
Villain life: ( Stopped for a while. I will rewrite.)

Raven found himself as a minor villain. He was treated as trash because of his lack of potential. But the moment he reincarnated into the body of this minor villain nothing could be fixed. Destroyed Core and was unable to use his sword. When the sun was out, he felt pain worth being in Hell every day. He searched for strength in the hope of clearing the curse he got. Will he be the final villain who will face humanity? Will he use his future knowledge to lead them? Author words. Mc is pure evil but not at the same time. Sure he will kill countless others for his desire but not that mentally evil. You can find that by reading this novel. And the last thing I want to talk about is this novel will have a lot of world-building. My discord-goffyboy#3701

goffyboy · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Core formation

Logen dug the hole from the ground. Raven was looking at all that stuff under the tree. He looked at the sky.

' Is that even called sky? ' He questioned himself. He wasn't sure what is normal or not. His precision of life was altered. All he could do were doubt.

He didn't know how much time had passed.

The red eyeball was looking down at the ground. It cried blood and flowed from the sky like a waterfall. The air smelled like blood. There was a red light. He didn't know how the red light entered.

Raven's gaze then turned toward Logen. But there was no sight of him. Only dark. Dark like his heart.

Then that darkness covered. It slowly crept through the ground reaching almost him. Another brunch of darkness shot out to the sky. Their objective was clear. They wanted to devour the sky, red eye.

Raven remained under the tree. He didn't move or flinch. He just stayed there.

After almost a minute, darkness reached him. And Raven embraced it. The darkness in the sky also devoured the eye.

The thing that sees.

The tree he was leaning on morphed into a young woman who he was familiar with. The face of the chosen one, Lez.

He tortured her. Raven smiled. Touching the wooden look of Lez. " You are beautiful. " He meant that truth.

This darkness was his. His world. This is how he saw the world. Everything was his and will always be. He something wondered why his mind was this twisted. The pain he experienced can be the factor that changed him like this but not enough.

This much was too much. He knew that.

And yet he continued.

Raven absorbed all the darkness. He was laying under the tree.

Logen grabbed the core he made yesterday. Maybe yesterday. He didn't know the exact date. Logen looked at Raven.

" Come here. Kid. We will create a core for you. " He said.

Raven opened his eyes, it was pure pitch black, and there was no whiteness in his eye. Logen smiled. " Wake up. "

The darkness left. Raven got up from his sleep and walked toward Logen. He grabbed the core.

" So what should I do? " Raven asked.

" Slice your stomach and put that in. And let it heal naturally. " Logen said.

Raven frowned. "Source? "

" No pain no gain. " Logen replied with a smile. " Relax, I've also done that before. It only hurt like hell. "

Raven sat on the ground. He placed the core in front of him. He put his hand and Logen gave him a short sword.

Raven looked at the top of the sword, sharp. He can see his eye from its reflection. Raven took off his shirt and rubbed his stomach.

He took a deep breath and slashed it. It didn't hurt. No, it did. It is just Raven didn't care about that anymore.

He grabbed the core and smiled. He put it inside his stomach. Gut was pushing an unknown core but he managed to stuff it.

Then the pain kicked in.

It hurt. Which surprised Raven. He never thought he would feel this feeling again. But this feeling was a bit different from his experience.

It was.

Rejection. The pain of rejection.

It rejects all of his. His reason. His soul. His purpose. Raven laughed. He was feeling the pain. But was it the pain for him? Or pleasure.

Jogen saw the whole thing, he also experienced that before. He looked up. ' Look like the war will happen soon. I just hope the energy will set up the board nicely. The last war was boring. All of my opponents were weak. '

Raven felt the energy was walking away from him. So he trapped it. He enslaved it. It will be him alone.

Because he is him.

After 30 minutes, all were done.

Raven called status. But there is no show. No screen. He sighed.

" Are you done? " Logen asked.

Raven nodded. He rubbed his wound which was now healed.

" How is the feeling? "

" Hell, my ass. It was great. " Raven grabbed the air.

Logen nodded. " Now you need to train energy by using the core. "

Raven sighed and then he nodded.

" Now, control the flow in your core, guide that into your hand and throw a punch. "

Raven followed half-ass teaching. He punched the air, it broke the sound barrier. Raven was sent flying away by his force. He smiled.

Raven stood up and he fell. He looked at his limbs, all were broken. It all shattered into pieces.

" Wow, the stuff was strong. " Logen said. " So how does it feel? "

" It is like using a slave. Not that I have but the closest feeling I got was when I was torturing the chosen one. " Raven said honestly.


After unknown times had passed.

Raven and Logen were sparing. Their friendly spar had transformed into a deadly battle.

Raven dodged the incoming attack which was the thrust from Logen's spear. He had died thousand from this.

Mistakes were meant to learn.

Raven kicked the staff and grabbed the blade and throw it at Logen. Logen just punched the blade.

He kicked off the ground, making dust everywhere.

Raven looked around feeling nervous. Then he died. Unable to see anything.

Raven punched the ground. " Dammit. "

" Feeling angry? " Logen laughed.

" No. " Raven replied.

" Good job, lasting that long. We will go to the dark land tomorrow. So rest for now. " Logen said.

" Dark land. What is that? "

Logen raised. " You don't know any of the land here? "

Raven shook his head. " No, I only heard about this place from the storybook. " He said the truth. The novel he read only shows internal conflict and demon invasion.

This land was mentioned by some old man who gave Lez, a lamp that guide light. So he came here because he thought he will find the light.

Logen always said the war is coming. This didn't matter in his mind since the other nation will probably take over and he was fed up.

Raven murmured. " Dark land? "