
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Videospiele
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65 Chs

14. Procurado

I thought I had made it clear to King Henselt about the dangers of choosing me as an enemy, but it seems that his crown is too heavy for the fat bastard to carry.

I have been walking the streets of Novigrad for a week now, searching for information about not only Cirilla, but also about the wizards, alchemists, and anyone else who is being hunted by the Eternal Fire.

Despite recent events, and the great loss of prestige of the faith, they still maintain their strong pressure against people, abusing their power and committing crimes. I just get in the way here and there.

Regarding Henselt, I have noticed some wanted posters with my description and a good amount of coins for whoever arrests me and takes me to the fat king. His claim is that I stole the crown's money, and that is why he wants me alive.

I think that's a very good excuse, because many people would be interested in that money, and many others would try to play the double game. Stealing what I supposedly stole, while earning more by handing me over to the fat man.

This brought only discomfort.

Because now besides those desperate for action and glory, there are also the 4 big bosses of the Novigrad underworld breathing down my neck, the damned lunatic Radovid keeping an eye on my actions, and I can't even eat in peace.

This is why I believe I have to change all my plans, and start showing that with some people, you shouldn't mess around.

Making a decision, I mounted Black, and began my journey back to Kaedwen. First of all, I was going to warn Vesemir of my plans and still give the man peace.

My decision may seem strange, but think with me. Imagine yourself, every day, being bothered by ants. That is what was happening now. There are only two options, exterminate them or leave.

My choice to leave was for the simple fact that although the ants bothered me, they were the ones that were giving trouble to the Nilfgaardians, so I could not leave the way clear for Emhyr without getting anything in return.

Second that I could very well eliminate the real cause of my problems by showing everyone, in one fell swoop, what would happen to them if they continued their parasitic actions against me.


My return trip was uneventful. I used rune stones to keep people away from me, and it worked like, well, magic.

I stopped using them only when I was passing Ban Gléan, giving them time to warn the accursed king about my return to his land.

I began to activate the rune stones only for night rests, or to feed Black. I made myself seen passing outside Aard Carraigh and continued on toward Kaer Morhen.

Some time later, I arrived at the now glorious Fort, where Vezemir seemed to be waiting for me. He was staring at me seriously, and not only he, but two other Witchers stood beside him.

I entered very calmly, leading Black to the stable.

No sooner had I finished leaving food on the lame man than I saw the three of them waiting for me at the door.

"We need to talk," says Vezemir, heading toward the central part of the fort.

I follow the trio into the hall, where the dining tables were laid out. We sit down and I pull from my bag a drink and some glasses.

After pouring and sipping the contents of my glass, I face Vezemir.

"Your call," I ask. I knew that the damn fat man had put up a good prize to give to the witch who would take me to him.

"I have sent a message to Geralt, he will come soon. And no, we won't turn him over to Henselt, but we want to know what you are going to do with the idiot." he asks.

"Simple, I will wait. If he already knows your answer, he will most likely send mercenaries here, hoping to overthrow Kaer Morhen and still arrest me, all at once.

He may seem like a good king, but he is as stupid as any other. In military matters, I don't even expect to stand beside him, but running a kingdom, just look at the surrounding towns and cities, he could have done much better.

Who takes over in case of the King's death?" I ask Vezemir, who doesn't even think for two seconds to answer.

"Meve, your cousin. But she is currently missing, after Nilfgaard invaded Liria and Rivia." he replies.

"Well, then that settles it. Let's make Meve the Queen of Kaedwen and still get her to get Liria and Rivia back," I say, in a very relaxed way.

"We don't know where she's hiding." Eskel says, getting a nod from Lambert.

"And what the fuck is this about putting her on the throne?" he completes.

"Well, my polite and sweet-talking friend, she's hiding out in Rastburg, and if I'm not mistaken, there's a job in that very place, offering good food, luxury lodging, and great pay.

This is Meve's ploy to get as many witches there as possible, and join her forces, to defeat the invasion of Nilfgaard. Having Liria and Rivia, as well as Kaedwen, the next step, is to marry her to Stennis," I explain my plan.

"You seem to have thought of everything already, are you sure your idea will work out?" Eskel asks, looking intently at my reaction.

"Yes, because one person knows both sides, and will be of great help for when the girl returns. If we can make the two sides become one, then the great game played by Emhyr and Radovid falls apart.

And one more point, I will help a little by taking some good soldiers to fight for them. And the rule of them staying there, will be only one, that they both get married, and don't plan to expand." I reply with a smile.

"It's going to have to be a fucking strong army, or they won't even look at your face," says Lambert.

"Relax, you'll see that army soon enough." I smile at the man, sipping some more of the drink in my glass.