
Vessels of Pantheons

Cain Roneve is a seventeen-year old guy that probably screwed his whole life up. He stopped studying, his family abandoned him and now he was living alone in the streets, accompanied by his sleeping bag. And falafels. Lots and lots of falafels. He had lost hope, and had expected that he'll die like that - skinny and poor, living inside a sleeping bag. But one day, he learned from his two street friends that he is being chased down by supernatural beings, and if put precisely, demons. Guess what happened? His life became extreme, just more messed-up than ever. Not that it's a big deal.

JesienRaquienth · Fantasie
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19 Chs

I Met Haborym, The Demon and Bringer of Chaos to Cities, Who Has A Pet Viper Named Slooshy

     The first thing I thought when my eyes fluttered open in the morning was I wished I didn't wake up that day when Quil had told me that a bunch of spirits were after me. Or maybe I wasn't one of the Roneve's because all I wanted right now was a pack of Lays, a soda pop and my favorite show. Not in this place that shouldn't even exist, not in the choking situation of getting something for someone, and most definitely not having a demon that wanted to help me in his own malicious way.

     I didn't mention my talk with Azazel to anyone when I left the hovel and got back inside Rick's house, and he didn't ask me anything. Maybe he was thinking that even if he did ask me, nothing will happen because he's basically dead. That's just hopefully thinking. A part of me was glad that I kept it a secret to them what had Azazel told me, and a part of me was guilty, too.

     I stopped thinking about what happened when Quil, Mugin and Jeörgen came busting at the door with a dead chicken. The chicken was held by Jeörgen. There's this crazed look in his eyes like he shouldn't even wait for the chicken to be cooked for him to devour it. Which, unfortunately, seemed freakishly possible.

     "Anything happened?" Mugin had asked while eating his piece of the roasted chicken.

     "Nothing at all," Grace said. I'm not sure if that's completely true, I wanted to say, and then she turned to me. "Why don't you ask your friend?"

     I acted like I was shocked. "Who? Me?" I said, pointing at myself. I waved both of my hands dismissively. "Nothing happened. I'd almost bored my butt here. I should've just really came with you guys."

     "Really?" Grace sounded like she's challenging me, which was hardly intimidating, especially when she's in the middle of eating her part. "What are you doing outside for an hour, then?"

     I blinked at her. "Having a sentimental time?"

     Her gaze narrowed into a squint but didn't say anything like it didn't matter anymore, which was quiet a relief. She was suspecting me. This girl is a genius, I told myself. If course she'll suspect you. Fortunately, none of them made a big deal out of it and just continued eating our chicken, except Rick because he's a phantom.

     Anyway, right now, I'm sitting on where I woke up from a warm and slightly uncomfortable night. When I woke up, it was Rick who I saw first, standing in the middle of the bed in a very unusual way. His upper body was hanging, his arms seemed like it weighted a ton and his head was dropping. What's happening to him? Is that some sort of a morning ritual?

     "The heck you're doing, man?" I asked, standing up from the rough wood where I lay.

     Rick turned to me, his eyes bloodshot. He was breathing hard, which didn't seem right because he's basically dead. But he was. He looked like he was having a panic attack, breathing hard and sweaty.

     "Whoa, dude." I said, rubbing my eyes. "You okay?"

     "I—I..." he looked like he was trying to gulp an apple. "I'm fine." He managed to say in a strained voice.

     I wasn't sure if I believed that, but I nodded. After some moments, his breathing became calm and he has no longer this pained look on his face, which was quiet the relief. And then, he dropped real hard on the ground. Everything seemed so fast that all I can do was to laugh. I know, pretty rude, but the way he dropped on the ground was just too funny for me.

     "I'm fine, I'm fine." he groaned, then chuckled.

     I didn't even care if he was fine. All I was doing is literally laughing like crazy in the corner. He got himself up, also laughing at himself, shaking his head like he couldn't believe what just happened. And so we spent a minute and half laughing just because of a drop. The others had no choice but to open their eyes and lift their heads because of the commotion.

     Quil and Mugin looked at me like I was crazy and then shook their heads. "What are you two doing?" Mugin asked in an incredulous tone. "It's early in the morning."

     "Rick dropped." was all I can say. I grinned at them, kind of in a high spirit despite what could happen later. "Good morning, though."

