
Villain's Plot Reversal System

I died, and my soul transmigrated inside the body of Lei Yang, a ruthless villain who dies in the early stages of the cultivation novel I was reading. But with my transmigration came a system that will help me reverse the plot of this novel and make me invincible. I was ready to cultivate my way to immortality and face all the difficulties with this system, but after the random draws, I started to wonder if this really was a cultivation novel. [A Certain Chemistry Teachers Crystal Meth Recipe] [An Apple: Liked by a Certain Death God] [Demon Slaying Katana: Masamune] And so began my story for the entertainment of the gods. ************************** 100 Power Stones = Extra Chapter **************************

RealRomanLord · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 2: Random Draws

I was standing in front of a body-sized mirror examining my appearance. I had taken off my robe to get a good look at everything.

"I can't believe the author killed off this character so early," I remarked, gazing at my reflection in the mirror.

Unblemished white skin and a lean body that would make any guy jealous and the girls swoon. Each muscle was meticulously defined, lending an air of strength and grace to my form. And when combined with my devilishly handsome face, the entirety of my being could easily be considered a work of art.

'I like everything but the hair is too long'.

I know that in these kinds of Chinese novels, all the protagonists have long hair but I am really not a fan of that.

'Should I just cut it short myself?' I thought, when suddenly a system message appeared in front of me.

[The host may change his hair length and style with 1 reversal point]

"Really, well that's quite convenient I guess", I say not expecting the system to even provide haircuts.

"Then can you cut my hair please".

[What kind of hairstyle would you prefer?]

"Surprise me," I said and closed my eyes.

In the next few seconds, I felt my long hair falling and becoming shorter, rearranging itself into a new style.

[Please check the result]

I open my eyes and run my fingers through my newly styled hair, examining the light fade on the sides and back. The system had left the top longer and textured, providing flexibility in styling.

"Much better. Nicely done, system," I remark, satisfied with the result.

[Thank you, host]

"But let's be real, I could go bald and still turn heads," I add with a smirk.

Once done admiring myself in the mirror, I slip into my robe and settle onto the bed.

"Open Shop", I say and a system panel appears with various options such as Cultivation Techniques, Alchemy techniques, Weapons, Talismans, Formations, and misc.

Intrigued by the misc option, I select it and a wide window appears, showcasing an array of items. Among them are clothes, tools, decorative pieces, and various herbs and materials. I went through most of the items and almost everything was in-between 1~5 RPs.

Although I didn't know how much a single RP was worth, I did find it weird that there were some very rare herbs priced at only 5 RP in the shop. 

"System, can you explain to me how much a single RP is worth?"

[Certainly host, 1 RP is equal to 100 High-Grade Spirit Stones.]

My eyes widened with shock. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

In this novel, there were three types of currencies: High-Grade Spirit Stones, Mid-Grade Spirit Stones, and Low-Grade Spirit Stones. These stones had multiple purposes but were mainly used as currency among cultivators.

"Di-did you just give me a haircut worth 100 High-Grade Spirit Stones?"

[Yes, host.]

"You crazy system!!" I shouted. "Tell me this before you cut my hair. I would have cut it myself if I knew it cost 100 H-grade spirit stones!"

[I am really sorry, host. But don't worry, you can grow your hair again using 1 RP and then cut it yourself.]

"Now why the hell would I do that, you idiot?!"

[Didn't you want to cut it yourself?]

"That's not the problem! The price is the problem! Refund me my 1 RP back!"

[Sorry host but refunds are not possible]

I could feel the anger brewing within me but I could do nothing about this situation.

I sigh and look at the mirror once again,

"100 H-grade spirit stones hair cut", I mutter as imagery tears fall from my eyes.


Next, I move on to the cultivation techniques.

I was excited to check them out but as I examined them one by one my excitement started dying.

"System, who set these prices? These prices don't make sense at all. How can a rare herb like Dragon Grass be worth 5 RP and a Cultivation technique like Flickering Flames Breath be worth 50 RP while being such a weak and common technique? Instead of buying it from the system, I can just go and buy it from an Auction house for much much cheaper."

[Host, you could get the technique but how long would It take you to learn it?]

"huh, why does that matter?"

