
Villain Venture

In a world that was rebuilt upon the ashes of the past; where every piece of rubble hinted at a dark truth; and where power was as easily obtained as finding a lost coin, Yi Ren and his weird colleagues embark into a path of no return. Yi Ren has a very peculiar philosophy. He has been hunted since he was a toddler, with nobody to depend on. He didn’t even know the reason for which people had been trying to kill him; his only goal was to survive. The only person to ever help him died because of it, and the only reason he was still alive was because of his monstrous innate ability. Nonetheless, he doesn’t care. His past, his future, his beliefs, his life or death; it’s not important. He doesn’t want vengeance; he doesn’t want freedom. Even suffering doesn’t mean anything in his eyes. For Yi Ren, everything else is worthless in front of a certain goal. Upload Frequency: 8 ch/w

Weltraumgurke · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 5: Bet

"Ouch, Stick-old-man is really talented with the stick." Plummy Fang complained sadly. He was walking alongside Yi Ren and Wang Fan through the cemented roads of the sect. There were many buildings at the sides of the pavement; some were thin and long, others were tall and curved.

The predominant color was gray, not boring-gray, but grayish-white. The whole sect looked like a bunch of giant gray grass from afar, being quite fitting of its name. The buildings weren't smooth; they had many carvings and details that, although they weren't very refined, looked quite elegant.

Each building was surrounded by a large area of healthy grass, adding to the beautiful peculiarity of the sights.

"We didn't do anything this time, sigh… we are really unlucky!" Plummy Fang continued complaining; he was the one who talked the most out of the three.

"I really feel bad for Brother Ling. He must've gotten a worse beating than us. Poor lad, but that's truly a big portion of what we do; he must have these kinds of experiences to truly be one of us…"

He was going to continue with his monologue when he noticed Yi Ren's dazed gaze, so he comforted:

"Brother Yi, don't be sad. Even though the Outer Disciple's Talent Competition of Gray Grass Sect is no more, that can't stop us! We just have to find a way, Brother Yi and Brother Wang, to continue doing what we enjoy! Maybe we can go and make it outside of the sect, or even under the ground…"

"I'm not thinking about that, Brother Fang, there are more pressing matters."

"Is it about Ming Daiyu? Don't worry. There will be many more opportunities in the future. To be honest, she isn't even that pretty. You can aim for more, Brother Yi."

Yi Ren wasn't thinking about that either, but he finally reacted. He didn't have his sunglasses anymore. His hair was also disheveled; the cube wasn't there anymore. His gray robes, like the ones of the other two, looked ragged and dirty.

He blinked his lime eyes and spoke as he shook his head: "What are you saying Brother Fang, I don't think you understand…"

"Then help me understand Brother Yi. The girl isn't even in my top ten, to be honest. The Monthly Gossip Manual of Gray Grass Sect also agrees with this. She's indeed pretty, she looks like she's rich and all that, but she's plain in every other aspect, I just don't get it. I just don't get it…"

"You really don't understand Brother Fang. You look for the wrong things, see. Let me teach you how it should be."

"Oh, I'm listening, Brother Yi."

Wang Fan (Pickle Lord), who was listening by the side, also showed interest, turning his head towards Yi Ren.

"Kuhum, let me ask you a question, Brother Fang, what do you think the most important thing to judge of a woman is?"

"I have many things in mind, Brother Yi, but I'm going to play it safe. It should be her character."

"That's correct, Brother Fang."

"But you can't see that physically, Brother Yi."

"Of course you can." Yi Ren answered, making a pause.

"Oh? Enlighten us Master Yi! How can you?"

"This is a theory of mine. I firmly believe you can judge it by seeing… the shoulders. It tells you everything you need to know. The shoulders are key!"

Plummy Fang, who was a little astonished, asked again.

"So how should they look like?"

"I don't know."


"BUT, I know certain things. For example: the posture. The rest is all intuition. Of the whole sect, I know Ming Daiyu has the prettiest shoulders."


"You have the weirdest kinks, Brother Yi." Wang Fan, who was by the side, finally spoke, revealing a slight smile.

"Thank you for enlightening us Brother Yi!" A shadow suddenly materialized behind the three cupping its fists. It was Ling Zhou, who appeared out of nowhere and seemed to be listening to the conversation long before.

"Brother Ling! How are you?" Plummy Fang asked concernedly.

"I'M BETTER THAN I'VE EVER BEEN!" Ling Zhou replied, shouting with arms extended upwards.

"Please calm down, Brother Ling, you are shaking."

