
Villain life: ( Stopped for a while. I will rewrite.)

Raven found himself as a minor villain. He was treated as trash because of his lack of potential. But the moment he reincarnated into the body of this minor villain nothing could be fixed. Destroyed Core and was unable to use his sword. When the sun was out, he felt pain worth being in Hell every day. He searched for strength in the hope of clearing the curse he got. Will he be the final villain who will face humanity? Will he use his future knowledge to lead them? Author words. Mc is pure evil but not at the same time. Sure he will kill countless others for his desire but not that mentally evil. You can find that by reading this novel. And the last thing I want to talk about is this novel will have a lot of world-building. My discord-goffyboy#3701

goffyboy · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The blind

Lucifer entered the room with a lot of bread. He was hitting some as well. He looked happy. He gave a few to Raven.

Raven took it and asked. " I see you visiting that bakery every day. Something fun happened. "

' I can probably use that girl to grab Lucifer. ' He bite the bread as he thought about the plan to torture the young girl.

Lucifer shook his head and laughed. " What fun? Although she was a very sweet girl. Tonight she oversteps her place. "

Raven sat on the chair. He poured the wine for himself and gave the bottle to Lucifer. He then dipped the bread into the wine cup and eat it.

Yikes. " Not a good idea. " He coughed. Not wanting to throw away good food he swallowed it. He took out the water bottle from the shadow and drink the whole.

" So What kind of overstep? " He asked.

" She asked to marry her. " Lucifer replied. He touched the wine bottle and used Ice to cool it.

" Your answer? "

" I killed her. Twisting her neck like a snap. " He snapped his finger to demonstrate the sound effect. He smiled.

Raven placed his foot on the table and sighed. " I was thinking about using her as a Slave. "

Lucifer laughed. " Don't tell me you think I will love someone. "

" Hey, let the man dream. You are powerful. " Raven snorted.

" Anyway forget about that girl. Tomorrow we will go to the royal capital, right? " Lucifer asked.

" Yeah. I prepared for the plan. "

" I hope you gave me a good show. "

Raven smiled. " I won't let you down. "


Raven hired some merchants and rode the trip to the capital. He was sitting on the top of the carriage. He stared at the sun with sunglasses.

' Sun God. That's the problem. I need to cut the connection between Lez and God. That chosen status is annoying. Should I destroy the sun? But the prophet will die. I need her as well. '

He scratched his head, ' Killing God will not be an easy one. '

Lucifer came out from the shadow holding an ice pop. He licked the ice feeling the cold misty feeling he desires in the heat.

" Are you hot? Seeing you make me sweaty. " Lucifer threw a few pieces of ice around Raven.

His control over Ice is pretty good. Raven never read about this power from him.



Age- 23

Innate talent - Chaos, Hell

Skill- Fire(82℅), Shadow ( 90℅), Ice ( 70℅) and Wind ( 87℅)

The child of Chaos was born from the devil tree.

Raven was impressed. 'I never knew he had that much power. '

" I love the sun. " Raven smiled.


Raven stretched his body. His skin was now tan due to constant exposure.

Lucifer was holding an umbrella. Raven didn't know how he got that.

They were both standing in front of the large building. Decorated with a wooden dragon in front of the door. The door was opened to everyone.

Raven looked up and read the sign. He doubled check the place. It said, Guild. This place is where the plan will start.

He entered the busy doorway.

Numerous people with different clothes and weapons entered or left. The Guild or more specifically all Guild representatives. They were the ones who controlled all Guilds in the Empire.

He walked toward the counter and placed 1000 J.

Hearing the money sound, three-eyed women turned toward his direction. Her third eye was located on her forehead pretty cool.

She looked up and down at Raven. Her money-making instinct probably kicking. She made a professional sweet smile.

" How can I help you sir? " She said as her had slowly drag 1000J into her breast pocket.

' Oh. Seduce and Friendly. Double blow. Good job. ' He smiled.

" I would like to offer a job here. " Raven rubbed his forehead.

" Oh. It will be done, sir. What Rank do you need? "

Raven didn't say any words. He closed his eyes.

"Sir? "The lady asked.

