
Villainess's Suicidal Butler [Dark Fantasy based LitRPG]

[This series draws its complete inspiration from Dark Souls and Lovecraftian Horror.] In the immersive world of the highly popular heroine game "Devourer IIX" where players navigate the complex dynamics of a fantastical realm filled with powerful heroines and heroes, one loser named Leon finds solace in his obsession with the villainess, Celestia Draven Dreadborne. Little does he know that his virtual infatuation is about to become a reality beyond his wildest dreams or nightmares. After a forceful entry by killing his friend, he is inexplicably transported into the game world, but with an unusual system and a role of a butler for the villainess. Will he emerge as the savior of Celestial Conquest, or will the game's intricate web of alliances and betrayals consume him? https://www.royalroad.com/profile/455641/fictions. I am on royal road as well.

underwearloafer · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 1: Oh, sweet death, take me!

SWOOSH! A kick flies toward a boy kneeling, completely fazed out. His bangs cover his eyes, and blood splattered over his wet shirt, even spreading due to the pouring water, he looks towards the dark sky, revealing lifeless dark eyes.

BAM!— The kick lands right on his face causing him to fall on the ground. Few loud laughs can be heard on the spot. The boy falls to the ground, his nose broken in such a way that the bone can be seen. He gasps for air as the pain indulges over him.

"Fuck! Raw, are you going to kill him or what?" One of the three boys speaks.

The guy with piercings all over his face curls his eyebrows, snots his nose, and spits on the boy. He picks up a brick to throw to the guy, fully raged but his friends stop him.


The boy on the ground finally catches his breath, he beats his chest a couple of times and slowly lifts his body with his elbow. He smirks, and swipes his dark hair up, revealing a beat-up face, and a fatally wounded nose, that looks like it will fall off any moment. A mole right under his left eye.

The boy speaks, 'Did you ask your sister how good it was?'

The guy with the piercing, Raw, with his chest swollen up, jumps in the air. 


"Leon, you son of a bitch." The boy falls to the ground, while Raw repeatedly punches him. Each punch causes his face to get more deformed, and most of his wisdom teeth fall off. The two friends can't do much but stare at the sheer brutality.

Raw screams, drooling while his face is covered red in blood, 'DO YOU LIKE IT, HUH?'

Leon smiles as he spits his blood onto his face and speaks, 'Not as much when I did it to your sister!'

Raw, completely enraged tries to hit him once again but the two friends stop him. They catch Raw's arm, pulling him off, as if they are trying to pull an angry pit bull back.

One of them frowns while holding him off and speaks, 'Do you want to have another murder assault charge on you, idiot!'

The other one nods while they both hold him off.

"Yeah, you idiot! He's already unconscious."

The three of them turn their back and slowly walk. The boy on the ground closes his eyes, wiping off the blood, and slightly covers his face with his arm to block the incoming rain. The pin on the side of his clothes, bruised written "Leon Kaiser". The water drips.

'Fuck that bastard!' Leon mumbles.

As soon as Raw looks ahead, a dim purple light flashes on his leg, a cryptic and weird design almost non-human. Raw and his two friends haven't realized but it catches Leon's attention. Leon's eyes widen, and his clouded eyes and iris expand, his heartbeat goes wild and a constant stream of a female's voice comes along his ears, ringing non-stop. His eye twitches as he grabs a piece of sharp glass nearby wounding his hands.

'That- That's Celestial's crest.' Leon's smile goes so wide up his face, that it almost touches his ears creepily.

A few hours ago,

"On the outskirts, runny and inattentive crowds of cities, between masses of humans, undying and cruel apartments of thousands of loaf-minded humans. Existing to fulfill what they only had based on their cruel destiny, not consumed by the madness of the untold one, the crawling chaos, Cthulhu,"

says Leon, as his musty, skinny arm pushes through loads and loads of energy cans left there to rot. 


'Just How many times do I have to read this shit?' He rubs his eyes slowly and observes his computer screen, revealing a pair of dark eyes, a mole under his left eye, followed by bags of insomnia, unhygienic nails, also very malnourished. 

His wall filled with a beautiful female with white hair, and golden eyelashes shining as they had been made from real gold complimenting her golden eyes, and her slim body with a pretty chest-to-hip ratio and a machine-based arm holding a rapier.

