

A world where humans gotten powers suddenly has led to chaos amongst society. To bring order to the streets they tasked this to an insurgence of masked individuals who call themselves heroes. This seems to ease the tension as these righteous heroes are bringing order or it seems they do. This change has led four individuals of different backgrounds to meet in an academy that focuses on powers. Kiyoshi, the unfortunate soul who was the victim of the slums Mitsuki, the one who grew up in the ravishing comfort of the upper-class Kazuya, the guiltful person who lives in comfort due to his father who is a crimelord Akari, the one who shines bright in this city but has her own demons These victims live in eclipse, the biggest city of the 22nd century, Which has skyrocketing crime rates in the world. The crimes are not only limited to criminals but also to those who didn't expect it which is truly vile. This story is not for the faintest of hearts as it would show gore and the realistic side of being a superhero.

DariusDaDestroy · Aktion
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9 Chs


With the match started, Yu wasted no time and in an instant Yu covered half the arena, witnessing the terrifying speed, Fuji extends both his hands, and out came two connected blades on each arm. He tries to anticipate Yu's next move, but was unable to catch up to his opponent's speed and was hit with a punch to the rib

"Arghh!, bastard, you'll pay for that"

he then responds with a knee in Yu's face but seemingly unfazed Yu grabs their leg and headbutts Fuji in his face breaking his nose and to not let him have a moment to breathe he then sweeps his other leg that was stabilizing him and with him on the ground Yu finishes with one swift punch to knock him out.

"Yu Bushida has secured his spot as a potential student of the academy"

The medical staff that was on standby then rushes to the injured Fuji and puts him on a stretcher and takes him away for medical treatment, the coach pulls Yu to the side to speak to him personally.

They looked at the screen on top of the arena and sees that the next fight was between Ayuna and Kazuo, both of them were leaving for the arena for the fight.

"I knew Yu was going to win, he was the craziest person in a fight"

Kiyoshi who was fixated on the fight then looked to his left and Sayuri was sitting next to him

She looked proud, as her bodyguard or friend is going to the college.

"Are you also going to win your fight?" Kiyoshi asks curiously

"Hell yeah! err- apologies for the crude language I mean yes I confidently believe I can win"

He looks up at the screen, she's fighting Rin, she looks rather strong, maybe one of the strongest here so he has concerns if Sayuri an upper-class can pull it off.

"That expression changed for a moment, Don't worry I have a trick up my sleeve" she then pulls out a flower with the stem cut she holds it in high praise as that was going to change the game.

"Can I ask, is Yu related to Mitsuki? both share family names?"

"Him related to her, unlikely when I met him he didn't have a family he was raised in the slums alone and I bet the noble Bushida would let their heirs be abandoned like that"

Yu has returned from the arena and sits next to Sayuri with a grin on his face and excitedly tells Sayuri

" The coach was praising my skills and speed even though I had weights on, he said that I could be a fine hero one day"

His grin grows wider as Sayuri congratulates him on his win

The fight between Ayuna and Kazuo was beginning both changed into different stances, Ayuna had something in her pocket while Kazuo had lowered to the ground with both arms inches from the ground, and he grins in delight.

"You may start!"

Ayuna then pulls out a small pocket knife and instead of pointing it at Kazuo she cuts her palm instead, this piqued the crowd's interest and Kiyoshi guesses her power

Blood manipulation is a risky power as you could potentially hinder yourself instead of your opponent but he watches for what she doesShe holds out her blood and some of it floats out, but Kazuo who doesn't want her to set it up rushes towards her as he has both of his arms dangling behind him as he has fire coming out of them.

She tries to dodge right avoiding him but he slides and lets his fire guide him towards her with his knee out, she uses her blood to pull his leg back but his weight was too much and she puts her arms up just in time to block his flying knee strike.

She drops both her arms as they grew numb from blocking that attack, she then uses more blood and uses it to strike him but he avoids most of it but taking a couple of small cuts on the way before punching her in the gut with his fire

she then flies in the air briefly and hits the ground hard, she looks pretty bruised and struggles to pull herself up, Kazuo arrogantly strides over as he was confident in his win

"Look at you, you really thought that you can actually win with that blood trick but here you are beaten and bruised, You can give up you know, make this easier on yourself" Kazuo speaks confidently

With a short pained chuckle, she responds " I hate to do this but you forced me to use this"

She then points her arm towards him and Kazuo suddenly faints

With that unexpected turn of results, Ayuna was victorious.