[Please answer my question host]

"It takes about 5 weeks for an average cultivator to learn it but since Lei is a genius It would take him about 3 weeks"

[Correct. But If the Host buys this technique from the system you would not need those 3 weeks]

"what do you mean?", I asked not understanding what the system was getting at.

[When you buy a technique from the system you can automatically learn it. That is the reason for the techniques having much higher prices]

"What?! I thought you were just giving the manuals for the techniques and I had to learn them myself."

"This is incredible. All I have to do is buy a technique, and I can instantly learn it. Finally, something that feels like a cheat ability," I think to myself.

With my excitement returning, I move on to other stuff and start checking the things I can buy at the moment. but as I went through some of them, once again, my excitement disappeared.

'Compared to the miscs, these are too expensive? with my current points, I can only buy the useless stuff'.

After going through some more techniques and items, I decided,

"It would be smarter to get and learn the simpler techniques on my own and buy the more time-consuming ones from the system."

Although not much, I did get some reversal points just recently but surely it would not be easy to get them consistently.

I have taken some different actions compared to the story but I didn't get any more RP. This makes me think that only some specific events will provide me with them.

'I can't spend my points on these third-rate skills unless I am in a life-threatening situation'.

I was feeling a little annoyed thinking about all the work I'll have to do in the future when I remembered about the bonuses.

"System show me the bonuses "

[Welcome Bonuses]

Random Draw (Low) x 4

Random Draw (Mid) x 3

Random Draw (High) x 3

Technique Voucher x 3

Red Rose x 1

Reversal Points x 100

Plot Book

There were some things I could not understand the function of so I asked the system to explain what they were used for.

[Plot Book]

Contains the current story's plot and important events information.

"Oh, that's neat"

Honestly, there was a lot of stuff I don't remember from this novel so this will be a big help.

[Red Rose]

This is a currency awarded to the host by the gods watching your story.

When you finish a story, the gods may reward you with Red Roses based on how much they enjoyed your performance.

These roses can be used to acquire many talents and skills from beings all over the universe.

(Note: No more than 3 roses can be possessed at a time)

'I am being watched by gods?'

I figured that some kind of god had brought me into this world but why are they watching me?

'I don't mind being watched but I do hope they don't watch when I use the bathroom and stuff' I think jokingly.

But still, this can be considered a good thing as the more they enjoy my performance in this story, the more of these roses I will get. And I am guessing that these are some very rare things as they are giving abilities from beings all over the universe.

"Can you give me some examples of the abilities I can get with the Red Roses?" I ask the system.


Perfect Actor

Pickup Artist

Perfect Beauty

Ultimate Seduction

Battle Sense



The talents were totally different from what I imagined them to be, so I was a little confused. I thought it would be cultivation talents but these had nothing to do with cultivation. Also, the names were very simple with no explanation of the skills.

"System tell me about these skills"

[You have to buy a Red Rose skill or talent to know what it does]

"huh, what kind of bullshit setting is this. How can I buy something without knowing what it does?"

[You can get an idea of what the skill does with its name]

"But that is still taking a risk while selecting the skill. What if the skill does a completely different thing than what I imagined it to do?"

[I am sorry host but I can't do anything about this]

'Well, since nothing can be done, I'll just move on to the other stuff,' I think to myself, feeling a bit annoyed.

Next were the technique vouchers but I could not contain my excitement for the random draws. Just thinking about what I could get from the draws made me eager to use them now.

I felt like I had accumulated enough money and was finally going to draw character packs like in those mobile gacha games.

"System, use all the random draws", I say with an excited voice.

[Using Random Draws(Low) x 4]

Crystal Meth Recipe

Enchanted Undergarment Set x 3

Protection Talisman x 3

Universal Cologne

[Using Random Draws(Mid) x 3]

Mother of Dragons Costume

Nightstalker Cloak


[Using Random Draws(High) x 3]

Rorgran's Complete Assassination Guide


Asmodeus's Techniques (Complete)

After seeing the results of the draws, I was left dumbfounded.

"Meth recipe? Undergarments set??"

All my excitement went away and only confusion was left.

"Wha-what the hell is this?!" I shout in complete disbelief.

None of the items were related to cultivation or even this novel.

"I am…in a cultivation novel, right?"