Leon straightens humped back and forwards his spine, as he swoops his mouse in order to play a game.

[Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn] says a creature just above a text named 'Cuthulu: The madness. Which roughly translates to;

[That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons, even death may die.]

The boy smirks, 'What the hell is this tentacle-like bastard saying?'

He right-clicks on his mouse smugly, 'I am so fucking tired of these words. This time, I will kill you. More importantly, give me my Celestia back!'

He clicks on a character, supposedly blond hair, welding a sword on a sunken, destroyed city of a bottomless eerie ocean. Then immediately, he clicks on the bottom right of the computer, a symbol of the bag written, 'Inventory.'

[Are you sure you want to use the "Flask of the 31st piece?"]

'Fuck Yeah!' Leon seems to be very excited.

[The effect of the "Flask of the 31st piece" would be implied.]

He quickly confirms his selection before moving on to another item from his seemingly endless inventory of items and artifacts.

[Are you sure you want to use the 'Call of Cthulhu' on Cthulhu?]


[Please be warned! The madness range of this artifact will kill all your high-level Characters.]

Leon smirks and clicks on the right button immediately.

[The amount of damage has been calculated to be "Unidentified."]


[The Cthulhu has slumbered amidst battle for 1 hour 45 minutes.] 

Leon hysterically laughs, 'How do you feel about this, huh? Developers, didn't you announce that Cthulhu is unbeatable and is according to the gag?'

Leon continues to laugh while his seven characters are continuously attacking the God of madness as he continuously murmurs Celestia's name. 

After a few minutes,

He clicks the right button of his mouse rapidly and without a rest, 'I miss my Celestia, man. I can't believe I have to play through heroes.

'To be honest, I don't even feel good about beating this decade-old nonsense gag ARPG game without my fucking waifu.' Leon rubs the sweat on his forehead as he continuously stares at the screen.

'Devourer IIX, the game made by an anonymous group.'

'The game was popular at one point but it got demolished after its hard gameplay, picky characters, and longer unskippable cutscenes which unironically lasted 2 hours at one point.' Leon scratches his balls and again touches the keyboard and mouse to continue his attack. 

[Using the 9-star asteroid fall.]


[-24799 damages have been given.]

'This game, I played all the time, from when they almost beat me to death, when my sister went to prison. For obtaining Celestia, as a playable character and to save her.' Leon's heartbeat is slowly increasing.

'I am going to fucking kill myself if I don't get my Celestia.' Leon takes out a portrait of a beautiful female with white hair, golden eyelashes golden eyes, and a big chest, almost as pretty as a thousand-year jade. Her curly hair complimented her crazy look. The main villainess of Devourer IIX is the bearer of Cuthulu's curse and the sole heir of the Dreadborne family, "Celestia Draven Dreadborne."

'I wonder if Sarah and Zel could forgive me.' Leon's eyes get blurry but his hands are automated to constantly attack the Boss.

['Vanessa' The witch of Doom, uses the Ten-star magic ability 'Tears of Azathoth']

[-56999 damage has been given.]

'That fucker Raw must be still bullying those two but I won't go to school anymore, after all, Celestia will be here for me!' Leon reassures himself as he licks his crusty lips, his eyes still glued to the screen.

[15 Minutes till The Boss 'Cthulhu' awakens...]

Leon rapidly pounds his keyboard and mouse, rivaling the speed of a professional Osu player. Beads of sweat glisten on his unwashed, greasy skin, evidence of his long gaming session. After a few minutes, Leon is still grinding.

[1 minute till Cthulhu awakens...]

[The characters are completely indulged in MADNESS!]

[The effect of 'Flask of 31st piece' is wearing off in 1 minute.]


[Cthulhu is extremely weakened.]

His eyes burn with passion, every cell of his body is rushing, and the dopamine rush is rising.

'The unbeatable game is beaten by Doomcraft? KEKEKEKE' A voice suddenly resonates from the computer, making Leon jump from his seat.

'Fuck! Almost gave me a heart attack!' Bel screams as he breathes heavily.

He looks over at the screen, Cthulhu has 0 HP above his head.


[Cthulhu has been defeated for the first time in XX years.]

[User 'Doomcraft' Has achieved an impossible feat.]

[Extremely rare monument has occurred.]

[Hall of Fame is changing again..]

[The end of the game has been declared.]