"Ayuna Sakura has secured her spot as a potential student of the academy"

She then collapses in exhaustion as the medical staff takes her and Kazuo away.

The next match was Mitsuki vs Xin, Both were headed down to the arena

Xin was taller than her but he backs up and prepares in anticipation while Mitsuki stands still, looking rather indifferent.

The coach looks at them both and begins the match.

"May you start!"

Immediately Xin fires out a beam of light toward Mitsuki, She dodges at the last moment she glares at him, and in an instant, she disappears leaving behind a small marked impression of where she was standing.

Xin looks around trying to spot her but finally looks up, she jumped on the side of the forcefield and used it as leverage to boost herself towards Xin, he tries to shoot out another beam but was too late as she knocked him into the wall behind him.

He was stuck in the wall, he tries to move but couldn't he then gave up.

The match was concluded in 11 seconds, the fastest so far

She walks off while medical staff rushes towards the injured Xin, they took a quick scan of his entire body when they placed him down, and they showed the coach the results on the tablet, unannounced to the participant's knowledge Xin was left with every bone of his body shattered.

The coach brushes the news off and continues with the test while they take the injured Xin away for emergency surgery.

This match was between Sayuri Tanaka and Rin Yamamoto

Kiyoshi looks to the spot where Sayuri was but she was already leaving down to the arena.

"Hey It's Kiyoshi, did you see my fight?" He looks behind him as Ayuna was walking down with a limp in her step, she had some bandages on her but it looked like most of her bruises were already fading, the staff must have a healer to have this much of a quick recovery.

She takes a seat right next to him

"How did you win that fight?" Kiyoshi asked curiously

"Oh that, well its a bit complicated and a bit gruesome, I'm not limited to my blood"

"Oh I see, so you lowered his blood pressure to make him faint"

"Yep that's the gist of it, anyone that is in my vicinity I can take control of their blood even though its the last thing I would want"

"So, sorry if this sounds personal, but can I ask about that scar on your neck?"

"Oh, this, I just got into an accident, You could say I fell on a broken piece of wood back home in the valley"

"Valley? what's that," she asked curiously

"It's what the residents call it, but others say the slums" he responds knowing from his recent conversation that others despise his class

"Oh ok, well you should be more careful then" she responds, she pays attention at the arena when the participants arrive

Surprised but says nothing as he resumes observing the match

Sayuri looks at her opponent Rin, a tall intimidating person that is opposite from Sayuri.

Rin activates her ability in preparation, the temperature in the room drops, and around her was ice slowly creeping from where she stood but also she had lightning pulsing around her hands.

She was one of the rare few that had duel abilities, it was rarer than having triplets, Kiyoshi was certain that Sayuri would lose, he looks at Yu but he doesn't show much but a grin like he knew something that he doesn't.

In response to that, she pulls out something from her pocket, he assumed it was that flower but how would that help her, the coach looks at both of them and nods.

"May you both start"

In an instant Rin collapsed, she looked like she suffered from multiple blows, Sayuri clenches her knuckles which were partially covered in blood

The coach which didn't look surprised lets the audience know that Sayuri has secured her spot

She leaves while the staff takes the injured away.Sayuri has set a new record, 1 second was the fastest match to happen, she returned to her seat and turns to Kiyoshi

"See, told you this would win me that match" She showed the flower but it look much withered as time passed by in such a short manner.

"You look confused but let me explain, my ability is time manipulation, I can control time to what I please but it comes to a heavy cost, Whenever I use my power it would use some of my life in return"

"I see but why the flower"

"I can use the flower as a substitute instead of my own life, I don't like to use my power if it means that I look 90 but being 18"

"I see, it's a pretty strong power, but at a heavy cost"

"Yeah, you know I used my power without knowing of this risk, and that's how I aged a year back when I was six, so now I only use this if I have a substitute like a flower or fruit"

"What about a living thing?" James asked

"Let's not get there, I can't even imagine doing something to that an animal yet a human"

"Apologies, that's my bad"

"well it's cool, nothing wrong with being curious so all is forgiven"

The next few matches go by without much interest except for this one which catches the interest of everyone there

"What is that idiot thinking, pulling a stunt like that" one chides in

"Yeah who does he thinks he is for taking the superior ones" one arrogantly speaks

Kiyoshi and everyone there witnesses one man, one regular person who has one of the rarest abilities which was having none.

