
Vial of Sunshine: Professor at Hogwarts

This is an AU Harry Potter fanfic of a Hufflepuff student turned teacher starting in year 3 of canon. The protagonist will not single-handedly gather all horcruxes and defeat Voldemort in wandless battle while beating all the death eaters present with a glance. The progress against the Death Eaters will be logically sound (in my head anyway) advancement. Their defeat will come at the hands at someone who thinks about what he does and luck - though luck through actions the MC takes that make sense. No reincarnation or prior knowledge of the story, no system or cheat. No harem, possibly a complicated love triangle at most. The MC will however work against the death eaters due to a personal grudge by working as a vigilante. Ash Starkey or Ashbert Solaris Starkey (the magic of 7s is in the name length) is a pureblood wizard who should have died in the First Wizarding war but survived by visiting a maternal uncle for the birth of his cousin in February 1981. His paternal family gets wiped out at the same time due to the betrayal of an estranged uncle turned death eater, making him the last of his name. Ash's great grandmother discovers his prodigious talent in potions early on and teaches him all she knows. Later taught by a hag and 2 potion masters, one of whom is his great grandmother, Ash uses his immense potioneering skill to achieve his Outstanding with distinction N.E.W.T.s and following potion master accreditation in the same year as his O.W.L.s in and after his fifth year in Hogwarts. As prefect, he starts the famous Exchange Hall in his fourth year. A place where seniors are invited to share their knowledge and help out their juniors in spell works and potioneering. In the summer before his sixth year, the Hufflepuff prefect meets Hermione and Harry of the golden trio while working in a potion ingredient shop in Diagon Alley and gets introduced to the lackluster efforts of showing muggle raised students the wonders, common sense and knowledge of the magical world. A lackluster effort he strives to turn into something better. Starting from a map for first time customers in Diagon Alley for first years to voluntary introductary study groups in Hogwarts where he explains common sense of the wizarding world to students in non-magical households. This fanfic will not follow the plot of the books closely and rather than focus on Harry and his 2 friends, I will try to fill in the gaps of the original works and do a bit of world building. Among other things, I will introduce and expand on the concept of family magics, expand the world outside of Magical Britain and try and create other magical professions that aren't the 7 mentioned in the book: auror, professor, ministry employee, dragon wrangler, shopkeeper, Rita Skeeter and whoever else supposedly works at the Prophet and curse breaker at Gringotts. DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter and all its characters and universe belong to the author J.K.Rowling, who is not me.

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Chapter 28 - Hogwarts Reaction and the Daily Prophet

The following morning at breakfast in the Great Hall, Dumbledore stood up to make an announcement to the students and staff - who were as clueless about it as the rest of them.

"May I have a moment of your time, everyone! I have unfortunate news for everyone looking forward to getting taught in potions by Professor Ash. Starting today, the Board of Governors has informed me that Ashbert Starkey is under investigation for trying to instill political bias and trying to mislead the student body into learning banned magics," Dumbledore solemnly stated and the professors sitting next to him immediately looked ready to give the Governors a piece of their minds.

"As such, Ashbert is suspended from teaching until either the investigation is over or a new Board of Governors is elected. What I mean by that should become clear to all of you when the owls bring in todays edition of Daily Prophet. Please believe me when I say that I fully endorse Ashbert's actions and stand behind his continued tenure at this school," the headmaster stated, and he meant it.

He didn't sleep well, considering the trainwreck of a Wizengamot session that didn't end until just after midnight that didn't surprise him. He was sure that his time would be cut short by continued Wizengamot hearings and meetings for months - and that was only the case if there wouldn't be a Civil War before that happened.

But he had many mistakes that he could try to rectify by backing the young potions professor under his employ. The cat was out of the sack anyway, so there was no going back.

After the session itself ended and despite not having Malfoy present and Lady Longbottom abstaining from the vote, the Governors moved to sanction Ash for his accusations against them and they sent the headmaster their missive at 5 in the morning with a vote of 8-1, with 2 'abstaining'.

Public opinion was never going to side with them after everything Ash brought out in the open, so Dumbledore really wondered why they would make matters worse for themselves by their 'investigation' that did nothing but piss off House Starkey even more.

Criminal charges for the broom thing were actually possible he learned from Victoria after the hearing. Apparently, the governors didn't know about that - but they would now that they once more picked a fight.

