
Chapter 2: Consume Worlds in my name, Become my Harbinger

Lumian, last name unknown to anyone, not the orphanage who took him in or even himself. The birth of our villain was the first ever crime he committed, his mother died as a result of his birth. It's not unheard of for some mothers to pass away at childbirth; it is commonly referred to as maternal death or maternal mortality; though unfortunate, it is a somewhat natural occurrence.

That was not the case for Lumian; during his birth, Lumian struggled against being delivered; he held on tightly to his mother's bladder, refusing to be delivered until she passed away. 

He was raised until the age of five by his father who lost custody of him after multiple reports to the police that his son was actively making life miserable for him and trying to kill him.

The necessary authorities deemed him mentally unstable to raise a child and relieved him of his son, and that would be a sad thing for most parents but Lumian's father cried tears of Joy for hours. He would rather be labeled as mentally unstable than continue to raise Lumian.

From one orphanage to another, Lumian was bounced around, they called him the 'Devil's Spawn' based on the evil and malevolent attitudes he displayed. He ended up getting thrown out by all the orphanages in the city at the age of ten. It didn't matter to him, from there onwards, Lumian began his lifestyle as a villain.

"Who's there?" Lumian asked as he turned his head from side to side, scanning the area to see where the strange voice came from. That's all he could do as his legs had already been rendered useless by Voltstrike.

Suddenly a man appeared in front of Lumian, shocking him a bit as the man was clearly not there before.

The figure stood tall and confident, dressed in a sharp, tailored suit. His suit was dark and sleek, and it hugged his form perfectly, the fabric caught just enough light to highlight its immaculate cut. A crisp white shirt peeked from beneath the jacket, paired with a slim black tie that completed his outfit. His hands rested casually in his pockets. 

What was most striking, however, was the absence of a face—where features should have been, there was only a smooth, blank canvas as if the very idea of identity had been erased. 

His hair was meticulously styled, which was the only clue to his human form, contrasting sharply with the void where eyes, nose, and mouth should have been. 

The faceless figure stood there, a man without an identity; he was right in front of Lumian, but it was as if he didn't exist. It was like he was both present and absent, a paradox standing amid reality.

"Who are you? And why don't you have a face?" Lumian asked as he watched the man cautiously.

The figure held his chin in his fingers, "Oh. How interesting, you see me without a face. That makes you even more perfect," He said, his voice was deep and resonant, carrying a calm authority, yet it had an emptiness that matched his face.

"You didn't answer my question, who the fuck are you?" Lumian pressed the faceless man

"Hmmm. Since you say I have no face, why don't you call me, Unsung," The man replied

"Unsung?" Lumian mouthed, "Well, what do you want? Are you some kind of supervillain?" He asked

"Supervillain? No, I'm much, much, much more." Unsung answered, "But I cannot reveal what I am to you, at least not at this stage of our relationship,"

Lumian winced as he tried to move his legs, "Relationship?"

"Our soon to come relationship, of course," 

"I'm flattered that you're interested in me, but I don't swing that way or anyway if it involves you," Lumian said

Suddenly the atmosphere took on an unnatural chill, "Do you want to die?" Unsung asked, his empty voice seeped into Lumian's skin forcing cold shivers down his spine

"No," Lumian found himself involuntarily replying 

Unsung squatted down low to Lumian's level, "Good because you will die if you don't accept my offer," 

Lumian stared into the blank canvas Unsung had for a face, "What offer?" Lumian asked

"That's the spirit!" Unsung exclaimed, "But before I begin, let me pose you a question. Why is it you live the way you live and do what you do?" He asked

"You mean why am I a villain?" 

"Yes, and don't try to lie to me, because you can't. Trying to do so would only infuriate me," Unsung warned

"Why am I a villain? Simple, because I can be. Because it is my nature, and it amuses me. I don't need a reason or a cause. I am the darkness in a world too obsessed with light. My existence itself is reason enough.

The world is a gray place without the concept of evil. I see a young man help an old lady cross the road, and it pisses me off; it's so unnecessarily bland and lacks excitement. It would be a different story, though, if the young man pushed her into the oncoming traffic. 

The excitement that comes with toying with the norm and breaking the 'good' keeps my heart pumping. The malevolence, the degeneracy of it all, and, most of all, the chaos make me come alive. Without it, the world returns to gray" Lumian explained 

Unsung looked upon Lumian, and although he didn't have any facial features to createan expression, it was almost certain that he was judging Lumian's reasons, "I see. The excitement, as a form of exercising your free will, those are all good reasons but there's one thing you said that stands out from the rest. Chaos, I'm a big fan of it.

It's good to know I didn't make a mistake choosing you.

Lumian, all the reasons you mentioned are cogent, but still, there is something you lack, and it is purpose,"

"Purpose?" Lumian asked

"Yes, you lack purpose. As you are, you are like an aimless storm without a destination, you will simply come and pass, but if the storm has a purpose, it wouldn't stop raging until it has achieved its purpose. Even if it has to rage for all eternity. 

Without a purpose to strive for and fulfil, you will simply cease to evolve, stagnate and inevitably fade out.

Accept my offer, and I will give your evil purpose, I will give you purpose," Unsung said, extending a beckoning hand to Lumian

Lumian looked upon Unsung's extended arm suspiciously and asked, "What exactly is your offer?" 

An unsettling wide grin appeared on Unsung's featureless face, "I want you to consume worlds in my name, become my Harbinger, Lumian,"