
chapter 2

worst nightmare Il 2

"Speak"Adam commanded lazily on his rocking chair trying to relax his brain from the online meeting he just finished.

"Sir Mr Alan is meeting up with the lee's manager at the continental hotel"ray informed as fast as he could, cause he knows the man doesn't like to be kept on probation or take his time reporting to him.

"Track them, keep your eyes on them and make sure you listen to their conversation"he ordered lazily.

"Yes sir"the man replied at the end of the line before he could hang up.

Adam stare lazily at nothing and almost immediately he heard the girl scuffed Jacking him back to reality, he watched her rubbed her eye balls carefully followed by a gasp, she tried to stand up.

"Sit down"he ordered causing the girl to Jack back in fear but quickly subdued it with anger, even though her head keep aching anytime she tried to make a move.

"Who the hell are you? And what the heck do you want from me "she half yell trying so hard not to show her fear, she stare at the man who was busy glaring at her, the man looks extraordinarily handsome and hot, his futures are mesmerizing, his dark jet hair sooths his face perfectly. She could see his masculine body from the transparent white jacket he wore,she gulped down in awe.

"Uhnn" he scoffed startling her off her daze

"What do u want from me "she asked almost in tears.

"You should ask your supposed parent" he said nonchalantly.

"What do u mean by that". She asked with a dazzled look

Adam stood up his height engulfing

Hers making her feel very small next to him, in less than a step he close the distance between them, making her hit her back at the wall, she gulped down starring at him, Adam bring down his face immediately the fainth vanilla scent hits his nostrils it obvious it was oozing from the girl, that little action make Daniella skin crawl,she immediately push him off trying to escape he gripped her by her hands pinned to the back, he felt the sudden urge to bury his fangs on the nape of her neck, he lowered his nose to her skin, immediately his eye balls. Change to deep red surprising himself, he has never been much awaken in his 200years of life he quickly let go of her.

"Go and bath your food will be brought to you" he left without facing her.

Daniella sat down on the bed with mixed feelings she wish she could just punch that bastard.

(A fucking pervert ) she cursed in her head, suddenly her mind drift back to his actions, strangely she couldn't do anything when he pinned her hands, just why was her body reacting to that kidnappers touch. (Daniella get hold of your self )she scold her self for fooling around with a pervet, suddenly a knock was heard and just before she could answer two girls of her age walked in with a trolley, the first step of the trolley held a neatly fold cloth, second step has some food on it making Daniella stomach grumble from hunger, she had refused to eat the pancake her mother made earlier. And the third row held a sandal.

"Good morning madam, master say you need to take your bath and eat your food" the first girl with a blonde hair neatly packed in a pony tail said respectfully keeping her head bowed.

"Am not madam my name is Daniella" she immediately cut in feeling offended.

"Sorry madam but we are not allowed to call you that" the two girl chorus before immediately leaving the room not giving her a chance to say anything to them.


At the corner of the room stood a man

In his dark aura, the atmosphere around him were cold bad pitch black he sat down glaring at nothing but sipping his vodka slowly hoping his arousal could be tamed.

At the click of a finger two elegant ladies walked in,one of them looking fierce in her spaghetti strap dress barely covering her laps and visibly showing her she look like she is in her mid thirty but one couldn't guess her age at the first glance.

Next to her stood a girl a young girl shivering as she walked behind the lady.

"Long time master Adam, so so glad to see you, after how many decades you finally showed up here, well it our hon---o--------... She couldn't finish her sentences before he cut her off.

"Get out scarlet " he ordered not looking her way, scarlet quickly maintained her smile before cat walking outside, who could ever imagine he would come back her after 200 yrs of his banishment, less than a seconds the girl loud agony voice was heard making scarlet to chuckle to herself, she so wish she was the one bitten like that.

Suddenly everything became quit as if nothing has happened.