Malfoy wasn't able to do any politicking because using his authority as Chief Warlock, Dumbledore had moved to detain Lucius Malfoy until his hearing at the end of the week. Fudge didn't move a muscle to stop it either. A high-profile conviction would take away from the limelight that could fall on him after all.

That same night, Victoria Starkey had moved every single lawyer under her employ to represent not only House Black but also House Starkey itself and a number of other accusing parties to throw a literal library instead of just a book at House Malfoy.

Sirius had publically declared the marriage contracts of Bellatrix and Narcissa null and void before the session ended on account of the respective grooms and their families trying to end their bloodline. And somehow, that was one of the least surprising things that happened at the end of that session.

Albus thought back about it while ignoring the angry but decidedly confused expressions from his colleagues and determined for himself that the most surprising thing was Amelia Bones.

She was too heavy-handed in dealing with criminals in the field for his tastes, but he knew the witch had her heart in the right place. Especially because even at the session, the head of the auror department decided to issue fines to every single family listed by Ash for the illegal rituals for a four figure sum per ritual and named individual - even her own family. And, the first topic of discussion for the Wizengamot session after the many hearings for confirmed crimes was reviewing the laws on rituals.

That showed a tremendous amount of integrity, Dumbledore mused. And, it was something they needed desperately to appease the public and steer this country into a healthier future.

Fudge, on the other hand, stormed out of the session with his secretary Umbridge, Lord Nott, and Lord Halbeck and blocked any attempt of arresting the eight exposed animagi. Both lords the minister stormed out with were among those found to be illegal animagi by Ash, and Dumbledore had learned from a confidant at the ministry that instead of dealing with the actual problems, those four locked themselves into the minister's office and discussed something decidedly shady until dawn.

"What happened at the Wizengamot yesterday for you to look so haggard, Albus?" Minerva whispered to him with pursed lips and a tight frown.

"What didn't happen, Minerva?" Albus breathlessly answered with a tired sigh. "Ashbert might have broken Magical Britain," the headmaster answered a little louder this time so that every other professor at the table could hear him. "The attack on his house... it appears to have been the breaking point to something that will change all of our lives forever..."

At that point, Ash walked into the Great Hall with deep dark rings under his eyes but a very satisfied smile on his face. Everybody fell silent immediately, and you could have heard a pin drop in the Great Hall as every eye in the room followed his walking form.

A house elf already informed him of his suspension, but he already knew something like this might happen, and he decided to look at it from a different perspective. He simply had more time to continue his teachings under Poppy, do some research in the library, or experiment on some potions for a while. And he could spend some time with his apprentices and cousin - this suspension would be over long before they knew it. And so what if it didn't? He didn't regret a thing.

"Ash, you.." The transfiguration professor's inquiry that would have doubled into a stern reprimand was cut short when Pomona Sprout stood up, strut over to Ash and fiercely reached up to twist his left ear.

"Ashbert Starkey! What have I told you about making more enemies!? We're friendly little badgers with friends in every little corner and burrow! Have I taught you nothing during the eight years under my wing? You have always been my favorite, so how could you do this to me?"

The Hufflepuffs in the room looked horrified at the ruthless display of violence from their everfriendly head of house and decided to always and zealously listen to every single word the Herbology professor told them from now on.

This single twisting of Ash's ear stopped illegal nightly outtings from Hufflepuff students for an entire semester and would go down as the only semester in Hogwarts history where one of the four houses didn't lose a single house point because of rule breaking. The Hufflepuff students didn't even have a single detention for the entire school year on top of that. Pomona was very proud of that fact, but her smile in the future would be quite forced after learning how she got her little badgers to be so obedient for the year.

The scolding of Ash in the meantime only ended when Dumbledore decided to step up.

"Now now, Pomona. Give him some time to explain. I was not amused by his actions either and wish he and Sirius had told me before, but Ashbert had his heart in the right place."

"Albus, you... how many more blood feuds has he started? Tell me honestly!"

Every student present wanted to know that answer, too, and looked toward their headmaster with glittering eyes.

"Hmm, I'd say he rather managed to solve one or two if there are no upsets in the following hearings. Though, he did not make many friends yesterday either. On the bright side for Ashbert anyway, they will all be too busy fighting amongst each other to fight him and his family."

