

A Young Girl who Travels around the Nations to Find Her Brother. However, She will Encounter the Dangerous Enemies in One Region. During the Zhuvirion War, There are more and more Zhuvirion Enemies to take over the Nations and Rule The Entire World of Chaos. But The Young Girl will meet 8 Celestial Commanders to fight along side them against the Most powerful Opponent from Zhuvirion Operation Act. An Young Girl has Determination to her own Power to Fight and Find her Brother to Reunited in 13 Years Ago. One Day She will Seek the Truths About This World and 5 Nations. Note: Releasing each Chapter will take 1 week per 1 Chapter. Because i have some small time to make Chapters and i have many things to do with my Family at Home. I Hope You Understand and Enjoy my Novel. Also, This is 2nd Novel i make. The First One is very Short so i decide to stop and make the new one. I Hope i can keep this up for my Dreams. NOTE: This Novel Has Been Cancelled from last 3 years due to my Lack of Writing Stories. Sorry that I Didn't Continue this Novel But I May Have Plan to make Another one Something better or Rewrite the Story.

CedieKun · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Special Task

10 Days Left, We Still have a lot to Prepare for the Next Battle. As For Paladin gave us the Special Mission For Me and Katsumi, Some Zhuvirion Soldiers are Spotted to the NorthSide Village and They Plan to Call for More Reinforcement to Increase their Security For Dominian City. This Situation is Far More Different than Fighting against the Assassin From Zhuvirion.

 If She's Still There in Dominian City, She's Going to be My Target...I Remember What She Says "Captain Overseer '' After She Leaves in the Dominian Port. She Might be the Elite Zhuvirion Soldier for Overseer..But I Haven't seen any Overseer's Army..and She Doesn't need to bring her Overseer's Army...Hmm..Still..She's an Assassin.

Before I go to the Northside, I Have to Test it to use My Light Sword Again. Sometimes, My Light Sword Can Cost a Lot of Mana During Combat. Just Like Where I Fight against Feather and I Use my Light Skill Against Her Dancing Blades Skill. Until I Didn't Realize back there Where i Used too much Mana and I Don't Feel Any Dizzy or Fainted.

*Marlene's Mana 25/30*

* -5 Mana For Enhancing LvL 2*

Now After i Test it Out, My Sword Enhancing Skill costs 5 Mana for Lvl 2 But I Shouldn't Waste That Mana For My Mission. Now My Mission is About to Start..I Already Prepared My Gear and my New Cloak that Katsumi Gave it to me Yesterday After The Meeting.

*Marlene was going to leave the Camp with Katsumi and Use Their Own New Skill Called "Swift" to Boost Their Running. 10 Minutes Later, They are Resting for Their Trip in a Long Distance from their Camp. However, They were ambushed by the Zhuvirion Soldiers and Zhuvirion Casters in their Path. Both of Them Release Their Swords and Elemental Power to Engage the Enemies."

*Marlene Strike 3 Zhuvirion Casters Behind Them with her Light Sword and Katsumi Quickly Attack Against Zhuvirion Frontiers with her Flame Katana. But There are More Zhuvirion Soldiers Appeared in their Path..Except One Elite Zhuvirion Soldier has Special Type.*

Marlene: What is that..?

Katsumi: Hmm..I Think I Seen That Type of Soldier Before. The One Who Can Use Fire Elemental Power with His Gauntlet During the First Zhuvirion War, They Call It, Blazerer.

*Zhuvirion Soldier(BR) or also known as "Blazerer". Every Blazerer who can Use Fire Elemental Power to Use as Area of Effect(AoE) Attack to Spread WildFire Around Him with Longest Range. This Elite Zhuvirion Soldier Belongs to Any Operators for their Forces, They are Many Of Them Who Can Raid Many Regions as They Can.*

Marlene: That Looks Tough..But We Have To Take Him Down First.

Katsumi: Yeah..Just Be Careful from his Gauntlet. Don't Let it Touch You. 

*Katsumi Charged Forward and Cut Every Single Zhuvirion Soldiers with Her Katana Except Blazerer.*

Katsumi: I'll Cut You Down! 

Blazerer: *Groaning* (Unleashing the Flames from his Gauntlet)

*Blazerer got his Full of Rage and Casting the Amount of Flames from his Gauntlet. Screaming with his Madness and Start Attacking to Katsumi with his Fire Gauntlet.*

Katsumi: Woah!

*Katsumi Jump High to Dodge his Charged Attack with High Voltage Power with Her Katana*

Marlene: Ha! 

I Was Ready to Strike That Blazerer. But He Quickly Dodges my Attacks Then He's Going to Strike me with his Flame Gauntlet. I Tried to Block His Attacks with my Sword But I End it up Push Back with Powerful Shockwaves with his Gauntlet.

Holding my Sword in the Ground to Prevent me to not get too Far from the Shockwaves. Then I Enhanced My Sword into lvl 2 and Using Swift Skill to Charged Forward Against Blazerer. But He Unleashed his Flames in his Gauntlet and Smash in the Ground to make Powerful Blow from his Flame Gauntlet. Then I Jump Too High to Avoid his Skills, While I'm Mid-Air I Start Attacking Him with my 3 Light Slashes Waves to Strike Him Down. 

My Light Slashes Hit His Head and Arms and He was Down For a Moment. Then Suddenly, He Stand Up Quickly with his own Rage and Releasing His Flames against me with his Fist. I Tried to Dodge from his Skill But I Didn't Make it in time to Dodge with his Attacks and End up Falling.

Katsumi: Marly! (Using Swift Skill to Run Faster to Protect Marlene and Attack Blazerer)

Blazerer: Grr..