"I am very calm right now! I can see it all now… The truth, I can see it! It's a totally new experience. Brothers, you should eat one too!"

"N-no thanks… Wait, do you still have more?"

"No, but I can make more! I CAN ALWAYS MAKE MORE! HAHAHAHA"

"Sigh, so how was it Brother Ling, didn't you get beaten by Stick-old-man?"

"I don't know, I might have gotten beaten but don't tell me… My 'Crazed Cultivation Pill' also has curative effects! I might have to test this later on…"

Yi Ren, Plummy Fang and Wang Fan turned their heads to see Ling Zhou. His attire was perfectly clean and his hair looked like it was just recently brushed; this could be seen because he wasn't very tall. He was obviously spared.

"It might very well also have hygienic effects, Brother Ling." Plummy Fang remarked sarcastically, turning his gaze away.

"Yes, yes, I think so too!" Ling Zhou didn't get the joke.

"So, what are we doing next, Brothers?" He continued.

"After Stick-old-man came to the dark room and brought Wang Fan with him to beat us up, he told us we were going somewhere before he started hitting us. So, we're going to some weird expedition, aren't you the same?" Plummy Fang replied.

"What are you talking about Brother Fang, I wasn't invited anywhere."

"Speaking about that, are we leaving before or after the 1v1 tournament?" Wang Fan asked, ignoring Ling Zhou.

"We will leave right in the middle of it. It lasts for 7 days, we will leave in four, and the tournament starts tomorrow, Brother Wang." It was Yi Ren who answered.

"Tomorrow? So we spent three days inside that place?"

"Be grateful, Brother Wang, we spent 14 days last time. We were released earlier probably because of the tournament."

The 1v1 Tournament was a competition where the outer sect's disciples fought each other one on one with all their methods. It was held every year. Out of more than 500 participants, the top 8 would become Inner Sect's Disciples, which were around 100, even if they haven't reached Second Realm.

There are many realms for cultivators, each much more powerful than the previous. The realms of the people of the sect are:

Realm Zero: It's a realm anyone can reach, without needing cultivation resources. It could be skipped, but one would have a weak body if one did so.

First Realm: where every outer disciple of the sect was. Cultivators in this realm can, although barely, harness the Spiritual Energy inside their bodies to draw their abilities, which are mostly enhancing their bodies and controlling the elements.

Second Realm: where Inner Disciples were. The amount of Spiritual Energy one has is exponentially increased when a cultivator reaches this stage, and the abilities they can utilize are consequently superior.

Third Realm: where the elders were.

Fourth Realm: where the Sect Leader actually is.

"What do you think your positions will be?"

"It is likely that I will be in the top 100, I'm sure to win 3 times in a row with my Pickle Armor." Wang Fan started boasting about his pickles.

"That's the attitude Brother Wan! But there are usually like 512 participants and not many rounds per day. How many can we participate in before leaving?"

"Probably 4 or 5, the last days are the finals. There are 9 rounds; half of the participants will be eliminated in each one. If we leave on the 4th day we will be able to participate in 4 or 5 rounds…"

Wang Fan said as he calculated in his mind.

"What about you, Brother Yi?"

"Ah, me? Well… If Brother Wang wins 3, I will win 4, so probably around 32nd place."

Yi Ren said nonchalantly.

"That's the spirit Brother Yi!" Ling Zhou cheered by the side.

"So you want to play this game Brother Yi… Alright, whoever lasts more rounds in the tournament is the winner of the 13th Outer Disciple's Talent Competition of Gray Grass Sect! What do you think Brother Yi?" Wang Fan said slowly as fighting spirit awakened in his thin eyes.

"Alright Brother Wang, I'm expectant."

"Excellent! I didn't even have the chance to present my great invention in the Outer Disciple's Talent Competition of Gray Grass Sect! I must also join in this bet!" Plummy Fang joined too.

"But Brother Yi, It's a little unfair for you, both Plummy Fang and I are in the 7th stage of First Realm while you're still in the 6th, don't you think?"

"Don't worry, Brother Wang, I'm about to break through. These days have been hard, you know?"

"Don't forget about me! I'm still in the 5th stage but I have the power of the 'Crazy Cultivation Pill'! I'm going to crush every opponent I have!" Ling Zhou also joined in, jumping around.

"It's settled! Let's give our best, Brothers!"

And with that, they left for their respective rooms, because they were already in front of their strand-looking dormitory building.

Yi Ren dropping some facts here. Shoulders are indeed underrated.

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