
Villainess or Not Anyone can be Bad

A woman finding herself being transmigrated into a world that will bring her a fantasy that she never thought she would be able to see , but as time passes she suddenly realizes that living isn't all about fun, After that, misery has slowly been brought to her.

Xazaki_Rikuto · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2:The Newborn Beginning

The Newborn Beginning of this Unknown Mystery


My name is Yuoni [yu-wo-ni]

Yuoni Zurowu

I'm a Girl, 29 yrs old.

Unemployed , and lives on my own.

My parents are gone. It's has been long since

I had them beside me so I'm used to being alone.

Well it wasn't bad either.

I barely made any friends and all i do all day is Go to walk,

Play video games and cook food when I feel like it.

You may say that my life is pretty boring

But, it's pretty good to feel free and do whatever you want.

i joined the army for 7 years

And retired after realizing i wanted to feel the fresh air outside

I do my best to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I have friends that I trust but don't talk with…

I'm grateful for what I have for now.

SFX: Walking

Sigh* glad i'm going home now

Finally get to continue that damn game…


I didn't know there was a Bookstore here…

Well, it won't hurt to spend some money today right?

SFX: *Door opens*

(Wow, I can smell the brand new books from the shelves!)

Cashier Girl: Good Evening Ma'am, Welcome to our store!

Oh! Uh Good Evening too..

Might be weird but would you mind recommending some Novel books or

Some Manhwa/Mangas that you read?

Cashier Girl: Oh yes! But some of it might not suit your taste…

No! That's alright! I'll buy what you recommend to me

Cashier Girl: Uhm, Alright! Well i'm pretty drawn to this Novel, it's pretty

Interesting and the plot is good, but you might not like it…

(Hmmm I felt like I've seen this book before…)

Cashier Girl: This is just a recommendation tho…

Okay! I'll take it. How much is it?

Cashier Girl: It's free for you, you can return it after you finish reading it.

Huh? Nah. I can't just take this for free. You know man? Take this.

Cashier Girl: Wa-wait! I can't just take this amount of mo-

Bye! Have a Great Day Ma'am!

Cashier Girl: ney… *Sigh,

have fun Yuoni, I'll expect you there.

A Couple of Minutes Later…

Finally! Home at last!! Can't wait to rest my back after taking a shower.

(After taking a bath)


Dang, I feel refreshed….

I'm gonna read the book that girl recommended to me.

Woah, didn't know that girl likes romance.

A Reverse harem huh...

Reverse harem,

Where a woman captures several people and makes relationships with them.

It is usually a tradition to have a harem made by a male and containing Concubines/Mistresses

"Reverse": the opposite or contrary to that previously stated

"Harem": A group of women having/sharing a single mate

The Cover is Majestic tho

"Author unknown"

Let's see if this isn't going to be boring-

*Opens Book*