
Villain DEKU

Izuku a boy born quirkless gets beaten up by others just because he dreams of being a hero, but he still goes on because the only light of hope in his dark world was his idol, the number one hero ALL MIGHT but everything changed from the day he met him. He was unable to bear the pain in his heart anymore he was about to commit suicide but he didn't cause he can't!!! he won't!!! At that moment he realized something he should have realized a long time ago that the world is a cruel place. So he decided that the name 'DEKU' will be feared by all. Alone, rejected, betrayed, heartlessly beaten up, nothing to his name in this world except a dream. He decided that he will give them what they deserve and make them understand what is true terror with only his sheer will and power -------------------------------------------------- This is a crossover between MHA and Demon slayer. (Kimetsu no Yaiba) Spoiler warning- I will not reveal any spoiler until the part which is shown in the anime but I will continue the story from the manga. Don't worry I will tell you if there is a spoiler and if you still want to read it, it is up to you. :)

NAK · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

A start all over again

---Izuku's pov---

I opened my eyes but for some reason, a task this simple also feels like I am pushing myself to the limits.

I looked at the ceiling and I didn't recognize it. I tried to move but I can't even feel my arms and legs, I looked around the room as much as I can and it looked like a place not used for ages with walls covered in cracks and dried out stains of blood with an open window more likely broken. Now I am getting a little nervous because I don't know what happened after I passed out that night or how much time has passed till then.

Somebody must have saved me back then but, I don't think I am going to thank them for that.

Izuku lied there for some time because he can't move no matter how hard he tried and nobody was there. After few hours he started to lose patience, he wanted to know who saved him and what happened to his mom. But nothing he can do now.

After some time has passed and now he was hungry but still, he can't do anything, but suddenly he heard his phone started to ring and he moved his head sidewards and saw a table with blood-stained bandages on it and some other stuff with his phone on it.

So he again tried to get up but couldn't but still, he didn't give up.

So he cleared his throat before speaking "Accept the call" And suddenly the line connected and Izuku heard the voice of a cheerful little girl.

["Yo, Deku-Kun~~.You didn't pick up my calls, so I thought I have to ask your mom about you but then I saw all those missing posters about you. I thought you died or something."]

"How thoughtful of you to think about me, but I think my ending up in this situation is your fault too, Firewall."

["HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT'S IT'S ME??? I even went through all that trouble to change my voice. OH! The sadness I am feeling right now."]

"You are the only one who is this cheerful while everybody else sounds like they are about to drop dead at any moment."

And there was silence for a while Izuku waited for her to speak up but,


["I remember, you wanted to die right, not literally but you still want me to do it. You at least have that many points."]


["Yeah, I never told you about that. For every work you do, you get points, and then you can ask me to do anything for you. But you can't ask for freedom, I do it to reveal my boredom and take some jobs others can't do it's also a way to motivate them."]

"Now, I don't think I will need to make a disappearance because I'm sure that someone must be out there to get me for good this time... Hey is my mom OK."

["Yeah, she's fine. You missed the vitals, but thankful you are also safe."]

"And how exactly is that, if this is you're doing them I am sure this is not free."

["Unfortunately this is not, but I wish it was then I will make you work till your bones then into powder."]

"So how am I still alive? I remember that I was about to get eaten by a demon."

Izuku waited for an answer from Firewall but she didn't say anything but he heard a different voice from the corner of the room.

"I saved you." A man came into Izuku's line of sight, and after seeing his Izuku's first thoughts were-

'Huh? Where did he come from? Was he there all the time, was he just watching me standing there, there's no way that he came in the room while I was awake. He.....' and they continue.

The man came and stand beside him with a serious look on his face which is quite intimidating, he had a muscular man and has a flat, somewhat triangular face without a nose. He has rather long, black hair, which he wears messily; it would drape over his face if not for his headband and mask, and had small red eyes with tiny irises.

He sports a dark combat suit, plated with metal armor across his body to holster his weapons. The torso is sleeveless, so he instead wraps his arms in yellow bandages, all the way from just below his shoulders to his wrists. He also wears long black wristbands and a watch on his left arm, and his knees are protected with metal pads, the costume completed by black boots with steel armor. He always dons his signature blood-red scarf and matching headband, as well as the tattered cloth he wears around his face like a mask

["Deku, meet my new friend. Hero killer, Stain."]