Pomona was very confused by what Albus said and slowly unhanded Ash's left ear. But before he could thank and reassure her, Minerva stood beside him and twisted his other ear.

"Why did the governors go after you, Ash? Isn't your dream to teach? Who will lead the Exchange Hall now? Who does the introductions to the first generation magicals?"

"P-please. I haven't learned how to reattach ears yet, professor!"

"No, no. You did learn the skin knitting spell series, Ashbert, so you do know. Just takes a little imagination, but I'm sure you'll be a natural. So you do not have to worry Minerva," his master Poppy Pomfrey calmly interjected as the transfiguration professor started - and then stopped - easing her grip on Ash's ear.

Ash actually managed to pout through the pain and shot his master a betrayed look as he answered the unfeeling woman handling his ear with the grace of an industrial hydraulic press.

"Okay! Ugh, I aired all their dirty laundry and convinced the members of the Wizengamot that the governors are actively sabotaging the education of their heirs! Now unhand me, you witch!"

"Are you cursing me, you little brat?"

Every Gryffindor in the room started to have a few drops of sweat gather on their foreheads at Ash's brave display of openly 'reprimanding' their head of house. Especially since he appeared to be in the wrong.

"Are you not a witch??" Ash shouted with a pained expression.

Minerva pursed her already almost vanished lips thinned even more.

"I don't think I care to hear that tone of yours, Ashbert!"

"I'm sorry! It's the pain that made it come out wrong!"

"A little pain is enough for you to go against me like this? Are you not a little hero who can fight droves of Death Eaters and reprimand the lords and ladies of the Wizengamot in open defiance???"

"They are less scary than you!"

Professor McGonagall gained a visible tick mark on her temple when those words left his mouth, though she could admit they were pleasing to the ear when they came from the little brat in front of her. All the Gryffindors gaped at his audicity, but contrary to their expection, the deputy headmistress of Hogwarts undid her grip on Ash's ear and allowed him to sit down.

"We're just worried about you, so please don't make us old witches go through more heartache," Minerva softly exclaimed with a concerned frown she shared with Pomona and Poppy.

As he kept his head down and decided not to look at the students to spare himself the embarrassment, Ash slowly started eating. His cheeks started gaining a bright red hue the same his ears had when he finally heard the silence being broken by the Weasley twins as they started laughing so hard they fell from their seats.

Through all the laughs that Ash didn't dare look toward, he suddenly heard Professor Dumbledore speak up.

"Miss Granger, this is not a classroom, so there is no need to raise your hand."

"Uhm, Professor McGonogall asked about the Exchange Hall and Professor Ash's lesson for the first years - will they still happen despite his suspension?"

Hermione looked incredibly embarrassed as she got the attention of so many people - but this topic was important, so she pushed through.

"Hmm, I think Professor Flitwick, Professor Babbling, and Professor Vector have no problem with arranging for a suitable staff member to oversee the Exchange Hall at its usual time until the suspension is over?" Dumbledore asked and received happy nods from all three professors. "Great. As for the lessons for the first years, it was originally held by young Ashbert when he was still a student himself. If he is okay with it, why don't you take over his tradition, Miss Granger?"

Ashbert scrutinized the shocked Gryffindor witch for a few moments as he looked up for the first time since the ear twisting before nodding with a smile, much to Hermione's initial dread.

Before she could speak up to refuse, Ash loudly pondered, "I recorded the last lessons with a Dict-a-Quill, so you'll have all the info you need in preparation. You can get helpers, too. I'm sure Fred and George will get detention eventually. How about they act as Hermione's teaching aides since they helped me out last year as compensation for regular detention? And I'm sure Harry would help out too, wouldn't he?"

Harry, to his credit, immediately grabbed Hermione's hand with a reassuring smile despite feeling a little awkward at the public display, but his gesture made several young witches swoon for the care the young savior showed his girlfriend.

After looking at Hermione for a moment, he loudly addressed Ash at the staff table with a cheeky grin.

"Do I get a get-out-of-jail-free-card too, professor?"

"What? Planning to do some mischief this year, Mister Potter?"

Harry's cheeky grin immediately vanished when instead of Ash answering, his head of house looked at him with narrowed eyes. How in Merlin's beard did Professor McGonagall know about Monopoly!?

"Uh, it can't help to be prepared for any eventuality?"

