Roselyn, She came back from abroad just to look after Roselyn, days passed and yet no improvement was noticed in Roselyn's mental and physical health, but there sure was some other progress under the same roof that Roselyn stayed, soon they shifted her to the hospital and the frequent visits slowly turned occasional.

The absence of her husband & sister in her life made Roselyn less enthusiastic about life. Until one day her sister and husband showed up together with surprising yet scary news, at this moment all Roselyn could do was matter, try to speak through actions, and that was her limit.

Standing proudly in front of Miserable Roselyn were her sister and husband,

"Sister, I know it's hard for you to manage! You don't have to worry now I will take all your responsibilities and worries, You can focus move on your health", I'll take care of brother in law", Said Pheona with a sheepish smile.

" Rose, I was waiting for you to recover, I did my best, and I think it's time for me to move on", Holding her hands, Alford continued " We are here for you Pheona is right, I know you care about us but from now onwards you focus on your health. We will take care of each other ", Smiling at Pheona he let go of Roselyn's hand.

Roselyn held his hands as tightly as she could, Not wanting to let go, she looked at him in disperse her lips with tears, rolling down her cheek. She tried to speak, but fear filled her heart, her eyes expressed how scared she was of losing him. Moreover, how did it come to this point where her husband and sister are getting into an affair? For a moment Rose was petrified. After thinking about something, she slowly let go of his hand and looked away.

"Bless us sister so that we could live a happy married life" Smirked Pheona,

Roselyn clutched her hands as her heart cried the blood out. Roselyn's condition was not good then a dead person, she had recurrent traumatic episodes that made her go crazy, on the evening of their wedding, Pheona and Alford walked in, Roselyn was sitting on the bed with back support and trying her best to hold the spoon with her hand, she through her actions insisted to the caretaker that she would try eating on her own, listening to giggles, Rose turned her head to witness the married couple walking towards her happily.

Roselyn felt sharp needles pinning through her heart, her blood freezing in an instant, she held her breath, choking on it. She realized that she forgot to breathe, Pheona smiled at Roselyn and hugged her, which di disgusted Roselyn to the core, seeing that Roselyn was trying to eat.

Alford asked the caretaker girl to go, he moved forward and she sat beside her holding the bowl in his hand as he started feeding Roselyn, Pheona's smile froze instantly, She clenched her fist digging her nails through the flesh of her palm, taking a deep breath.

She walked over the to other side, "Oh! Alford, honey you might be tired from all the wedding day things, go home and rest well, I'll talk with my sister & come back.

" Uh, it's fine I guess I'll leave after helping her with dinner, you can rest on the couch meanwhile " Responded Alford with a smile, gritting her teeth looked at Roselyn in despair…

Alford was about to feed her, but Roselyn turned her face in rejection, making perfect use of the opportunity Pheona grabbed the bowl from Alford and said she would do it and he may leave, looking at Roselyn for one last time Alford walked out of the hospital and drove away, Pheona sat beside Roselyn and smiled at her wickedly. She took Roselyn's hand in hers taking a deep breath, She blew the air out on Roselyn's face.

"Ain't I looking stunning in my wedding gown? " Heh! She smirked, ok now let's cut to the chase, I'll narrate to you a small yet interesting story, I won't detail it tho…. As it's my wedding night and I don't want to make my husband wait, 'Roselyn, the day I entered your life I vowed to turn it into an inescapable hell and I did it. I started it with your high school crush, then your father, your wealth, ah! It was a piece of cake until your crazy mom interfered, not my fault, I warned her, yet she…..You know, so I had to take care of her, you are not angry with me, right?"

Pheona blinked innocently, Roselyn's brain froze. She started panicking, her mother's death wasn't an accident but a well-executed plan.

Not letting her process things, Pheona played with Roselyn's finger & continued "And now I'm going to repeat the history because your existence is a threat to my future and happiness and I shall sacrifice you to maintain my happy life", Don't worry in no time you'll be joining your mother & your kid".

Roselyn's panic attacks started getting severe. She was breathless, tears were choking her, she tightly held onto Pheona's hand, looking at her condition Pheona got scared and pressed the emergency button.

The Doctor & Sister's entered the ward & was dealing with Roselyn, following them barged in the media people, Alford was a big shot, his news was something people wouldn't miss,

"Ka-chik" The flashlights of the camera and sounds triggered Roselyn's condition, and the scene made it looks like, Roselyn got wild and is attacking Pheona,

Pheona all her life played a pitiful victim so bingo!! It was her time to shine. Soon the news of Roselyn getting wild and crazy spread like fire in a forest, all the pressure and things lead to a severe traumatic shock which made Roselyn end up in a vegetative state, for the following months. Years? For the next few days, it was all about the hospitals in the news everything was about how scheming & shady Roselyn was & how tolerant & angelic Pheona was, up to this day, there was no improvement in Roselyn's condition, Today after getting a sudden call from the hospital Pheona couldn't wish for more, as for Alford he was neutral, she took Alford with her and drove with the speed of the wind.

Once reaching there, she hurried towards the ward just to increase her satisfaction and happiness by seeing her dead body with her own eyes,

As soon as she saw Roselyn, she put on an act, yelling, and crying, displaying her grief & sorrow. Coincidentally a well-known prof Gillman passed by Heard the chaotic yelling & walked in to check up on her, Analyzing Roselyn's condition he Re examined her while Pheona was calling her assistant to make an arrangement for Roselyn's funeral.

" Wait " came a strong voice from the opposite side, Everyone turned in the direction of the voice.

" Who said she's dead? "Raising his eyebrow questioned Prof Gillman.