This person whose name was Kenshiro Takeshi was one of the rarest people to have no abilities, rarer than having quintuplets twice.

the thing about most people having powers is that they have much more physical attributes than people without powers, So for example, if a person with powers didn't train for weightlifting was in competition with a professional weightlifter who didn't have powers then he would lose because people with powers are granted with that privilege despite having powers like fire control or having a third eye.

His opponent was Saiko Mikoto, he had an average build but looked more than confident in beating his opponent with ease.

The screen that displays the name of each contender also shows their abilities if they want it to be shown but most want it hidden for the surprise except for Takeshi as if he wants to prove a point or something.

All he had on was a black tracksuit and a cap, his dark hair covered parts of his face, and he didn't move while the opponent approached him.

"Ha, I thought I was preparing for such a challenge when meeting participants who made it in the final test, but I guess I was fortunate to take an easy win this time."

He slapped Takeshi, he looked surprised after doing so

"Huh I thought a slap would be enough for you since irregulars like you would fold after a hit but I guess I should put a bit more effort into it"

Saiko was intent on using his strength instead of his powers

He then went for another slap but Takeshi dodged and uppercut his jaw, which stunned the arrogant Saiko and gave him enough time for a full combo on him, he went for a knee to the gut which forced his opponent to kneel over which left him open for another uppercut which he then connected a right hook on his rib and then a jab on his throat.

"HAHAHAHAHA, That's cute, that stung but that's only it" Saiko responds after that barrage of attacks

He then decides to activate his power and points his hand in a gun-like position at Takeshi


Takeshi was blown back with such invisible force but managed to land on his feet


A gust of wind comes from the arena, his power is most like got to deal with wind creation

Takeshi moves from the direction of that blast and tackles Saiko to the ground, he then goes for the most vulnerable spot that everyone has

The eyes

His thumbs then attempt to poke out his eyes which had Saiko howling from pain and anger which pushes him off but instead he had Saiko in an arm lock.

Saiko couldn't react as he was temporarily blinded, which allowed Takeshi to dislocate his arm which led to Saiko screaming blood mary

He clutched his arm, and with Takeshi on his feet, he then kicked Saiko in the privates which freed his remaining arm which he then took in another arm lock.

Knowing this Saiko then blindly pointed his hand at Takeshi but then quickly dislocated his arm before he could activate it.

"Time for the legs" Takeshi for the first time spoke

Hearing this he yells


"Kenshiro Takeshi has secured his spot as a potential student of the academy" The coach looks surprised as this is probably his first time seeing this happen.

"Kenshiro Takeshi has secured his spot as a potential student of the academy"

The thing is that Takeshi used his wits and skill to make up for the strength and durability, he had his opponent in an arm lock to disable one of his arms which prevented the use of his power. He was a rather unordinary participant, fighting alters without a power of his own, without cybernetics or drug enhancements which is a risky decision to take. To Kiyoshi's knowledge the only few heroes he heard of that didn't have powers were either dead or became part of the judicators.

There were only two matches left, Yoru Taiyo vs Hajime Kodoro and Kiyoshi vs Inatori

Yoru walked to the arena covered with scars on his face, he has a tank top that showed his muscular frame and had on his heavy-duty pants. The other Hajime was wearing a medical mask, a hoodie, and jeans.

Both looked at each other when they stepped in, and each of them walked to their respective sides, over the scorch marks and scraps of metal that decorate the arena from the previous battles. Both activated their powers, Yoru had this aura of darkness surround him while Hajime had the metal pieces float around him.


Both did nothing. waiting for the other to make a move, Hajime went first sending a piece of metal at Yoru which he slapped away with A dark tendril he made, he then dashed towards his opponent.

