
Chapter 01

Life coudn't be more hard and selfish. My day as a student in collage has already been hard as it is not to mention all the school work, exams, homework and other schooly stuff I had to do. Anyways I had just visited my favorite coffee shop and was ready to go home and finish my book that I just had to finish editing and it was ready to cost me a fortune that was the plan when an unknown number messeged me, feeling brave I tapped on the message and it turned really weird, pretty quick, the message seemed rushed and had a lot of spelling mistakes, but I was able to read it even with my shitty sight 'They are in danger, book' I was confiused by what the massage was trying to mean when the next thing I saw were a pair of flashing bright lights and felt unberable pain in my body.

That's how I got here, in an endless void full of tiny lights as if it was a picture of the galaxy I have been floating in the dark for ten minutes without any kind of contant with other human being, woohoo!, after a while a spot of light appierd infront of me. Already growing tired of the same boring "galaxy" I reached my hand to touch it when a gentle voice called out "Child" I stopped before I could touch the light "What are you doing here?" The gentle voice called out again, seding chills down my spine, I answered "I don't know, I don't know even where I am" I said only truth dripped from my tounge as the voice went silent "Ah.. Now I see" The voice said coming to a solution I didn't know. The small drop of light fell into my hands I held it gently, as if held wrong it would break, the light began to spread until it absorbed me completly.

Everything turned dark pretty quickly, again, I could feel my body changing until I was able to see light again when I felt like my whole body changed completly. The soft touch of silk sheet's surounded and a cloth laid on my forhead soaking with cold water. My vision was finally turning clear, two unfamiliar faces were looking up above me, one had jet black and black eyes, the other red hair with golden eyes, both wore maid outfits. I sat up with the help of the maids clinging on my sides I looked around myself, a bedroom same one of those you will read in history books, a large room with a king sized bed, a closet, balcony, a desk filled with paper, ink and other stuff, all in golden and red colors. It felt strangly familiar to me "Your highness, please try to relax" The red haired maid said to me when I stood up from the red bed. Going over to the large mirror I looked at... Estelle van Emerson, there was no mistaking her looks, golden hair the would shine in the sun like pure gold that reached the floor and red scarlet eyes with long black eyelashes, a slim body, yes, this was the villainess, MY villainess the same one I created in my book.

My dirty brown hair and emerald green eyes were no longer existing, but the beauty of the daughter of the duke and the duchess remained "Your highness please! You must rest! You fell from the balcony and got hurt pretty badly it was a miracle the doctor was able to save you" I looked at my body once again, it was true, my body was covered in bandages from my legs to my hands. The maids helped me to my bed, feeling the familiar silk sheet's of beautiful scarlet color, I quickly laid down as the maids began to tell me about the food I'll be getting to eat and the tea, both of them were shaking from fear, no wonder I made Estelle act like a total bitxh towrds half of her staff.

"A-and we even prepeard the ladies favorite food I-I-"

"Its quite alright, you may leave I'll be glad if you left me for a while, alone, please" I told as polite as possible since my voice hurt a bunch "O-okay" The maids looked confiused and left without a single word.

I quickly jumped to my feet and ran over to the desk where files were all over the place. I was able to find a blank sheet of paper, taking the pen and ink, all this time I have been screaming in my head about where am I and how in the bloody hell did I get here, I started scribling my options about how to survive this world, yes survive! Spoiler alert! The villainess is going to die by the hands of the male lead; The soon-to-be emperor; Benedict Leopold, the short silver hair, soft snowy skin and purple violet eyes the pierce through the soul of anyone that meets his glare. The male lead or Benedict was never inlove with Estelle, but the female lead: Bernadette, short blonde hair that reached her shoulders matching well with her baby blue colored eyes, she was a commener and because of how similar she looked to Estelle people would constantly compeared them as if they were long lost sisters.

Estelle never liked that and the fact that she was getting closer to her fiancee, aka Benedict, making her, of course, jealous and go on a adventure of bullying Bernadette EVERY DAY.

My options to survive are to either meet the second male lead, Atlas, a knight, emperors right hand, short white hair with deep blue eyes and his beautiful sun kissed tan, at first he was but a weak knight that could only lift a wooden sword, but Bernadette helped him by asking the Emperor for help and in return she was able to turn him into one of the most powerful knights that ever existed.

Or the third one Ezra, a wizard, jet black hair with crystal green emerald color eyes and snow white skin, a wizard that want to help the poor, but being a wizard of only a few spells he could only feel hopless and worthless, Bernadette sees the fragile soul of wizard so she helps him by making an underground base where they healed and protected the weak and poor, a kind person. In the end he was able to become one of the famous most powerful wizards in the world with practice and the support of the people he helped.

There is a fourth one: Noah, a slave rescued by Bernadette, dirty brown hair and yellow eyes, his past is a sad one being a slave since birth he had nothing, but to fight for the small payment he got from the underground illgeal fights when Bernadette sees him all tired and bleeding in the trash, she helps him and in return he swore to protect her, but in the end the feeling of fight gave him a bunch of traumatic memories so he wasn't able to fight, but all was not lost since they both made bakery where Noah could afford to live.

Writing down the important information I looked through them all circling things that could help me or lead me to my wonderfull doom "Or I can just run away in a far land" I said with a smile, but remembering how I gave Estelle a bad father who didn't really like her becouse of her personality that would be an impossible mission anndd Estelle or ME is engaged to the crown prince means a certant NO.

"UHHH" I could feel my eyes were ready to pop out of my head or how my soul was ready to leave my body.

I took my pen, dropping it in ink, I circled the options of leaving this place the only option I think I would be able to accomblish "Your highness" A maid entered my room with gentle steps, must be in order not to disturb me, I looked at her and how she was shaking in her shoes "Yes?" I asked as the maid straighten herself in her position "The Duke wants to meet with you in the dinning hall" The maid said with as I stood up from my seat and walked over to my dresser "Thank you for the intell, I'll go, but I must get dressed, you may leave" I said opening the closet and looking over the dresses I had now. A pair of hands reached my shoulders and I turned too look at the maid's eyes now red with determination screaming 'Let us help'

I'm truly terriffied of the world I have created.