*Blazerer Block Her Attacks with his Gauntlet And Casting his Skill called "Berserker Flame* to Gain More Powerful Heat From His Gauntlet.*

Katsumi: *groan* His Temperature..is Getting Higher…

Blazerer: *Screaming in Pain* 

Katsumi: Ohh Crap..

*Blazerer was about to use his Berserk Flame Skill to End Katsumi But Suddenly, He Stop Moving..*


*Blazerer Got Cut in a Half of his Body and Releasing a lot of Blood and Disappearing like a Dust.*

Marlene: *huff* *puff* … 

Katsumi: Woah...Did You...Cut him in the Half by One Slash..?

Marlene: Y-Yeah...I Did..(Looked at her Mana Status from her Left Arm)

*Marlene's Mana 6/30*

Katsumi: Hmm..Your Skills get a lot of Cost for your Mana..Maybe we Should Take a Rest For Now and Wait For Your Mana to get Produced.

Marlene: No, We Don't Have Time to Rest Now. We Still Have a Special Mission to do for Paladin. We Can't Waste Our Time, There's an Enemy Will Call for More Reinforcement for Dominian City.*

Katsumi: But..What About Your Mana..

Marlene: Don't Worry, I Will Use My Physical Attack with my Sword. I Can Handle This.

Katsumi: Hmm, Alright then. Let's Go

After I Defeated the Elite Zhuvirion Soldier, We Continue to Go to the Northside Village But I Feel a Little Tired and Pain in My Right Arm For Using High Level Skills and Losing a lot of Mana. I Didn't Even Think That I Used That High Level Skills to Kill Blazerer For an Instant, More Importantly...I Don't Want her to Get Hurt. 

Several Minutes Later, We Finally Reached the Northside Village. I Take a Peek Inside the Gate and There are Many Zhuvirion Soldiers are Gathering around and i See the Hostages inside that Cage. Katsumi Can Handle The Medium Ranks Soldiers and Breach Inside, But She Told Me Not to Use My Mana or Any Skills I Have and Only I Can Use Is My Light Sword. Then I Agree with Katsumi and Throwing the Grey Crystals to Release the Smoke and Start Engaging the Enemies.

All Zhuvirion Soldiers Start Panicking and They Randomly Split Up and They Try to Find Us Around the Smoke. Then I Kill 1 by 1 in my Sight While Katsumi Clearing all The Enemies around the Smoke. But I Almost got Stab from the Zhuvirion Soldiers in the Back and I Kick Him in the Face Hardly. However, They Already See Me and I Didn't Realize My Light Sword was Exposed against Light while the Smoke was Still Spreading Around. Then I Keep Attacking Them 1 by 1 and Cut them into Pieces, But They are Still Coming to Me Through the Smoke and I Jump High as i Can to Avoid Their Attacks and i Landed to the Roof. My Arms are Tired for Everytime i Swing my Sword against my Enemies and my Mana Was Slowly Recovery. 

When the Smokes Flew Away, Katsumi Directly Kill All Zhuvirion Soldiers with her Katana Skills. She's So Fast With Her Blades Even Her Lightning Skills Too. After All Enemies are Gone, I'm Going to Save the Hostages and Free Them. I Use my Light Sword to Destroy the Cell to Let Them Out. These Dwarfs got a lot of Wounds in their Body But Some of Them got Sick from these Strange Disease and Katsumi was Quickly Dragging me Back.

Katsumi: Marly, Don't Get Them Too Close to You...It's Vermitious Infections..They Got Infected by These Dangerous Diseases like Crystals.

Marlene: Huh? Vermitious? (Looked at their Body has Black and Red Skin in their Arms and Neck)

This is the First Time I've seen These Strange Symptoms in Their Skin. I've Never Heard About the Vermitious Disease Before Even Moriana's Scholar Didn't Mention This. However, They've been Suffering a lot with their Sickness and Some of these Victims haven't been infected. 

But Suddenly….

???: /Intruders/../Intruders/..*Robotic Deep Male Voice*

The New Elite Soldier Appeared..But..This One Is Completely Different Than Other Elite Zhuvirion Soldiers. I Already Heard this Type of Class It's Called, "Droids". They are Made of Metal and Lightning Power inside of their Parts. Only Celestial and Zhuvirion Can Make These Machines. But Now...That Is More Aggressive than Blazerer.

Katsumi: Hmm...This Droid Class Design Belongs to the Zhuvirion Operators, They Make these Droids into War Machines. 

Marlene: That Droid Looks Very Dangerous. We Need to Get Rid of Him

Katsumi: Yeah, But We Have to be More Careful From his Lightning Power. Prepare Yourself. (Casting her Lightning Katana)

Marlene: Alright

Katsumi: Marly...Be Careful For Your Mana Status. 

Marlene: I Will, Sensei.

Katsumi: Alright, Let's Go!

Droid: /Intruder/Must/Terminated/ 

*Droid was About to Release all Lightning Power and Grab his 4 Mechanical Swords.*

*During the Preparation Battle Phase, the illusionist is Watching Them While Drinking his Red Wine.*

illusionist: *gulping* (Drinking Wine)

illusionist: Well..This is More Interesting to Watch, Luckily I Found Her. Now, That Droid Seems Very Aggressive Against 2 Elite Soldiers. Heh, Why did Paladin Bring his 2 Celestial Elites Here? *Sigh* What a Joke. I Thought I'm Going to Take Down These Elite Enemies. Hmm...Let's See How Stronger She is…*smiles* (Looked at Marlene from the Distance)