The cat animagus narrowed her eyes even more before dropping the topic because right at this moment, hundreds of owls who looked much worse for wear than usual dropped the Daily Prophet in front of hundreds of students and all the professors present.

The issue was several times thicker than usual, which was the reason the delivery owls were so much more exhausted. On top of that, pretty much every student with family members in the Wizengamot received a letter or two. A few others that were heirs to their house, like Draco Malfoy and a sixth year from the Lestrange family got red envelopes issued by the ministry to inform them about criminal charges brought against their families.

Snape, who had some inkling what was happening to Lucius through hints from Dumbledore and the vague floo call from Narcissa who informed him that she would visit her son this day, knew what was about to happen to his godson and decided to bring him out of the Great Hall.

Before the two left they heard Dumbledore announcing that classes for the day will be cancelled due to extraordinary happenings. Dumbledore himself was interested in how the ministry decided to twist the facts because the Quibbler wouldn't hold back if what yesterdays issue suggested was the their new modus operandi.

And if they didn't want to lose all credibility, the Daily Prophet might want to report some actual facts instead of burying the lead in nonsense. The general public is gullible, but even they reach a point where they will not be treated as fools.

If the Prophet didn't talk about Voldemorts origin and the dark mark - or the slave seal as he know learned - Dumbledore was sure the British magical population would start moving their subscriptions to other publications in droves.

The front page of the Daily Prophet had four headlines, three of them featuring a picture of Ash, though one was a picture of him and Sirius. A bright note at the top right informed the readers that there will be an evening edition of the Prophet free of charge with even more news.

The headlines for the morning edition were somewhat neutral, but they no longer brought Ash's motivations and character into question, which was a good thing according to Dumbledore. The aged headmaster wouldn't want another retaliatory Wizengamot session where Sirius and Ash air every single blackmail material Cassiopeia gathered in her long life as a spymaster for her family.

Especially after Sirius admitted to him that he had a file on the pecker size of almost every past lord on the Wizengamot after they left the hall of the Wizengamot session after it ended. Even Dumbledore had to admit, Cassiopeia was one crazy witch.

'You-know-who confirmed to be son of a muggle and a suspected squip from Gaunt family: Lord Starkey reveals the identity of Magical Britain's latest dark lord' - an article discussing every clue they could find on the name Ash revealed as well as every detail he gave in confirmation, everything except for the matter of the Horcrux.

'Conspiracy or negligence: Dark Mark revealed to be slave mark' - an article about Ash's opening statement that actually questioned if the ministry had traitors among them, Dumbledore was quite surprised at the harsh wording.

'Black or Bleak? How a most ancient family was almost ended through treachery and subterfuge' - an article by Rita Skeeter about Sirius' accusations against Malfoy, Lestrange, and the newly named dark lord. Yet somehow, if you didn't read it carefully, you might still miss the conspirators against House Black. Instead Rita focused more on the juicy details of intrigue and betrayals among spouses. Oh, and the broken marriage contracts - the details on that topic filled almost a whole page without actually providing any information.

'Governors or Tyrants: Hogwarts Board of Governors revealed to have been sabotaging our children's education for decades'

It was the last article that caught Dumbledore's and Ash's attention the most. They really wanted to know how scathing it would be, because that would likely determine how long those eleven governors would remain in power. If Dumbledore had his way, he would have dismissed them all today, sadly that power lay in the hands of the founder families and their heirs or the general public.

And according to the talking hat of Gryffindor, there were currently no undisputed heirs to any of the four houses alive. Dumbledore wanted to know more and even Ash was intrigued, but the hat declared that unless the time was right and the heirs were needed, Hogwarts would not reveal any of them.

That pretty much confirmed with the two that Harry Potter was at the very least one of the contenders for heir of Gryffindor because of the sword appearing 'when the time was right' - but unless he was actually proclaimed heir, they could do nothing about it.

Because the four founding families worked differently with their inheritence compared to any other noble magical family. The names Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin weren't even the real family names of the founders to begin with. That was certainly something that Ash had never suspected until the talking hat talked about it casually over the weekend.

Weird how that never came up in any books he had read.

back to a more 'normal' chapter length at >3k words

sorry to say this folks, but I don't plan to write out the Triwizard Tournament plot - so the next updates might take a while after the next chapter

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