
Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon

Long ago, the humans triumphed over the dragons, sealing them into human mortal bodies now known as dragonoids. The dragonoids became enslaved by the humans and use them as military weapons by the power of the Vesryn Pulse. With this newfound magic, mankind divided its empire to four and wages war against themselves for their own selfish ambitions. A set of dire events occurred, pushing a single man to the limits of his sense of justice. Betrayed by his countrymen and losing his friends, lover, and honor; Xenon Wingate rises from the depths of hell and finds himself in a state of inner rage; a cemented resolve to kill everyone who has done wrong to him. He enters the Dragon Knight Academy with his dragonoid slave Serena Maizono and challenges the Five Pentagram Knights as a condition for acquiring an army. This will be the first step to execute his ultimate plan of revenge to satisfy the tingling sensation of his wrath. Vesryn Pulse: Wrath of Xenon follows the action-filled story of a man who loses himself into his thirst for blood and revenge. However, he will soon learn that the payback comes at a far greater price than he could ever imagine. Written by: ArchlordZero

ArchlordZero · Fantasie
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134 Chs





It happened so fast. I couldn't believe that I was able to bulldoze into the crowd, intercepting Serena and the dragonoid assailant in between, and block the machete with my right arm. Due to the shortness of time, I was not able to forge a shield to protect myself from harm. The blade cut through the back of my wrist all the way to an inch before my elbow, making blood spurt out straight to the assailant's eyes.

"Ahck!" The assailant blinked due to irritation.

"Forge!" I shouted out loud as I use my left fist to create a knuckle. Using the momentum of my running earlier and putting my weight on my left arm, I made a lightning-fast hook straight to his nose. The impact is so powerful that it made the dragonoid fly as he swirled seven hundred and eighty degrees before crashing on the white sandy ground. It was a one-punch K.O. and there's no indication that the dragonoid assassin would wake up.

The crowd of fans stands in awe. They spread out and circled on the scene, fully surprised, scared, and amazed at the very same time. Some of them gasped, some of them applauded, and some of them were scared.

"Serena, are you okay!?" I glanced at my dragonoid.

"S-Senpai!" Serena immediately went to my aid and held my right arm. "Of course I'm okay! It's you who's not! You're bleeding! Let's give you first aid!"

Nathaniel the macho dragonoid immediately gave the assailant an armlock even though that guy is half-dead. He and his dragon knight Danielle delivered the dragonoid to the nearby police camp for further questioning. On the other hand, Serena and I immediately went out of the scene as we went back to the picnic table. Meanwhile, the crowd of fans dispersed slowly as the commotion faded. Even the mysterious Lothar Pendragon disappeared.

Now I'm back laying at my beach chaise, sipping on my lemonade while my beautiful dragonoid nurse me. Alphonse and Z also offered their help by using their steam, water, and fire powers to fuse the wound I have sustained. That would at least stop me from running out of blood.

"This wound is fucking long, mate," Alphonse said. "We may be able to heal it, but you will have this scar for life."

"Don't be so concerned at me, bastard." I chuckled. "Maybe licking it will do the work."

"You're not a dog, Senpai!" Serena nagged. "Stop joking around! Come on, stretch your arms so that I can put the bandage!"

I relaxed and laid my body flat on the chaise as I look at the blue skies while my friends treat my wound. I indulge myself to deep thought as I wonder what just happened. That man who gave me the sign, it's Lothar Pendragon. I'm sure of it. But I wonder why did he help me save Serena. I'm a well-known traitor in Elysia, and Lothar is loyal to Elysia. He's supposed to be my enemy.

"This will do," Z muttered as she finally let go of my injured arm. "I have injected magical dust on your wound that would slowly repair your tissues. Your wound should be gone tomorrow, but expect that there will be a huge mark left on that arm."

"Thank you, Z!" Serena hugged the witch on a bikini and straw hat.

"You're welcome, Serena." Z laughed. "Now you owe me a make-up kit. A branded expensive one, that thing you use before your concerts."

"Will do~" Serena jollily cried. "I'll give you one later."

Suddenly, Alphonse snatched Z's hat and raised it above as he teased his dragonoid. "Why the fuck would you like to have that make-up for? That's just for beautiful faces like Serena, not for you!"

"W-Wait, give my hat back!" Z cried as he tried to reach her hat from Alphonse, but she's too short to reach it. "All women have to raise their charms! That's why I wanted make-up! So give me that!"

"You're still a baby girl, dumbass. You need some milk, not make-up." Alphonse smugged. Then he threw the hat like a frisbee far away from here. "Wheeee!"

"H-Heeeeeey!!!" Z cried as she chased her flying hat. Alphonse laughed as he followed her, leaving the scene.

Now, Serena is the only one here with me, and we're engulfed in deadly silence.

We're not used to having dead airs like this since most of the time we spend together in private is focused on her sarcastic nagging and me not paying attention to her. But now, there's something in the air around Serena I couldn't explain.

"You can go play with them if you want," I said.

