
Three calamities of Princess Joanna

"Nightmare, I won't be able to beat him alone."

[That fucking royal prince was stronger than you. There is no way you two win.]

Reigner asked for help from the reincarnation. If he dies here, then Nightmare is also going for the eternal sleep. He narrowed his eyes, then the metal snake coiled around him in its prime form. The huge snake was like the best defense as it exuded its magic.

The two metal spheres swallowed up the emperor's chamber then.

Both Reigner and Paula were going all out, however, the divine child just sneered and summoned a small earth pebble. This earth pebble was barely visible and if not the metal sphere, then the duo wouldn't have noticed it at the beginning.

It wouldn't really change anything though.


If anything, then Reigner wouldn't be able to expect such damage to suddenly strike him. He would be looking at the divine child without anticipating any hidden attacks. The small earth pebble smashed itself against his stomach, then the body of Reigner bent.

He felt like puking, then the earth pebble disappeared only to appear from the side. From all the sides, Reigner began getting assailed without any chance of counter-attack. His metal sphere was too weak to feel the earth pebble!

Even more, the metal sphere had a different purpose.

It was to make his snake move without metal aura coming off from his body. It allowed the snake to go for a long-distance attack without him touching it. The one who had better senses thanks to the metal sphere was Paula.

She had lost her eyes, one of the senses. This allowed Paula to become closer to nature, turning her metal sphere into a unique one to spot more things that Reigner couldn't.

Her cane had destroyed the earth pebble when he took more than five hits.

"Congrats. Now, I am going to multiply those."

Saying so, the divine child summoned two earth pebbles. Those two went straight for Reigner torturing him as he simply had no way of dodging them at all. It wasn't only the inexperience, but also the lack of enough power.

His metal creation couldn't keep up if his senses were muddled by both hate and inexperience. Minute by minute, Reigner was slowly pushed toward the divine child.

As if the latest question left a deep scar within him.

In the meantime, Paula was doing her best to deal with the earth pebbles.


The pained scream rang out when Reigner fell onto his knee. Bruises were all over his body, from top to bottom. Small blood trailed down as he breathed roughly. It was a painful state to feel and touch, but the earth pebbles weren't waiting at all.

It was now four of them going straight at Reigner!

"Keep going... We won't die without a battle."


Hearing this, the princess bit her lips, then nodded. The chances of victory had finally slipped out from their grasp. She focused on surviving as much as she could, respecting the wish of her husband.

The cane grew up in speed, but it was far from enough.

"So you have decided to come to me in the end."

The divine child laughed. His eyes were hovering on Reigner's bloody body with the clothes no longer being able to keep up their job. Tattered from top to bottom, Reigner got exposed all his wounds thanks to the sixteen earth pebbles floating around him like small meteorites.

He was looking dejected, his eyes squinted without any light.

Being so close to the divine child, Reigner could see his feet slightly raising.

It was then!

[You have used Nightmare Set together with Reincarnation Nightmare.]



In an instant, Reigner used his last chance to kill the divine child. From below, his arm turned into a blade arm that exuded the nightmare element like a black miasma. His eye popped white, allowing Nightmare's senses to sharpen and mix with Reigner.

In such a state, his black arm drew the beautiful arc that was meant to behead the divine child's soul. However, the divine child was a tad faster, his upper body a little bent backward. The blade arm slid through his chest, opening up a huge wound with blood gushing out!

It was mere soul blood that disappeared a few seconds later.

However, the shock on the divine child along with the scar on his pride won't disappear for a long while. His eyes went wide, then the earth snake of Reigner got thoroughly pinned down to the ground with earth spikes.

Naturally, the earth spikes likewise went for Reigner, but he jumped with his senses sharpened.

[Nightmare Set - temporary use.]

A temporary use was only available. It was a miracle that Nightmare pushed off everything to utilize this, including his origins. In the black, monster-like state, Reigner couldn't spare any second and quickly threw himself at the divine child.


The screams of nightmare enveloped the whole room! With the speed that broke the current limits of Reigner's human body, the black monster tore through the air continuously while keeping the close distance to the divine child.

Unluckily enough, the wind was the ally of the divine.

The moment Reigner's blade cut nothing, the explosion ensued.

It was strong enough to cut through his black suit, spreading a few cracks second by second.

"I know this power. The nightmare element of that brat Joanna. In the pursuit of the divinity, she scratched her negative elements trying to join the ranks of the winged race. It resulted in her giving birth to three calamities that assaulted the high worlds for a decade."

"GooD foR yoU."

"Haha! Seems like the nightmare element is still too low within your body! I have all these bodies to fuel me up together with the paintings of their ancestor! There are zero chances for you to keep me amused for more than an hour."

The divine child's wound was also healed up thanks to those resources. Everything was looking dreadfully for Reigner who was doing his best to keep them alive. In the beginning, he lied to Paula as it was necessary to foul the divine child.

He didn't know that Paula could read his emotions, so she knew that there is a plan.

The hidden attack can break the disadvantages! Even the divine child would need to stop once beheaded. It would allow Reigner to attack his consciousness clearly and try to evoke the nightmares where the battle tides would've been reversed!

Unluckily enough, the divine child had sharp senses as well.

This resulted in Reigner and Nightmare going after the fairy as if they were dogs. It was way too humiliating and the princess who could only watch felt even more. It doesn't have to be said as to what the pinned to the ground troops feel right now.

Thirty minutes passed, then Reigner lost his consciousness momentarily. He appeared in the room within his body where the battles with Nightmare had been ongoing for more than eight months... From this place, Reigner could see Nightmare using the black monster's body more efficiently.

It didn't really change the flow of the battle though.

The constant wind techniques were stopping Nightmare. His sharp body was cutting through the air even when he moved, so the wind was always assaulting him.


But he didn't yield... Soon enough, even Nightmare himself lost consciousness... He appeared within the black room filled with nothing, but darkness. He didn't have his usual nightmare suit, but his 'humanly' body that was boasting with an unknown type of charm.


"Because of you and your indecisiveness! If we had more nightmare element, then-"


Nightmare narrowed his eyes.

It seemed as if Reigner is on the verge of mental breakdown.

If their opponent was someone else, then Nightmare would be confident in swallowing up the 'reincarnation', then using all the nightmare element to run away.

But not against someone whose origins stem from the higher world!

"It's... all your fault..."
