

A world where humans gotten powers suddenly has led to chaos amongst society. To bring order to the streets they tasked this to an insurgence of masked individuals who call themselves heroes. This seems to ease the tension as these righteous heroes are bringing order or it seems they do. This change has led four individuals of different backgrounds to meet in an academy that focuses on powers. Kiyoshi, the unfortunate soul who was the victim of the slums Mitsuki, the one who grew up in the ravishing comfort of the upper-class Kazuya, the guiltful person who lives in comfort due to his father who is a crimelord Akari, the one who shines bright in this city but has her own demons These victims live in eclipse, the biggest city of the 22nd century, Which has skyrocketing crime rates in the world. The crimes are not only limited to criminals but also to those who didn't expect it which is truly vile. This story is not for the faintest of hearts as it would show gore and the realistic side of being a superhero.

DariusDaDestroy · Aktion
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9 Chs


The cityscape has a beautiful view from up top, the balcony of hers is one of her favorite spots in her penthouse.  She remembers that when she was a little girl her parents would bring her up here and always tell her

"This city will be in your protection someday Mitsuki the greatest hero this city will ever hear"

The same parents that are punishing her right now, both sharing a look of disappointment.    

Her parents came back from their business trip and when they heard of her match they went straight to punishing her. 

"Are you trying to embarrass us? our family legacy, what we built up?"

"N-no no I just want the best for our family, mother"

"Really because eleven seconds is way too long, your mother would've taken one second just to win the match and if I remember correctly you inherited your mother's speed"

"I-I just thought I could show off you know like show that I'm holding back"

Her father walked out of the room, which she assumes was for the whip.

"Look at me, not your father Me, you messed up that day what were our reactions when we heard that our rival, the Tanaka family's own daughter has finished their match within a second, what were reactions like?"


"Close, rage, our reaction was rage that you allowed their daughter to walk all over you like that, that you let the Tanaka family tarnish our family name"

Her father came out of the room with a steel whip in hand, he gripped it like it was something he did so regularly. They punished her for mistakes she made, which in her mind doesn't make any fucking sense, like how the hell is a six-year-old her supposed to understand grade twelve education or being told to flip a man in military grade armor at ten. 

Her own frustrations was seeping out of her as she clenched her fist hard enough that her nails started to dig into her hand. 

"HOW WAS I-"  she was instantly silenced by her own mother slamming her down into the marble floor making massive cracks form.  

"Did I hear you talking back to me? remember your place" she gripped her daughter's head holding it tightly.

She couldn't get up as her mother's strength was too much for her to challenge, blood was mixing with the tears that were streaming down her face. 

"Now you could take your punishment like a proper human or take it like a dog, it's your choice"

"I'll t-take it proper"

the weight on her head was removed, her mother fixes her dress  while observing the damages

"This was pretty expensive you know, Now I'll probably have to do some more advertisements to fix it".

Her father approached and she instinctively showed her wrist

"eleven hits for each second you wasted"

He pulled his arm back ready for a strike.


the area around her arm started to welt


she swallowed her scream as that hit broke her skin


She drew blood 


She starts trembling 


Another scar would join her scarred arm


She tries to focus on other memories


She remembers the times her own family almost felt normal


the quiet times in the dining room where they would just eat in blissful silence


or when they just gave a nod at her marks instead of criticism 


She remembers the times that she spent with her father as a kid

They were in their luxurious car being driven by their servant Jean to a business meeting.  Her father gazes through the window she tagged along as it would be good to learn about the family business. 

His neutral expression then turned into disgust as they passed by one of the entrances to the slums, it had multiple tents surrounding the sidewalk with people in greasy tattered clothing.  

"I hate those types of subhumans, they genuinely disgust me with the way they just cloud the streets leeching of us actual people"

She looks up at her father curiously and responds carefully

"I hate them too if father hates them, they truly are subhuman"

Her father looks down at his daughter a forms a small smile, he rarely smiles at her and she was genuinely pleased that he did.  She doesn't know much about the people in the slums but if that makes her father happy by hating them then she doesn't mind. 

"Pathetic, she passed out at ten, she isn't fit for the family heir let alone for being the heir of the family business"

"Did she actually piss herself? god that's sad, call the servants to take her to her room"


She woke up in her bed with new pairs of clothing on, she moves the blanket but winces as her arms were still healing from what last night. She realizes that today was the day to move in for dorms. Her clothes and essentials were already packed by her servants, all she needs to do was just head to the college. 

She opened her door and headed to the elevator which was past the kitchen.  She felt a short chill as her parents were both waiting there, both looking attentively at her.  

"Mitsuki, your mother and I have both come to an agreement that we should no longer give you your monthly allowance and we should take ninety percent of what was in your bank account"  

She looked dumbfounded as what he said didn't make sense. 

"Wait so I'm no longer being supported?"  

"what your father is saying is that in order to make you worthy of the family title we needed to make you more reliant on yourself instead of us"

"But I didn't sign up for any scholarships? how am I going to pay for the school or for food?!"