[The seven mythical characters have all been critically injured.]

[Experience points will be determined.]

'Fuck Yeah!' Leon dances as he kicks away the trash cans and bags away from his feet. Leon rapidly scrolls through a bunch of notifications and in the last scene, he sees a notification. Leon drops to his knees and almost pukes with his eyes teary.

'Mythical Character "Celestia Draven Dreadborne" has been unlocked and can be served as a servant.'

'I've cleared this shit game!' as Bel glances against the computer screen, there is no ending cutscene. He looks closer to see a figure with silly clown clothes, laughing as it slaughters the characters of Bel, one by one.

'What the fuck? NO! CELESTIAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!' He hurriedly catches his keyboard but it is already late.

[You have been slain.]

Leon bashes his hands, completely shattering his mouse. 'Fuck! Just who is this bastard that took my years of progress in one swoop? GIVE ME MY CELESTIA BACK!'


[Restarting all progress, stats, and crafts..]

[Player must provide a new name to continue...]

Leon rises from the chair, his slouched posture, and tired eyes fixed on the screen. He retrieves his laptop and enters his account details and personal information.

"You fucker, you're not escaping!" he mutters.

Leon opens the developer page for the game 'DEVOURER IIX,' his apartment floor strewn with bags, trash, and empty energy cans. Frustrated, he vigorously types out his complaint. Amidst the scattered mouse parts, he notices a message in the bottom right corner of his primary computer.

"What the hell?"


[The strongest god Cuthulu ]

Leon puts his hands on his face,' Cuthulu?'

[Error Detected..] 

[The god of mischief, 'Jester']

Leon wipes the screen of his computer as the text bleeps on his own.

[Good luck, my beholder... KEKEKE!]

'This fucking Jester! Is it a user or a god? Hacker? How? WHY?'

Leon struck back on his chair, 'How is a game's god able to talk to players? Am I hallucinating?' He laughs as he tries to brush it off. As he tries to get up, a gray status appears on his computer.

[Player is required to take a name]


Leon smirks as he watches his computer, 'how am I supposed to do that when I have no mouse?'



'Does it understand me?' Leon slowly advances toward his main PC, while he throws the laptop to the bed.

[The system would redirect your personal information.]


  [Status window] 

[Player's Name: Leon 'Doomcraft' Kaiser]

 [Level: 1/120]

[Class: Dreadborne's butler]

[Secondary class: Identifiable after Level 5]

[Sub class: Cannot be specified.]

[Sub class: Low level/ Cannot be specified.]

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 5

Vitality: 9

Agility: 6

Madness: 11

[Extra allocated points: 10/none] 

Leon is watching but he gets jolted as soon as he sees the class.

He rubs his messy hair, 'No way in hell, what the fuck is that?' as he tries to feel his mouse. It isn't there.

[Please confirm character creation...]

'Wait!' Leon jumps out of his chair to find his spare mouse but it isn't there.

[Confirmed automatically... Please enjoy 'Devourer IIX'...]

'Oh, my fucking god-- Before Leon could finish his words, a phone rang.

Leon's face brightens up a little bit but after he picks up the phone, he looks horrified, as if he was poured hot water on his back.

'Oe, you fucker. Heard you was talking to my sister?' Raw speaks as a gasping sound can be heard from behind.

Leon suddenly jumps over to the blanket on the bed and hides, biting his nail.


Three students and Raw with his piercing and red spiky hair, all untidy laugh while one of the boys is attempting to drown a girl by shoving her face into the toilet water bowl.


The boy removes her face as they all laugh at her. She seems to be gasping for air, very hard as she coughs. Bacterial water must have entered through the breathing pipe, her pretty face seems purple, completely covered in bruises.

She extended her red eyes to look for something, her eyes met with a boy with glasses, swollen from physical abuse, which must be from the bullies staying on his four, becoming a chair for a spiky red-haired boy, Raw.

The boy pulls the hair of the female, 'Hey~ Sarah, Where is the address of that fucker?'

The other bullies laugh at the question but Sarah seems to be very furious.

'What the fuck-- Before She could finish her sentence, the boy tugging her hair, punches her vigorously in almost an inhumane way.

'Tell me that Leon's address. We haven't seen him.' The spiky red-haired boy speaks.

