
Vigilante of the unknown: ghostmaker

Makhoa, the formidable vigilante Ghostmaker, is unexpectedly transported to a parallel world in the year 2030. Struggling to comprehend his new reality, Makhoa wakes up in the body of a ten-year-old boy and questions whether it's a ploy orchestrated by his rival, Bruce Wayne. As he attempts to unravel the mysteries behind his transformation, Makhoa discovers a world where superhumans coexist, business ventures intertwine with heroism, and monstrous threats emerge from enigmatic gates. Haunted by the possibility of an illusion, Ghostmaker confronts the challenges of family dynamics in this unfamiliar realm, all while grappling with his psychopathic nature. The story unfolds as Makhoa embarks on an odyssey to navigate the complexities of this fantastical world, where the gates hold the key to his journey and the pursuit of justice takes on new dimensions.

Munib_Sofi · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

(Least possible)

Makhoa continued to scrutinize his surroundings, his hands, body, the room, and the face reflected back at him in the mirror, attempting to grasp the reality of this bizarre situation.

"H-How," he stammered, his confusion palpable. Seraphina, the maid, sensed the genuine distress in her young master and was eager to drop the act. "Young master, please don't continue this act. You have school now. Let us not waste any more time," she urged, her worry extending beyond the imminent school day.

Recognizing that arguing would lead nowhere, Makhoa relented, "Okay, sorry. I just had a bad dream, nothing more. And what's your name again?"

The maid, maintaining her professional demeanor, replied, "Young master, my name is Seraphina. Now, we have to hurry to school."

As Seraphina prepared to assist Makhoa with his morning routine, he interjected, "Wait, why the pajamas? Let me do it."

Seraphina, undeterred, explained, "No, young master, because we are in a hurry for school, and this is my line of work. Plus, you're only ten years old."

Makhoa, conceding with a smile, allowed her to proceed. The morning routine unfolded with a sense of normalcy, albeit in an unfamiliar setting. Makhoa, now realizing the futility of self-shaming, decided to gather information about the situation.

"Can you tell me about the world? I feel like that dream must have hit me hard, that's why," he inquired, weaving in a semblance of a lie.

Seraphina, sensing his need for distraction, began recounting the recent history of the world. She revealed that the present date was March 2028, and a pivotal event known as the "(least possible)" in January 2024 had reshaped the world.

During this event, monstrous creatures emerged from dimensional portals called 'gates,' causing havoc and leading to the death of 60% of the global population. In an unexpected turn, some humans who survived the initial attack gained superhuman abilities. The world underwent a rapid transformation, where strength became more valuable than money.

The political landscape shifted as well. Fearing the newfound power of superhumans, politicians resorted to manipulative tactics through media, creating a divide between superhumans and the rest of society. Anarchy ensued, but eventually, the superhumans advocated for their rights, leading to a significant shift in global governance.

As Makhoa absorbed this heavy information, he began to understand the complexity of the world he now inhabited. The rules had changed, and power dynamics were no longer dictated solely by wealth.

The realization struck him that his journey in this new reality was not just a personal struggle but an exploration of a society reshaped by extraordinary circumstances. As he prepared for school under Seraphina's guidance, Makhoa couldn't shake the feeling that his role in this world was destined for more than mere adaptation.

The corridors of the school beckoned, offering a glimpse into a reality where superhumans navigated the challenges of an altered society. Little did Aetherius Darkheart, once Ghostmaker of Gotham, know that his presence in this world would become a catalyst for unforeseen changes, and the shadows of uncertainty continued to cast their ominous presence over his path.