
Villain's Contract With The God

Asher Amir Vaishè, the son of a Marquis, is known for his good heart. Yet, despite his benevolent nature, he is despised by his family and everyone around him, simply for existing. He's come to believe that people never change—a sentiment that may seem naive for someone so young, but is it really? In a world where individuals would die to form a contract with a Seraph, a powerful creature from the dimension of Serakhshá, these contracts bestow magical runes upon the chosen, granting them extraordinary abilities. Asher's life is further complicated by a mysterious phenomenon: a time loop triggered during his contract ceremony. This inexplicable loop forces him to relive the same seven years, starting from the day he's destined to marry, over and over again. After enduring this repetitive nightmare three times, Asher decides to alter a minor event at his academy ball. This small change sets off a cascade of new events, leading him to an encounter with God, Middos. Middos offers Asher a choice: continue his cursed existence or seize an opportunity to gain power at a significant cost. Will Asher choose the power to change his fate? *** Note for readers: First things first, please read all the non-privileged chapters before deciding to drop the story. The MC won't be a typical villain who gets his way every time with a lot of plot armor. This time, I am introducing an MC who doesn't immediately give away the vibe that he's a villain from the start. Instead, we will slowly see him become one. Please comment if you like or dislike the work; I reply instantly. Now give it a try with an open mind and heart.

Satan03 · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Chapter 27: Blind Maid


"Ouch, is... is this a table?" asked the elderly woman in the maid outfit, her frail fingers brushing against the tabletop as she hunched forward.

I facepalmed, wondering what I had gotten myself into. "Yeah, it's a table."

"Oh dear lord," she said, then turned in a different direction, feeling her way around the room.

I watched her navigate the room with a mix of frustration and pity. Clearly, she wasn't the help I had been expecting, but I couldn't just turn her away. I sighed and moved to guide her.

"Let me help you," I said, gently taking her arm and leading her around the obstacles. "The kitchen is this way."

"Thank you, dear," she replied with a warm, albeit shaky, smile. "I'm sorry, my eyesight isn't what it used to be."

"It's alright," I said, guiding her to a chair. "Why don't you sit for a moment and tell me what you can do? I'll figure out how to make things easier for you."

As she settled into the chair, I took a moment to think. This wasn't ideal, but I had to make do with what I had. I couldn't risk having someone else snooping around the house, especially with the recent break-in and the secrets beneath it.

"So the guild sent you to help here," I asked, unsure of what they were thinking.

"Yeah, I heard about you needing someone to cook and look after the house, so I suggested myself. Given my track record of satisfactory work, I was given the job immediately!" said the lady enthusiastically. "This is my ID." She slowly handed me her ID card.

On it was her name, Lira Polks. Age eighty. Pros: Can cook, clean, and do all household chores. Cons: Blind.

... Seriously?

"They actually put 'blind' on your identification card," I remarked awkwardly, putting the card away.

"Well," she began, "I can cook, clean, and take care of laundry. My hands may be old, but they're still quite capable."

"Alright," I said, nodding. "I'll help you with anything that requires moving around a lot. Let's start with cooking. Do you have any special recipes?"

She smiled, her eyes lighting up despite their cloudiness. "Oh, I have plenty of recipes. Just tell me what ingredients you have, and I'll make something wonderful."

I couldn't help but smile back. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. "I'll get the ingredients," I said. "In the meantime, why don't you rest a bit? I'll be right back."

As I moved to gather the food, I glanced back at her. She may not have been what I was expecting, but let's see how it goes.

There was a small market nearby, so I went and bought some vegetables and meat. I had to buy a lot because no one at the market had change for a gold coin.

I returned from the market with a large basket of vegetables and cuts of meat, carefully setting them down on the kitchen counter. Lira had settled herself at the kitchen table, her hands folded patiently in her lap.

"Alright, Lira," I began, pulling out the ingredients one by one. "We have carrots, potatoes, onions, bell peppers, and some chicken and beef."

She listened attentively as I listed each item. "That sounds perfect," she said with a smile. "We can make a hearty stew with these."

"Sounds great," I replied, feeling a bit more at ease with her enthusiasm.

Lira stood up slowly, feeling her way to the counter. "Could you pass me a cutting board and a knife, dear?"

I fetched the necessary items and placed them carefully in front of her. She ran her fingers over the vegetables, feeling their shapes and sizes.

"Ha, wait a second," she mumbled and looked through her pockets, pulling out a bluish stone embedded in a bracelet. "I'll use the binder now." She wore the bracelet around her wrist, and when she pulled her sleeve up, I saw a small swirling rune around her wrist.

"You have a Seraph?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Dear, we don't get Seraphs; they choose us. But technically yes, it's getting old, just like me, but it's nice," she replied as she got up.

"How do you know that the Seraph is getting old?" I asked, intrigued.

Generally, one can see their contracted Seraph only once in their life when they get contracted to one. After that, they don't see it at all,

She didn't look back as she somehow made it to the sink and began washing the vegetables. "I don't see it, I feel it," she continued. She pointed at a vase placed at the end of the kitchen counter. "I can feel that there is something placed there. I don't know what, but there is something."

I didn't ask any more questions about how long she could hold the spell or what kind of binder she was using; I just watched her.

With remarkable skill and precision, she began to chop the vegetables into neat, uniform pieces, her movements steady and practiced.

As she worked, I watched in quiet amazement. Despite her blindness, she handled the knife with ease and efficiency, turning each vegetable into perfect cubes.

"Do you need any help with seasoning or anything else?" I asked, eager to assist in some way.

"Oh, thank you, dear," she replied warmly. "Could you pass me the herbs and spices? We'll need some thyme, rosemary, and a bit of salt and pepper."

I handed her the requested ingredients, marveling at her ability to identify each one by touch alone. She sprinkled the herbs into the pot with a practiced hand, filling the kitchen with a delightful aroma.

As the stew simmered on the stove, Lira moved on to preparing a simple salad and setting the table. She navigated the kitchen with ease, her confidence growing with each task she completed.

Finally, everything was ready. Lira ladled the hearty stew into bowls, the steam rising enticingly from the rich broth and tender vegetables. She placed a bowl in front of me with a gentle smile.

"There we go," she said, sitting down across from me at the table, huffing.

I took a spoonful of the stew, savoring the comforting flavors. It was delicious, far better than I could have expected.

"This is amazing, Lira," I said sincerely. "Thank you so much."

Her smile widened. "It's my pleasure, dear. I'm glad you're enjoying it."

As I ate, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Lira's unexpected presence. She may not have been what I originally had in mind, but her skills and warmth were more than welcome.

After dinner, Lira washed the dishes and even took care of washing some clothes, bedsheets, and the floors, all within three hours.

As we finished cleaning, Lira turned to me with a kind expression. "Thank you for letting me help, dear. It's been a long time since I've had the chance to cook for someone."

"You're welcome," I replied sincerely. "And thank you for coming today. I really appreciate it."

She patted my hand gently. "Anytime, dear. I'll be back tomorrow to help with whatever you need."

"That's good to hear," I said, smiling as I was about to close the door.

"Ah, one more thing!" she exclaimed. "What should I call you?"

I looked at her. "Just call me Ash... Asher. Yeah, call me Asher," I replied.

"Okay, Asher," she said with a nod, and then she left.

"Haa," turning back I was greeted with a clean house, now I want to sleep.

Noice Lira

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