'Tell him! Sarah, I just can't take it anymore.' The boy with glasses speaks. Suddenly a nearby standing guy kicks him in the stomach.

Sarah looks over to Zel, 'This fucker killed my sister, you want my other close friend dead as well?'

Zel suddenly barfs in front of everybody, making him unstable and to fall face on the barf. The others get angry and start to beat him.

'Who gave you permission to talk?' 


'Zel!' Sarah asks while she is also in critical danger.


They all laugh at them. One of the boys pulls out his mobile from the back pocket of the glasses boy.

'Don't do this, Raw!' Sarah's eyes are almost teary.

'We don't know the address. Just leave us alone.' As Sarah starts to cry, The gang hysterically laughs while Raw, the red-spiked-haired boy tries to film Sarah. Raw wipes the tears of Sarah, smirking widely, 'I didn't kill your sister, but I will kill him though. Now cheese-'

He stumbles against a screenshot of a news article.

'Hmm, what's this?'

"On January 03, 20XX.

Sophia Kaiser, a teenage serial killer, was found to be committing a double homicide inside her own living house. In the broad daylight, She was found walking outside the streets towards the police station with two severed human heads on her hands." 

'Heugh! Disgusting bitch!' One of the boys speaks.

The red-haired boy smirks, 'Hey look at this. Isn't this somewhat familiar?' They all suddenly look at the screen.


'Hey, look at the bottom!' someone points at it.

A creepy smile is all over the face of the gang.

'Isn't this the address of that Leon~?' 


This is going to be fun-- Before they can finish their words, Leon bashes the door. Sarah gasps, 'L-Leon, why are you--'

Raw cracks his knuckles as his veins pop up. Leon suddenly pulls out a baseball bat and screams,' Run away Sarah, Zel.'

Zel grabs Sarah and runs away.

"Zel, what the fuck! You know that he will die, right?" Sarah bites her lower lips as she lowers her gaze.

SWISH! Leon swings his bat hitting Raw but the second time Raw catches it and BAM!

Leon shatters the window glass, creating multiple slashes on his body. He gets dragged towards the roof of the school by Raw.


Raw, completely enraged tries to hit him once again but the two friends stop him. They catch Raw's arm, pulling him off, as if they are trying to pull an angry pit bull back.

One of them frowns while holding him off and speaks, 'Do you want to have another murder assault charge on you, idiot!'

The other one nods while they both hold him off.

"Yeah, you idiot! He's already unconscious."

The three of them turn their back and slowly walk. The boy on the ground closes his eyes, wiping off the blood, and slightly covers his face with his arm to block the incoming rain. The pin on the side of his clothes, bruised written "Leon Kaiser". The water drips.

'Fuck that bastard!' Leon mumbles.

As soon as Raw looks ahead, a dim purple light flashes on his leg, a cryptic and weird design almost non-human. Raw and his two friends haven't realized but it catches Leon's attention. Leon's eyes widen, and his clouded eyes and iris expand, his heartbeat goes wild and a constant stream of a female's voice comes along his ears, ringing non-stop. His eye twitches as he grabs a piece of sharp glass nearby wounding his hands.

'Am I hallucinating? Why the fuck is the crest there? I should be standing there, not him. No way. Fuck, not that bastard.'

Leon grabs the piece of glass harder, 'Fuck! I should be there. Whether it is my hallucination or not, It's my Celestia's crest.'

'That- That's Celestial's crest!' Leon's smile goes so wide up his face, that it almost touches his ears creepily.

SPLASH! SPLASH! Raw looks back, Leon is gone. 

Leon suddenly appears before Raw and the piece of glass pierces right through the neck. The blood spurts suddenly and Raw falls on the spot. The two boys near Raw are terrified, they run suddenly while looking at Raw gasping as blood spurts from his neck and Leon staring him down.

Leon runs ahead toward them but the two of them scream, 

"Don't come here!"

"Fuck, he's a monster- Before they could finish their words, they slip and fall off the edge of the roof. 

Leon speaks, 'I tried to warn them but the murderer's supporters are murderers too.' Leon walks over to the crest on the roof and slowly brushes it off, the rain has stopped. He draws a straight line and adds triangles attached to both sides and a single dot on it.

He drags Raw's head and bashes on the crest, creating a blood-filled crest and it shines. It shines Purple, while a sinister smile forms over Leon's mouth.