" Sorry about that. It is just the request is too stupid. "

" I will listen to the request and decide the rank for you. "

He grabbed her hands and smiled. "Really. Thank. "

The lady tried to shake it off but the grip of Raven was a bit strong. " You see over there. "

Raven pointed at Lucifer.

" Oh. The one holding umbrella inside the building? " The lady said.

Raven nodded. " Ignore that stupid part. He is my friend. A good one. He is about to propose to his lover. As a good friend, I want him to remember that day. So I want to dye the whole sky red. "

The lady frowned at the absurd request. This is a royal capital, not some low-level town.

" I believe that request will be declined by the Guild master. "

" Then what about light orb? I knew that request didn't work so I plan another one. You guys will scatter the light orbs around the capital and at night that thing will light up. And I will borrow some flying mounts and take them to the sky. "

The lady calculated the law and she nodded.

" That can be done. But do you need that much money for your friend? "

Raven sighed. He made a regretful expression. " I wish I don't need to spend that much money but his love is my sister. Anyway, how much money do you need? "

The lady wrote some calculations on paper and came up with two million.

"That is only for the worker. You need to supply them yourselves. "

Raven whistled. " That is better. Tell them to come to this place and here is half of the money you need. "

After all the talk, they both left the Guild.

Lucifer was still holding the umbrella. Raven glanced at the umbrella.

" What is with that umbrella? It's becoming an eyesore "

Lucifer shook his head. " Can't help it? I can't mask my presence against that many rankers. Need an artefact. " He explained.

He showed the interior. Raven took a long look at it. There were numerous formations combined. Some of which he recognized, like connection and absorption.

Others were like a mix of shadows.

" Why umbrella? You could just make clothes. "

Lucifer sighed. " I thought I found someone with the same fashion sense as mine. This is for pure design. Look how cool I am with an umbrella. Mysterious. "

Raven only nodded to this.

" I got some good news for you. Or a challenge perhaps. " Raven teased.

" You will never find a challenge that will beat my heart. "

" Oh. Yeah. How about a bet? "

Lucifer stopped walking. " What bet? "

" To see who completes the step first. "

Lucifer smirked. "Count me. I will beat you with full effort. What are my challenges? "

Raven spread his arms, he looked up at the sky dramatically. " Kidnap a girl. "

Lucifer kicked at Raven but some unknown force stopped the kick. Raven laughed.

"Stop it. This is difficult I promise. " Raven released the soul chain from the leg.

" And your challenges must be stupid like mine, right? "

" Right. Mine is to kill a priest. " Raven smiled.

" Hey, that is not fair. "

Raven run. Lucifer followed with the umbrella in his hand. Raven used their soul to trick Lucifer's foot. He landed on the dusty ground.

Raven laughed. 'This is so fun. I knew it. This place is fun. Now the only thing that needs to act is fire.'

' I don't think how my eye will evolve with so many souls. '


Keisha walked on the hot surface barefoot. He felt the heat from his feet and followed by the wind on his head.

He heard some gentle sounds of nature around him. The flat surface changed into the uneven one. The one filled with a bunch of small paddles. He slowly walked.

His hands touched the nearby tree. He tried to read the colour of the leave. Was it green like the other said? Then what is green?

He asked this question in his heart again. Then again he will get the answer he will never know.

A small creature called a bird landed on his shoulder. He never knew what they looked like but their voice was sweet. He listened to the tale of their journey.

His smile was gentle. He picked up a few seeds from his pocket and feed the bird.

Sometime later the bird flies away.

Was it the good one? Did the bird enjoy the meal?

He would never know. Perhaps that is a good thing. He smiled again.

" Priest. "

A young fellow voice arrived from his back. He can't pinpoint the exact location. " Yes. "

" There is someone who needs your ability. "

Keisha worried about that someone. Someone with great pain.

They are the ones who need his help. He always fears that. He hoped for the day when no one would need his help.

" Coming. Can you please lead my hand? "

He extended his hand. A gentle soft touched his and slowly guide him.

Let the wind guide the good one. The girl thought. She felt peace at the sight of the priest. She was Keisha's caretaker and the strongest user of the sword of light in history.