"Get a job or beg for food, and after you officially become a hero we will then start to accept you as our daughter"

"..." stunned she couldn't say anything.

"You better get going, your ride is waiting" her father informed her.

She left past them with her head hung low, not daring to look at them in their face. 

She was left to her own thoughts waiting in the elevator, she was finally alone without her parents watching her.  Without a thought she punched the reinforced steel wall making a dent, she wasn't finished she continued punching until she made an imprint.  She trembled as she started to cry and she collapsed down on her knees.

"I-I fffucking hate them" she whispered weakly.

She stayed in that position until reaching the bottom floor, she got up wiping away the tears in an attempt to hide her emotions.  She walked out and left towards her driver.

She sat in silence during the drive there, contemplating her current situation while gazing out the window. She watched many pedestrians come and go, enjoying the day or leaving to work.  They drove past one of the popular spots where lower-class people go to roam, her eyes twitching when groups of dirty-looking people come into view.

"Disgusting" she muttered. 

After the long drive they arrived at the campus,  she got out and went to the trunk to retrieve her items.  after retrieving her things she noticed that a couple of things were missing. 

"Hey some of my belongings aren't here?"  she questioned her driver

"Your parents looked through and gave away some of your items away as they believed it was unnecessary for you to have".

"Unbelievable, fucking great" she muttered while walking away.  She walked past the gates and walked the path to the dorms. 

She was able to get her own room instead of sharing it with others which were nice, during the first 3 days here she didn't make any friends which kinda bothered her.  She spotted a few students chatting while others are working out this early, she carried on and walked past the many students there. She stopped in front of the dorms, it was a huge 6-story building that can hold at least 50 students per floor. The building incorporated white and silver colors and on the side connected multiple walkways connected to the college. 

She entered the lobby and in front of her were two elevators, on the right side was a student lounge and on the left was the security desk. 

She approached the person there

"Hey, I'm here for my room"

"Could I get your student ID"

"You don't kn- hm never mind, here's my student card"

"Hmm, alright place your hand on this pad and it will register your fingerprint into the system, you then could enter your room and other parts of the college building that is accessible to students".

She places her hand on the screen and it scans for a few seconds until it finishes. 

"Alright, your room is 412 and on the fourth floor" 

She drags her suitcase behind her and enters the elevator.  

She gets out onto her floor, It has a few students chatting with each other. She walks past a few who were grabbing their luggage inside.

She gets to her room and places her hand on the screen pad next to the door it then clicks open and she enters inside.

It was an empty room that pleased her, it had a small kitchen and across from it was the door to the bathroom, and at the end was the bedroom. 

 She unpacked her clothing into the dresser and placed her toiletries into the bathroom. 

After a couple of minutes she was finished, she sat down on her bed while checking her notifications. 

Most of the messages were from past classmates congratulating her on making it to this college. The few other messages were request from sketchy businesses trying to promote their shitty products.  

She checked her time, first class was soon.  She grabbed her school uniform and headed to the shower.

She got undressed and turned on the hot water. 

The college was unlike others, they had mandatory uniforms to respect tradition and show pride. It was mainly black but had some white and gold to go with it. 

The males and females uniforms had slight differences. Both shared blazers and dresshirt with waistcoats as an option and have large waist belts on, but males uses trousers while the females uses skirts with either leggings or knee high socks. 

 She got out of the shower and dried herself. 

Putting on the clothes she chose to wear the waistcoat and leggings today.  

She left her room and the door automatically locked itself as she went down the corridor that was connected to the college. 

She took the elevator down to the third floor and left, she looked for a certain classroom. 

It took a bit but she found  the room she was looking for and entered inside. 

She took a open seat at and sat down.  She spent the rest of the time waiting on her phone. 

"Excuse me but is this seat taken?"

She looks up and there was a girl looking at her, she couldn't help but notice that small electrical scar on her cheek. 


The girl sat right next to her looking attentive.

The lecturer came, Solomon carnell or what the second years call him mr solomon. 

Hes been at the college for around seven years now. 

"Alright, today we will continue on learning more on damage control and its consequences"

Authors note: hello! Sorry for making you wait  almost a month from last chapter, I've been busy with college and exams that I wasn't able to work on the story besides me drawing characters concept art and making newer characters for the story later. Since I'm on break I can work on the story now. I'm thinking that I should shorten the chapters so I can post more chapters if that makes sense. 

Also starting this chapter I will be adding character description and maybe some fun facts about the lore. 



Medium length black hair

Dark brown eyes

Has a scar on his neck and smaller scar on his left eye brow, he has multiple scars around his body.

He has an athletic body 


Power: Energy Manipulation

Has the ability to control all sources of energy and is able to manifest them as physical constructs(similar to green lantern but without the ring)  

Can control this ability but needs to think of what he makes.

He also needs to rely on his personal stamina to keep controlling energy. It's possible for him to short circuit and injure himself.

He could siphon small amounts of energy to refill his stamina but he has yet to fully control it.