Serena shook her head. Then she gently caressed my right arm which is covered with bandages. "I'll stay with you. It's my fault that you got that wound in the first place."

It makes me feel bad that Serena won't be enjoying this vacation and stay here with me like a sitting duck. I know that we just caused an incident here, so it wouldn't be a good idea to stay low and stay safe. But the purpose of this vacation is to relax, and not to be scared of any enemies. I don't mind if I don't get to enjoy this vacation, but it would leave a bad aftertaste if I just let Serena waste this opportunity to relax.

"Hey, what about we take a walk around the beach for a little?" I smiled.

"Don't do that, Senpai. You're wounded." Serena stared at me with her worried crimson eyes.

"It's my arm that is wounded, idiot. My legs work fine." I said.

Serena blushed, but her eyebrows are curled. It's like she's a mother who's mad at her kid or something. "Fine then. But on one condition."

"What is that?"

Serena offered her hand at me. I just noticed that she's now wearing her red fingerless gloves that can be used for Forge magic. Maybe she learned her lesson to keep her guard up even if it's on our vacation. Anyway, her hand still looks so delicate and soft even if she's equipped with her battle gloves.

"H-Hold my hand while we walk." She's blushing due to embarrassment.

"What, you're a kid or something?"

"It's not that!" Serena cried, her face redder than before. "F-Fine then, I won't force you if you don't want to. Let's go!"

Serena angrily stomped away with an adorable pout on her face. I've never seen her so moody than before. She kind of reminds me of some moments with my ex-girlfriend Marisse. She often does that thing whenever she gets an oblivious remark from me after flirting so hard. I just chuckled inside of my mind as I follow my cute dragonoid.

We strolled around the bay walk and saw different food stalls and sandcastle parks all around the beach. I just silently follow Serena as she buys random things such as beautiful seashells, pearl necklaces, and event shark-teeth armlets. She even bought a pair of expensive pendants that contains a mana crystal made by a Deep Sea Dragon and gave the other one to me. That put an unerasable smile on her face.

Walking side by side with a celebrity is a regular Tuesday at me, but it feels weird because she's on her swimsuit. Normally her charms can be endured by my eyes and brain, but now that she's freely exposing her glamorous body, I can't help but watch. I know Serena knows that I'm looking at her, but she just seems to be oblivious about it.

We now find ourselves in the shallow part of the beach when it's already sunset. The orange tint of the ocean perfectly reflects the skies. The soft cold ocean waves brushed through our feet as we walked around in the soft sand.

I was busily counting the starfishes I see all the way when suddenly, Serena cut my way and looked at me with sincerity.



"You may have heard it a million times, but I want to say it again." Serena held her chest. "Thank you for saving me earlier. And I'm sorry. You always end up hurting yourself because I'm weak."

"Stupid," I muttered. "You're a lot stronger than me. And don't thank me. I need you alive. I need your power so that I can get my revenge."

I may have answered her with a cold remark, but Serena didn't seem to be affected by it. She completely ignored the words I just said, and she focused on her own thoughts.

Serena gazed at the horizon as the ocean wind gave a gentle breeze which made her hair dance. As of this moment, I realized that I was telling a lie about seeing her as a tool for revenge and using her and her power. She may be my dragonoid slave, but it is certainly not the only thing I think of her.

"You know, that dragonoid earlier…" Serena muttered as she suppresses her tears. "...I know him. He's one of my fellow dragonoid slaves back in the torture chamber in Vanilla. I remember him very well, for he is one of the Arcadians who freed me from the evil duchess. He must be mad that I sided with the Empire of Alterra and helped in the destruction of the dragonoid resistance group."

Serena bit her lip and clenched her hand. I waited for her to continue.

"I'm sorry about this, but I'm having second thoughts. If Zac Schneider is right about me being the next Dragon Queen, then I should fight for dragonoid's freedom. But here I am, butchering my own kind with my extraordinary powers. I couldn't blame dragonoids if they hate me for siding with the humans. I couldn't blame humans if they hate me for being a dragonoid. I am sandwiched in between, and I have no place to go. I'm such a terrible person, aren't I?"

Serena started to cry, her tears running on her reddish cheeks.

"No," I said. "You're wrong."

"Huh?" Serena was awestruck.

"You have a place to go, Serena." I pumped my chest with my right hand. "Even if the world hates you, even if you hate yourself, I will never hate you. Even if the world is full of judging eyes, I will never think badly of you."

"S-Senpai…" Serena's eyes twinkled as tears blanketed her irises.

"You belong with me, Serena." I gently held her shoulders.

"Senpai… Thank you…"

My heart is pumping in overdrive, like a defective sonar that gives ripples in the atmosphere. Even without activating the Vesryn Pulse, I can feel Serena's heart beating the same. Our faces drifted closer. She fully submitted herself to me as she closed her eyes. My focus turned unto her kissable lips. It looks so soft and moist that I want to have a taste of it.

Three inches. Two inches. One inch. I closed my eyes as the concept of distance no longer matters.

And then…
