
Villain Venture

In a world that was rebuilt upon the ashes of the past; where every piece of rubble hinted at a dark truth; and where power was as easily obtained as finding a lost coin, Yi Ren and his weird colleagues embark into a path of no return. Yi Ren has a very peculiar philosophy. He has been hunted since he was a toddler, with nobody to depend on. He didn’t even know the reason for which people had been trying to kill him; his only goal was to survive. The only person to ever help him died because of it, and the only reason he was still alive was because of his monstrous innate ability. Nonetheless, he doesn’t care. His past, his future, his beliefs, his life or death; it’s not important. He doesn’t want vengeance; he doesn’t want freedom. Even suffering doesn’t mean anything in his eyes. For Yi Ren, everything else is worthless in front of a certain goal. Upload Frequency: 8 ch/w

Weltraumgurke · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 1: Talent Competition of Gray Grass Sect

Many years later...

"IT IS HERE AT LAST! THE 13TH OUTER DISCIPLE'S TALENT COMPETITION OF GRAY GRASS SECT! Brother Yi, do you have any words to say on this great occasion?"

"kuhum, you were lucky last time, Pickle Lord, ruining my consecutive victory streak! This day I've come prepared, and no one, no matter what you bring, will be able to take away my title of the Gray Grass Talent! You just wait!"

"OH BROTHER YI IS VERY CONFIDENT! What do you have to say about this, Brother Wang, or should I say, Pickle Lord?!"

"Brother Yi, you know I've also come prepared… My pickle army is not something you could win against last time, how can you be so confident now that I've been working on it this last month?!

Your little toys won't have a chance against me again! I will be the Gray Grass Pickle Lord Talent once again!"

"THAT'S THE ATTITUDE PICKLE LORD! As you might have noticed right now, our small competition is expanding, and there is a little surprise this time… I PRESENT TO YOU THE NEW JUDGES THAT WILL BE GRADING YOUR LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE: SENIOR SISTER MING AND JUNIOR BROTHER YANG!!!"


Will Brother Yi reclaim his title? Will Pickle Lord maintain his position and suppress everyone once again? Is Plummy Fang going to surprise us and achieve his first victory in thirteen occasions? Or will the new competitor, Ling Zhou, steal the win and leave the old generation behind?!


We start in a couple minutes."

The plump boy's voice resounded through the field of grass located behind a large gray building where outer disciples seemed to live. He was moving from one side to the other as his fat cheeks danced on his face, causing the small drops of sweat previously formed to be thrown in the air, sometimes hitting a person and sometimes arriving at the beautiful green grass where the people were standing.

There were a total of nine people in the close vicinity; four of them had boxes the size of their chests on their hands, including the fat boy who had just picked one up as he finished speaking. Two of the nine people were in front of those who had boxes sitting in chairs; the rest three people were standing at the side, watching.

The sun was high up in the sky shining at the faces of the participants –the ones holding the boxes– causing them to frown. One of them, however, was the exception as he wore something that barely resembled sunglasses; the only similarity they had with them was its function. They were basically 3 long rectangles made of dark glass put together; one to protect the eyes and the other two to maintain the big one in place with the help of the ears.

"I see you are still very fond of your last invention Brother Yi, sadly it was the reason of your previous loss; it couldn't compare to the might of my pickles…" Said the thin, long nosed guy who was beside the one wearing the sunglasses.

"You don't understand… you don't understand Brother Wang… My eye protectors bring so many possibilities, so many you wouldn't even imagine… For example, what if this could help me see through clothes, Brother Pickle Lord, would you admit your inferiority then?"

"I certainly would! In fact, I would kneel and prostrate myself at your feet and respect you as my hero. But brother Yi, Junior Brother Yang is wise; he chose the victor regarding facts, not potential. Tell me, can your eye protectors do that now? We don't know if it is even possible… So in that regard I consider my pickle army much better."

"I don't know if it is, but this time, you don't stand a chance! You just wait, and greatness will reveal itself in front of your eyes. Right then is when you will beg me for my precious eye protectors!" Yi Ren spoke as he revealed a slight smile, one that was highlighted by the dark glass that covered most of his face.

"I admire your confidence, but I disdain your ignorance even more. Let's have a fair one, and no matter who wins, let's share our knowledge with each other once this is over." Pickle Lord said confidently.

"Alright, also, I'm curious about the new generation and Brother Plummy Fang. We need to get a new commentator; the poor guy has to narrate his own performance." Yi Ren changed the topic.

"Don't worry about me Brother Yi. Once we become inner sect disciples all of our problems will be solved! Besides, I like what I do.

Oh right! Brother Yi, you have to show off today! You don't know how hard it was to convince Senior Sister Ming to come as a judge… This is your chance! Perhaps she has already changed her mind." Plummy Fang whispered, winking.