Hajime then peeled off a metal plating on the wall and used it to block off Yoru he then used the time he had to use chunks of metal that were big enough to stand on and used it to levitate himself off the ground.

Seeing his opponent was out of reach he then sent forwards multiple tendrils at his opponent hoping one of them to hit one of them managed to grab hold of the platform where Hajime was standing. It slowly pulled him down but a sharp piece of metal cut off the tendril.

He then tried again to pull him down but felt a sudden jolt of pain and looked at his leg which had a piece of metal that found its way in there.

Multiple pieces of metal were surrounding Yoru, but none of them were trying to stab him yet, he looked up at Hajime.

"You can give up, I won, none of those tentacles are going to pull me down, and even if they do you'll be skewered before you can land a hit on me."

"The tentacles are just for show"

Hajime looked confused, but his own shadow that was on the platform then created a fist that went straight for his jewels, The metal surrounding Yoru collapsed after the user lost focus.

Hajime who was falling after losing focus left him open, Yoru leaped towards him and sent a punch to the defenseless opponent which sent him flying toward the wall.

His opponent was unconscious after that impact, which left Yoru the victorious winner

"Yoru Taiyo has secured his spot as a potential student of the academy!"

He left the arena with a limp in his step, the metal piece still in his leg.

His match was next, he left to the stairs leading down.

"Good luck with your match ok!" Ayuna yelled to Kiyoshi as walked down.

The stairs led to a corridor, and he followed in the direction of the arena, behind him he heard footsteps.

"Yo, your Kiyoshi right?, hey listen lose this match for me ok and I'll pay you a hefty sum of money cool?"

He turned around to see his opponent Inatori, his opponent was in a famous brand tracksuit and his hair was groomed and his skin was smooth.

Kiyoshi didn't respond, his expression didn't change.

"Look I heard what that girl said from earlier, you being a part of the slums and all but let me give you around a thousand dollars"

Kiyoshi just walked away

"What? do you think my money is no good? you think that a thousand dollars is too low?" he grabbed Kiyoshi by the shoulder

"Listen I know that thousand dollars are high enough for you, hell even just a hundred is still high enough so just take the money and lose ok?"

He handed Kiyoshi a couple of hundred dollar bills, Kiyoshi looked at it and took the money.

"See it wasn't too hard, so when you get into the arena you just announce that you give up and walk out"

Inatori walked ahead, and Kiyoshi puts the money away in his pockets and follows.

Both looked at each other when they entered the arena, Inatori nodded at Kiyoshi.

"May you start!"

Inatori grins but was cut off when Kiyoshi grabs ahold of his body with an oversized hand he created out of energy, the hand flung Intari into a wall. Inatori attempted to get up but was kicked into the air by Kiyoshi after surrounding his leg with energy, Inatori couldn't breathe after he got the air knocked out of him, which led Kiyoshi to create multiple hands which barraged Inatori's entire body.

Inatori fell straight to the ground after Kiyoshi ended his assault.

"Kiyoshi has secured his spot as a potential student of the academy, with that said this concludes the registration exam"

He left the arena, having a good chance to enter the college with an extra thousand dollars with him.

He left the building and was hoping to get some groceries with the money he pocketed.

"Yo congrats on winning!" Ayuna caught up to him patting him on the back

"We should celebrate winning our matches you know, I know this good cafe nearby let's go"

"What do you mean?" Kiyoshi asked with a confused tone

"Well aren't we friends and besides we need to celebrate at least"

"Friends?" he repeated

"Yeah friends you know people who decide who have a mutual bond with each other," she tells him

"I uhh never had a friend before" he informed her

"Oh! well then we could celebrate that as well, I'll even pay"

Both walked from the campus to that cafe to celebrate becoming friends and winning their matches.

"Fuck, what time is it?" Kiyoshi woke up from nodding off, the caffeine from earlier wore off.

Sighing "shit, I should start packing up now"

his room didn't have much to pack but it shouldn't hurt to be prepared.

Unknowingly to him, someone was getting disciplined for their actions.

"Give me your wrist Mitsuki, how many times do we need to do this until you learn"

In his hand were a small metal whip and the one who was holding it was her father towering over his trembling daughter as he raised his whip ready to strike.