
Very high gate(naruto)

Naruto, from a world in which there were no tailed animals, voluntarily found himself in another place and at another time. The adventures of a talented shinobi are where evil spirits are hunted by casters from many clans, where demons are trying to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with people, and where Naruto ended up in the body of a young man... a healer, a quiet man, a widower.

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5 Chs

Hello, new world

Feelings returned as well as they left —one by one, slowly. The first was touch.

I was lying down, which was predictable. The surface was hard and uneven, like pebbles. Then I noticed the softest silk hugging the whole body, damp and cold. It happens in caves.

I could already move my limbs, which were stiff from an uncomfortable position, but I was in no hurry. If no one has yet decided to take a bite from the warm flesh, then there is no hurry. And the condition is... below average.

The next thing pleased me was the sense of smell. Blood. You again, dear. And the subtle fragrance of incipient decomposition is with you.

The rumor did not want to return for several minutes, which dragged on for a long time, especially after the realization came that the situation was poorly uncertain.

There was a soft rustle of leaves, a cricket chirped timidly, a mountain river rustled in the distance. And nothing else.

How strange. I reflexively directed the chakra to my ears and only after a second realized that it was not there and could not be after the miraculous resurrection. At least for now for sure.

The breath caught and the emptiness inside unfolded and swallowed the insides. My heart froze, the back of my head felt cold.

No, please, not again. I don't want to live among corpses again.

Terrible pictures of the recent past surfaced in the brain poisoned by panic: how the tree sarcophagus of the demon Jubi screams and cries with bloody tears under the red moon and death itself tears its prison, turns it into splinters, and then with inevitable destructive steps devastates the world.

That madman thought he knew what he was doing. Sensei managed to say that it seemed to be Obito, his former teammate, who had been presumed dead for twenty years.

I don't know what happened to him, but for some reason Obito decided that "the great evil has repented and wants to do great good." Something about ending wars, curing all diseases, exterminating evil spirits (and me among them, obviously) and fulfilling the desire of the one who will return the demon.

The Uchiha who went turned out to be right in his own way: the wars are over, the diseases have disappeared and so on down the list. People also ended, also disappeared.

Only I stayed.

And I did not immediately understand why.

Yes, I am only partially human. On the day of my birth, my father sacrificed me as a prison vessel for the ancient powerful kitsune. I should have been burned after that and then the old fox would have been killed forever, but my father died a little (what a loss), and he didn't have time to tell his friends about his feat.

Uzumaki's blood dissolved the personality of the old kitsune, and the dense thick chakra mixed with the colossal energy of the fox.

To put it simply and to the point - not only me, but all the villagers were lucky. If I were not me, then the old attack would have regained the power that it possessed in its best years and even a hundred babies would not have stopped it.

That kitsune turned out to be the only surviving child of Jubi, her ancient power remained with me and therefore Jubi did not touch me. Hell, he even tore up and devastated the lands of intelligent animals. Toads for what?

The memories that made me lose my balance faded into the background when I once again tried to assess the degree of my luck. So many unlikely events have happened just to what? So that poor Naruto has a way to deal with panic?

I laughed. At first it was quiet, hoarse and short, but then it turned into hysterical laughter, which I could not, however, I did not really want to stop.

It seemed to me that I would die from a lung rupture or my ribs would crack, but my vision cleared. The darkness receded and, rolling over to a sitting position, I looked around. The sky was agitated by the dawn, barely visible through the dense groves. In the courtyard, surrounded by neat wooden buildings here and there between well-groomed bushes and on the road lined with smooth planks, bloody corpses in white light robes lay.

Blood is good. How did I not guess right away? Jubi sucked out the soul, leaving the bodies untouched. And here people obviously tried. But until I see living capable and numerous people, it's not worth talking about the success of my latest project. The probability of success was minimal.

I examined my body, clad in white silks like everyone else's, heavily covered in front with blood, like everyone else's. There was a small tear in the chest area on the clothes: the unfortunate guy must have been killed by piercing the heart with a sword. And then I decided to be reborn in his body. With my regeneration, the trifling poke in the chest healed in a matter of moments.

And the guy flew to rebirth. Good luck in the next life, friend.

I tried to notice every little thing, every feeling, because when I took this step, I was sure of success at best by twelve percent. But so far everything is working. Or it seems to me that it works.

Being in someone else's body like this seemed strange. I was a great Shinobi, I dare even say: one of the best. And that's why I knew my body and knew how to feel every hair. In moments of danger, the immediate environment also became an extension of my body, which helped to notice the slightest fluctuations in the air from a butterfly flying behind a bush or a needle launched exactly at the target.