"Brother Fang, lower your voice. I know what to do! Sit and watch because-"





"LET'S START WITH THE NEW GENERATION NOW LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Brother Ling, could you please tell us what've you brought to us today?" Spoke Plummy Fang as he squinted his tiny eyes to concentrate his vision on the object for the evaluation: the brown box on the ground below the frail looking guy in his adolescent years.

"Kuhum, What I have here today is this, fellow brothers and sisters." Said Ling Zhou, opening the brown box on the ground and taking out a very weird looking round pill; it was kind of transparent while emitting a faint purple glow that would be more noticeable in the middle of the night.

He showed the pill to the public by lifting it above his head and moving it from side to side.

"I joined the sect last month and was lucky enough to be a witness of this graceful competition. I instantly knew this was the place I wanted to be in. You must know I'm interested in alchemy, so how can I show my talent? What would be the best medicine I can create that doesn't exist yet? I asked myself.

Days and days of investigation and thinking brought me the answer. It wasn't something one would expect. This pill doesn't improve someone's speed of cultivation, nor enhances it, nor unblocks meridians or anything like that. I realized that cultivation is very boring!

Yes! Sitting all day doing nothing, concentrating in the flow of spiritual energy through the meridians and all that, it can truly break your mind!

Sometimes what you need is fun! Sometimes you need to relax and calm your mind… But that takes time off your cultivation. Some people even consider it a waste of time. Henceforth I created this: the Crazy Cultivation Pill!"

"Oh, interesting Junior Brother Ling, tell us, what are the Crazy Cultivation Pill's effects, exactly?"

Ling Zhou smirked as he took a bottle of pills out of his box and continued: "I worked hard last month and the product is almost finished! Its effects… It makes cultivation fun!

Theoretically, the flow of spiritual energy inside one's body will give the person a feeling of ecstasy when they take the pill. Well, I don't know what feeling exactly but it must be something good.

There is only one part of the process that I've left unfinished, which is the testing. So, right in front of you all, brothers and sisters, I will use myself as the testing subject to prove the effectiveness of my miraculous pill! Remember, this is the start of a new era!"

"Wait, Brother Ling! What-" But before Plummy Fang could stop Ling Zhou, the latter had already swallowed the pill, and was now with his eyes closed, seated in a lotus position on the green grass.

"Don't worry, fellow disciples, I have already proven my medicine's safety, but not its effectiveness. I gave a bunch of pills to a dog and he didn't die until a week later. What can it do to me, a superior cultivator who only consumed one? Don't worry, the dog died happily, I saw him!

You can continue showing your things, don't worry. I'll be cultivating here for a little while. Go on."

"A-Alright. There you have it people of the crowd! Wouldn't you pay a fortune to make cultivation something as enjoyable as watching this competition?

If Junior Brother's pill is as effective as he believes, you better start investing in its production; it will make you rich! I think we can all be proud to be present in this historic moment, like every month, at the Outer Disciple's Talent Competition of Gray Grass Sect!

We will take a short break ladies and gentlemen, we will continue in a couple minutes."

And with that, everyone relaxed and started chatting amongst themselves.

"Sister Ming, I told you these people were kind of weird, why did you have to accept the fatty's request to be the judge?" A thin girl with a ponytail from the crowd quietly approached Ming Daiyu, one of the two people sitting in chairs, whispering. The one sitting had beautiful pinkish eyes which, combined with her pretty face where a small pink mouth rested, and the rays of sun that directly shined on her long black lashes, thick enough brows and long black hair, created the pure concept of perfection, or so Yi Ren had once said.

He appeared like he couldn't take away his gaze from the figure located just a few meters in front of him. It seemed he thought that no one would notice because of his 'eye protectors', but it was still pretty obvious.

"Sister Ming, it looks like the Yi guy is going to declare his love again to you. You could've avoided all of this with just a 'no'! Now I've got to see a junior dying because of his own pill and whatever weird things that the rest of them brought! Especially that 'Pickle Lord', I don't even want to imagine what he's going to do…"

"Lower your voice, Sister Feng! They've already invited me many times; this is the first time I don't refuse. I'm about to break through to the Second Realm, that will make an Inner Sect Disciple. I probably won't be seeing these guys ever again, so I figured it was best to be polite.

Besides, whatever this event is, it is somewhat funny. What if that pill does work? Or what if the 'Pickle Lord' shows a very powerful technique? I'm really curious about what will happen."

"And if Yi Ren confesses his love to me again, so what? It would be the, umm, fifth time? I'm used to it."

"Sister Ming, I envy your patience."

Well, here goes nothing. This is a chaotic story so prepare your eyes a little.

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