
Escape (2)


More and more people came to chase after them.

"Run, Miss!" Prince Lester frowned when he saw that the number of knights who chased after them were more than what they thought at the beginning. Who else would send so many knights to chase after a noble lady?

Aurora could see that her speed was far from comparable to the speed of these knights. 

Her training was not very good and even if it was good, the level was far from the real knights. 

After all, she was not like them who trained almost all day long. 

Her talent was also not there.

Swish! Clang!

Aurora raised the sword she brought and blocked the attack from the knight who attacked her swiftly. Her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Davis Family. It seems that Benny should be the one to send you."

The knights froze in place when Aurora said that. That reaction alone had told Aurora that her guess was correct.

Then again, these knights were stupid.