Izuku had an expressionless look on his face and he just took a glance at Stain and again started starting at the ceiling. Now he doesn't even care who he was but if this was his previous elf he may have flipped but now it's just nothing to him.

"Why did you save me?" Izuku asked with an irritated tone.

Stain looked at him with a serious look"...Tell me why do you want to throw away your life like that.

"It's my life so I will do whatever I want to do with it, and it's not like you owe me something...

And besides that, I am a quirkless waste of space it doesn't even matter I live or die nobody will care."

["Tell me why are you a waste of space, just because other people said so."] Firewall said in a serious tone which sends shivers down Izuku's back as he has never heard Firewall so serious about anything.

For a moment Izuku couldn't say anything back, but he knew no matter how hard he tries he can't change what he is, Izuku took a deep breath before speaking and with a heavy heart "No matter how hard I try, no matter how much people try to bring me down I always tried my hardest, but in the end, I was the one who was making a fool of myself and now I can't take it anymore."

Strain when heard what he said grabbed his neck and picked him up and Izuku can't even resist.

"If you really think that about yourself, then you are better off dead. You, yourself desires what is your worth not others. People who didn't even know a fraction of the effort you must have put into anything you did, and YOU ARE LETTING THEM MAKE YOU GIVE UP LIKE THIS!!!" And Stain threw Izuku on the ground.

Izuku struggled to stand up " But don't you think that someone like me who even All might The number one HERO deemed as someone as" But Izuku got cut in between by Firewall.

["So what if what someone said I think anybody can be a figure to be feared. Don't you think people's life will be in your hand and if they fail to acknowledge your skill and talent I want to give you an offer.

Work with me. I think climbing to the top will be an easy thing for someone like you, be someone the people will fear and you know what is more dangerous than someone who does crimes in broad daylight or someone who strikes from the shadows."]

"What if I don't want to be someone like that?" Izuku asked with a serious tone.

["Then Stain here will like to talk to you and if you don't want to take his offer then we will gladly cut your limbs and throw you in front of the police station, you will not die but not in any condition to live. The choice is all yours."]

Stain walked up to Izuku and crouched down in front of Izuku and said in a serious tone "I want you to be a hero."

When Izuku heard what he said he can't help but laugh out "If you don't know I don't have a quirk. I can't be a hero, nothing else for that matter."

"Hero is a title for someone who has achieved great things, nobody said a hero has to be someone strong, needs to have a quirk, and above all a strong sense of justice with an unshakable will." The stain looked directly into Izuku's eyes and he could say anything back to him.

["DANG!!! I am really glad that I made you my friend Stain. I hope you can make something good out of that depressed, sad boy"]

"I sure will, that boy, I haven't got your name yet." As Stain picked up Izuku from the ground and help him to the bed.

"Izuku Midoriya, but I don't think I will be using that name now. So Deku will be it."

"So Deku I will show the trust of this society, the heroes that everybody looks up to are nothing more than fakes, and I will show you what a true hero should be. You are someone who risked your life for someone else you are a true hero in my eyes and you will set an example for this world."

Izuku couldn't help but cry out in joy when he heard those words never once in his life has said that to him that he can be a hero, but still, he knew that this is more of a delusion for him but even if there is a chance that he can be a hero then he will work even if his body gave up he will not because that is the one thing that this world had thought him. He was born weak a quirkless boy, but despite that, he never gave up.

"Hey Firewall can you get my money and stuff from my home? Because it looks like I am going to stay with you guys for a while."

["Sure can, and your stuff from which home?"]

"The one that I own." He said with a smile.

["Yeah - Yeah I know. So Deku welcome to the club of the rejects."] And the line went silent.

Izuku was lying on the bed and he puts out his hand in the air and clenched his fist " I will destroy this 'Hero Socity' and build it back, as it should be." His voice was low but still, the boldness in his voice could be heard clearly as he had set a new goal for himself as he will now become someone who will change this society. A society where no matter how hard he tried to fit in but was rejected by everyone but now he will change the society in a way so that he could fit himself in.

I think I fucked up this chapter a little bit, but please bear with it.

Hope you enjoy it.

NAKcreators' thoughts