And this body, even though it belonged to a young, short, slender young man, like I was, was definitely not mine. Different curves, different musculature. The sensations are completely different and it was a little crazy.

I got up easily, turned my head, jumped, took a few steps and finally made sure that this alien body obeys well, but in terms of physical capabilities it is significantly inferior to my native one.

And it seemed like a good sign to me.

If this guy, with his physical data, managed to survive puberty, then his life is not an example safer and easier than mine. But then I remembered the blood-stained clothes and a couple dozen corpses within line of sight and decided not to rush to conclusions.

Another gust of wind brought the smell of freshly baked bread and the sounds of morning bustle. I almost shed tears of happiness and forgetting about everything ran out of the wide-open gate. I rushed to run down the curved mountain road and in a few minutes came to a small village street. There were two- and three-storey wooden houses around, a shopping area began a little in the distance and there were still empty shops right in front of the houses.

And people were hurrying and fussing between them.

I heard voices: their swearing and their conversations. I smelled freshly caught fish, hay and pastries.

My legs gave way and, kneeling, I continued to peer into their faces. They were getting closer. They surrounded me. Someone shook his shoulder (What a warm hand he has!) and the sounds came back:

- So this is the junior mentor from Chueron. What is his name?

"Mr. Ye Baiyi, what happened?"

"Is he hurt?"

- Does he need help?

- How much blood!

Someone's playful hands had already begun to undress me, and only then did I come to my senses. He pulled away other people 's hands and said:

"Everyone's dead.

Silence reigned.

- Who are dead?

And really — "who?". Someone said that I was a junior mentor from Chueron, then:

"Everyone in Chueron is dead. - with difficulty suppressing a questioning intonation, I said.

Another important question cut through the silence:

- How are they dead? What is it that happened?

And the vegetable knows him.

They were definitely killed. And we did it quickly and efficiently. The village is very close, there were a lot of people in this Chueron, but no one heard anything, no one managed to escape and call for help. Destruction is minimal: buildings, gates, plants — everything is intact.

No sooner had I returned to society, than he threw me a situation. And what should I answer them? I know even less than they do. Well, as they say, words are silver, and silence is gold.

Barely had I decided on a strategy when a low male voice cut through the crowd:

- What's going on here? I was told that a walking dead man was seen near the eastern gate!

The crowd gave way to an elderly man with a thick beard, a dry body, dressed in simple clean clothes. On his finger was a ring with a sign similar to the one I noticed above the entrance to the village.

- The headman has come. a relieved whisper was heard.

- Mr. Urche, a disaster has happened. The young tutor, Mr. Ye Baiyi, came down from school covered in blood and says that everyone in Chueron is dead! But how can it be true? As well as Mr. Toro, and Mr. Kaoshi, and the students... they are such good people. How could they die?

How could good people die? Strange question. Are there really people in the world who believe that nothing bad can happen to a good person?

- Calm down, old woman. Everyone disperse and mind your own business. - the headman spoke and, after waiting for people to begin to carry out the order, turned to the young man who was standing next to him. "Theo, you send a messenger to the peaks of Chue to report the tragedy. - said the headman.

He obviously did not get his place for a thick beard. Quick thinking in difficult situations. Or do they have a massacre here every night? Definitely not. Otherwise, there would be no old women left who believe that good deeds can protect from harm.

The headman looked at me, and I diligently portrayed the extreme degree of shock, following the departing crowd with a dazed look.

"Junior Mentor Ye, do you need any help now?" You have blood on your clothes. Perhaps you need help with your wounds? Mr. Urche asked with uncertainty, leaning towards me.

I was surprised by this doubt, because the question was quite appropriate. And only now did I pay attention to the smells that permeated my clothes. Medicines. And in Chueron there were bundles of herbs under a canopy in front of the entrance to one of the largest buildings on the school grounds. I didn't pay attention to it earlier because of the strong smell of blood.

Asking a doctor if he needs the help of a village healer is really embarrassing. Especially proud people may be offended.

After processing the new information, I concluded that the "situation" is bad. She could not claim a mark higher than "bad" before, but now everything has worsened somewhat. Who needed to be upset and how much so that this someone would cut out the school of healers? This needs to be dealt with urgently, because interested people will quickly find out that one, that is, me, was missed. And the messenger was sent to a certain peak of Chue. And old acquaintances can live there.