     "Where's Grace?" was the first thing that Quil said.

     And sure enough, Grace was nowhere to be found. I didn't notice it earlier because I was too busy laughing at Rick. I took a good look around again, hoping that I'll see Grace curled up in a corner or something (that would be worth it) but she was just gone.

"Huh, maybe she's gone outside?" I asked, looking at Rick. "Did you see her leave?"

     "I don't think so." He said, shrugging. "You're the first thing I saw when I had my vision back."

     "Your what?"

     "I had a blackout."

     I stared at him, my face impassive and then muttered a, 'huh.' This got me thinking where the hell did that girl go. She and I weren't really that close, but missing someone here in general was just unnerving. The others looked like they were feeling what the same as I did. Quil, especially, looked like he wanted to bolt out of the door. I have no idea why, but it seemed unlike him.

     I dismissed the things inside my head and focused on something more important. Yesterday, Azazel told me that I'll know where to meet him. I don't like to take Azazel's help, especially when he did me wrong the first time he promised that his assistance would be free. I'm sure that this help that he's talking about has something in return, and believe me, I'm so done with prices.

     But what if Azazel used Grace for me to know where to meet him? If that's true, then I have no choice but to find her. But then again, I'm not sure. And even if it was, who's to tell that I really have no choice but to listen to Azazel?

     "I guess she'll come back..?" Mugin said.

     He's sitting at the left corner of the room, leaning casually on the wall. Beside him was Jeörgen who was murmuring something under his breath that none of us bothered to know. I glanced at Rick, still thinking if he really hasn't saw Grace leave the house. A black out, I thought. Can a phantom have black-outs?

     "Don't get all mama on her disappearance. She'll come back because there's basically nothing to see out there." Rick said, glancing outside through the windows. "And even if she did find something, I'm sure that she'll tell us what it is."

     "We have to find her." Quil said after a couple of moments of murmuring and cursing under his breath.

     We all turned to Quil with a questioning look. I never really got the idea that Quil would really go after Grace, and never did I expect that I'll agree with this one.

     "He's right." I agreed.

     "Of course I am."

    I know that they expect some kind of an explanation, but I can't simply tell that that, "Oh, it's because Azazel may have her right now because he wanted to help me or something. Can we go now?"

    "But I think it's best that you stay with Mugin and the others. You guys can go around the town again and see if Rick can remember something."

    "What about YOU do that?" Quil said. I didn't yield. He sighed. "Okay."

    It was freezing cold outside I almost wanted to leave Grace be and find her way back here instead of seraching for her. I shook my head, convincing myself that it's not Grace's will to disappear, that Azazel had take her somewhere to lure me. It's a little funny, though. Because I know that full well, and yet I'm still here, ready to risk my butt up.

    I squinted my eyes through the sudden mist that wasn't even there before. The whole town looked more eerie than ever, which I wondered if it was one of Azazel's dramatic doings. Or maybe it really is just because of the weather today, or Orynx the Hairy-One came back from his golden debris. I shuddered at the thought. It really seemed unfair, thinking if something more crazy than what's happening now will come into our way. But then, I don't think that's avoidable. Heck, it's the entire universe's hobby to try and get us killed.

    Unfortunately, I won't let that happen.

    I was about to go to Rick's shop first, but then I stopped. If I was Grace, where would I go? To the smith shop? No, what would I do there? What about the countless blocks that has nothing but old, useless houses? Nah, that's pretty time consuming if I was Grace. I cleared the places that I considered where Grace would probably ignore then set out to the other things that was more suspicious for her. Too bad, though, because everything here is suspicious for me.

    I set out to the places we've never been before. Like that one, stuff and narrow way that we completely ignored because of it's looks. It was quiet hidden with dried thin and small ferns, bushes and fallen trees. To be honest, I get the feeling that there's something in that way and I actually wanted to go there when we're still making Rick remember something, and now that I'm thinking of it, it looked like Rick didn't even want to take that path. And if Grace noticed that, too, I had the vague feeling that she'll go there.

    Holding gat thoughts inside my head, I tracked along the blocks and the destroyed and old houses until I reached that path. Right beside the walls that served as the border of the blocks and houses. I imagined the whole place inside my head like a map. Right in he middle are the structures, surrounded by the forest where we got ourselves lost, and this hidden pathway right now was somehow an exit towards the village. An exit, I thought. What if it really was an exit?  No, that can't be right. If this was an exit, Rick shouldn't have avoided this.

    Bracing myself, I shoved away the twigs that was blocking the narrow way. Even from here, I can tell that the pathway will probably squish my body into a patty. I sighed at and thought for the first time how lucky girls are. They can litarally just flatten themselves and fit into anything. I wonder if they can fit themselves into a small hole or something. That would be weird. Shrugging off the useless thoughts, I tried my best to fit into the stiff, dirty and narrow pathway with all my might. When I got in, I immediately slumped on the old and crusty wall, face flat and walking like a freaking crap. I have no choice, and if I face the other way, the sharp branches of dead small trees and thorns will tear my face the moment I reach the end of this path.

    It seemed like hours, walking like a crab, the walls squishing the life out of me. Like literally. I feel like my lungs are deflating because of the space, my stomach hitting my ribs. I feel like my stomach contents are being pushed towards my mouth. The thought just made me want to get out of the way more. I never liked narrow, small and confined places. It made me feel like my breath will stop, the oxygen limited, like anytime I can literally die out of breath.

    Gasping for air that was always there (but really, I feel like it's about to leave my body), I did everything to get at the end faster, not minding the sharp things that was poking my back, and probably gashing my skin in there despite the clothing I had on. Didn't mind the chilly air that seemed to freeze my brain everytime I take a breath and didn't mind the rough surface of the wall where my face was on like a patty. With what felt like hours, I can finally see what's in the end of the path, and it felt good to see the light clearly. I saw tall grasses and trees, and somewhere where my eyes can't fully see, there's a big, old structure. Seeing it made me work my butt and feet work faster, until I emerged like some kind of a bird in a clock from the wall and the thorns.

    I cussed under my breath as I lose my balance and stumble on a hump of dead grass. I groaned then slowly sat up, my vision clearing.

    "The holiest shit..." I muttered under my breath as I take the whole place in.

    Here, it looked a whole field, with tall grasses, lush and green trees. The sky was blue instead of gray, and despite of the lack of the structures, this place looked more alive than Denville. But that's just the first thing I noticed. I was like on a hill, and the down at the hill was an old building, covered with black, brown and green moss. I realized that it was a church or something. At the roof of the building was a big, celtic cross. The whole church stood tall, but fragile.

    For a moment, I felt my head spinning. I was disoriented. The change messed with my head. I remembered that time at Oto, where we entered his shop. It was a whole different place, like a part of another world, appearing to any place. Maybe this place was like that.

    I noticed the sudden change of temperature, and the sun on the sky. Back at Denville, it was all mist and the sky was gray. But this place is just different. The trees aren't supposed to be green and lush, the grasses should be dead and I'm damn sure that the sun shouldn't be that bright and hot because it was winter.

    I couldn't help but to laugh. "Maybe the next time I force myself into narrow pathways or holes, I'd be in Hell."

    "That could be discussed." Said a chilly voice that I haven't heard before.

    I spun around to see a man, clothed in all white, his face peaceful yet sharp, his gray eyes piercing. Despite his peaceful appearance, something about him immedietly set me off.  He reminded me of someone I saw before.. someone vibrant. José. I thought. He kind of had that look on José's face. He also had that kind and handsome look.

    "You're an angel, aren't you?" I directly asked. For some reason, I found courage. I just have no idea where it came from.

    The man frowned. "Why am I always mistaken as a damned angel?" He asked, losing all that peaceful look on his face.

    I cast my eyes downwards. "But you are." I said our of nowhere. I don't know what the hell I was saying. "You are. Once. Right, Haborym?"

    When I looked up, he doesn't look the same anymore. The man suddenly had three heads. The middle head was still him, but two stars are etched on his forehead. The other head that was a serpent, hissing at me with dark, crimson eyes. And the other one was like a Calf. It looked at me with a blank look in it's onyx eyes. The middle head—the face—tilted his head at me like he's wondering what's wrong. As he tilt his head, the other two heads tilted sideward. I was lost for words. Wrapped around his waist, down to his feet was a golden viper, it's eyes open, but not moving.

    Instinctively, I backed away, not believing my eyes. This dude just have a serpent and a calf's head, in one body. He's probably the weirdest...THING I've seen my whole life.

    "You know me." the middle head stated, his steely eyes narrowing. The other two heads mimicked it. I cringed. "You've called me by my name. It's been a while since someone called me by my name."

    It's true. I thought. I called him by his name. But how in the world did I know his name? I've never seen him my whole life, and I wished I hadn't. In the moment of my confusion, Haborym shifted on his feet, but then u realized that it was not him who shifted, it was the viper on his feet, slithering where he wanted it to be. I realized that he was riding the snake. My jaw dropped, staring at his whole being. It was sinking into me. I was talking to a man with three, peculiar head of animals and I know his name. How in the world..

    "Who the heck are you?" I asked, and it was dumb because I literally just called him by his name. "I mean.. what are you?"

    "I am the Twenty-third demon." He said, and here's this proud gleam in his eyes. The calf and the serpent head made strange sounds. "I govern twenty-six legions of inferior spirit, I am the doom of the cities and civilizations, I speak the truth unto privacy. I am Aim." He said, closing his eyes and spreading his arms.

    Aim, I thought. His other name. He said all of that so dramatically tithe point that I had a feeling that there'll be lightning and thunder and all that. Fortunately, the surroundings stayed normal, like  demon didn't just introduce himself to me with such pride and self-imposed glory. I just stood there, staring at him as he smile at nothing, making smug sounds. And then he realized that I didn't even care what he is or whatever.

    "Oh," I finally said. "Cool."

    The frown was back in his face, and as strange as it looked like, his two heads did the same. I grimaced. Looking at him was so disturbing. I don't even know what head I should focus on. Once again, he shifted on his feet towards the church and snarled loudly.

    "You're Cain, aren't you?" he asked. "Of course not the original Cain. The lame Cain. You're him, right?"

    Great. Now I'm being compared to my namesake. What, should I kill one of my relatives now to my be called lame by these nasty demons? I rolled my eyes at him then just nodded. Never I have ever thought that I would be compared with an ancient brother-killer.

    Haborym—I mean, Aim. Whatever— nodded, his extra two heads not doing the same. The serpent head was hissing at me, it's blood-red eyes glowing. I never really had a good experience with glowing eyes so I tried my best to look away from it.

    "Azazel is waiting for you." He said, gesturing his hands towards the chapel down the hill. I groaned, expecting it. What would happen there? Was Grace in there, waiting for some rescue or something? I wanted to laugh at myself because of the idea. Grace, waiting for rescue? Those words didn't really get along. Haborym made an impatient sound of protest. "What are you waiting for, boy?" He asked, glaring at me. "The chapel won't walk by itself."

    I thought about what could happen inside the chapel. For sure, Azazel would be there to tempt me to accept his offer, or maybe even something more than that. Raising up my mental defenses, I nodded at Haborym who looked like he was going to guide me down the hill, although he seemed like he didn't like it. Staring at him left me disoriented. Does his two extra heads can see, or even think separately? The thought disturbed me. What if the Calf head was thinking of killing me? Or the Serpent head was thinking of swallowing me whole? That's would be nasty.

    Haborym rolled his human eyes at me like he read my thoughts. "Everytime." He grumbled and glared at the ground.

    I figured he must be picking off these thoughts for a thousand of years, if ever someone was even thinking of him. Even I, the great Cain Roneve, had no idea he existed until now. I mean, if you base greatness in getting killed, getting a new body and complaining everytime, then I really am great. Yes, I'm talking and bashing myself at the same time. All these business is turning me crazy.

    "Just to be clear, boy, my heads has specific role to play." He said. "And it's actually none of your business. Why are you even asking?"


    "Fine, I'll tell you." He said, groaning. "My calf head is for strategies. How to destroy some civilization for example. And my serpent head is for strength." He shrugged. "You know what I mean. Stop asking, it doesn't concern you."


    He sighed. "But okay, I'll tell you more. They're the symbol of power. Especially Slooshy."


    "Slooshy! The viper on my feet!" He growled like I was supposed to know this. Who the heck names a viper Slooshy? Suddenly, Haborym let our a groan, knocking on his head like they were some kind of broken machinery. "Azazel has no chill. He's growing impatient, let's go now."