

A Young Girl who Travels around the Nations to Find Her Brother. However, She will Encounter the Dangerous Enemies in One Region. During the Zhuvirion War, There are more and more Zhuvirion Enemies to take over the Nations and Rule The Entire World of Chaos. But The Young Girl will meet 8 Celestial Commanders to fight along side them against the Most powerful Opponent from Zhuvirion Operation Act. An Young Girl has Determination to her own Power to Fight and Find her Brother to Reunited in 13 Years Ago. One Day She will Seek the Truths About This World and 5 Nations. Note: Releasing each Chapter will take 1 week per 1 Chapter. Because i have some small time to make Chapters and i have many things to do with my Family at Home. I Hope You Understand and Enjoy my Novel. Also, This is 2nd Novel i make. The First One is very Short so i decide to stop and make the new one. I Hope i can keep this up for my Dreams. NOTE: This Novel Has Been Cancelled from last 3 years due to my Lack of Writing Stories. Sorry that I Didn't Continue this Novel But I May Have Plan to make Another one Something better or Rewrite the Story.

CedieKun · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Prologue - New Journey

Once, There was a Five Nation around the World with 3 Different Races. However, In 5 Years Ago, There was One Nation who always Declaring War for each Nation to Take over their own Land and The Leader are very satisfying to steal more Lands around the World For Their own Nation, Zhuvirion.

Then The Celestial Organization Arrives, The ones who are always Fighting against Zhuvirions to prevent Stealing other Cities or Destroying them. When the Zhuvirion Leader heard about the Celestial Organisation, He was very Mad and Struggling for his next plan But Suddenly he got killed by a Hero From Celestial. After the First War was Over, The Celestial Nation gained Victory for their Battle and Other Nations were Recovered.

However, The Great Daughter of Zhuvirion is going to continue for the next War But She's planning something more brutal than Stealing. She got Followers to Prevent against Celestial Organization and it's pretty Unknown about The Zhuvirion's Followers. She shows no mercy against Weak Nations or Other Nations, She kills more than Thousands of People around the Nation and She Never Stops until she reaches her Brutal Goal.

16 Years Ago...

This is the Story about my Royal Family of Moriana. I was born in my homeland with my Young Brother. But my Young Brother was Born Blind and He never saw anything around the World. As a Big Sister, I've always wanted to take a Good Care of my Brother. When I was a Little, I've always loved to play with my Brother even though he was Blind But he is still Happy with me and I Really Love my Young Brother with his precious smile. 

But One Day...My Father was Separated to my Mother and He took my Brother with him. When I looked at my Brother, I felt bad for him that I would never see him again or play with him and I said "I'll Come Find You, I Promise". After My Brother left, My Mother Cried and She Apologise to me about my Brother to separate with me.

 i feel empty without my Brother. But I can't lose hope because I promised him, One Day i will Find my Brother and We will Together Again with my Family.

When i was 12, I trained myself to be a Swordswoman and i was studied in Moriana Scholarship. I'm Planning to go outside the Moriana One day and Finding my Brother. However, After i heard about a 2nd War of Zhuvirion, i was thinking that my Brother is in Danger and i know my Father took him to Celestial Physis City. When i looked at the Map, Physis City was Very Closed to Dominian's Border, Dominian Region is a Dwarfs Regions. Their the ones who keep Blocking Zhuvirion's Movement that they not allow to enter Celestial Regions. The Leader of Dominian accepted the Celestial Organization to keep preventing the Zhuvirion's Movement for a long years.

When I was 13, My Mother Teach Me How to use The Elemental Power. Me and my Brother were born with Elemental Powers But not all of them have their own Elemental, instead they use Physical to fight the enemies. My Mother told me that my Elemental Power is Very Special. When I heard what my mother said, I felt determined to Fight. But I asked a Question to her, "Does my Brother have a Special Elemental Powers just like me?" She said that my Brother has his own Very Unknown Power that he never used before. After I heard about my Brother's Elemental Power, I was very worried about him and I was Curious about his Magic. That Night, I heard a very loud Explosion in very far away. When I looked at the Window, There's no any fire or smoke around my homeland. Everyone just went outside to check out and they saw nothing.

They said that Large Explosion was came from Celestial Physis City and It wipe out the entire city. However, not only Physis City got destroyed, Harber City and Dominian City get affected by large area explosion. More than 700 deaths in Physis City, 278 Deaths in Harber City, and lastly 156 Deaths in Dominian City. But In Dominian Region, The Leader of Dominian died from Large Explosions and they received a report that the explosion was came from the Zhuvirion's Brutal Weapon called "ZV-249". There was an Imposter in Physis City that they will plant a ZV-249 to destroyed the entire Physis City and then Physis City was Completely Destroyed Forever. Rumors said that they are other Civilians from Physis City got survived from Explosion and Injured with many people in there. But After i heard that News, i was shocked that Physis City got Destroyed and my Brother was there too, i cried so much because i lost my brother in there and i haven't seen him for 7 Years. 

When i cried that day my Elemental suddenly reacted to my body then i started to feel pain on my right arm then my chest and when the pain relieved a White Star Symbol mark suddenly appeared on my right arm and also a bright Glowing orb and when i reached for the orb it Turned into a (Sword of Light). It is not a Ordinary Sword that I hold . Then my Mother just came into my room and she worried about me when I cried. When she saw my Sword, She already knew what kind of Sword I'm holding and it's called Light Sword, One of the Special Elemental Swords in the World. Then She explained everything about my White Star Symbol and a Light Sword, She said that my White Star Symbol was Related to my Brother's Elemental Power But i never seen my Brother's Powers Before. She said that my White Star Symbol was Connected to my Brother's Elemental Power, it means He has a White Star Symbol too, However, My Mother said that my Brother doesn't have a White Star Symbol and it's different from my own White Star Symbol. After I heard that Explanation, That means Brother was still alive and someone saved him. But Who?Who saved him from that Explosion?, And I was very worried about my Brother. 

When I was 16, I heard the news that there was a Resistance from Celestial to Fight back against Zhuvirion. It was 2 Years Ago that the Celestial Organization arrived that day and they said there were 8 Commanders out there to Protect other cities against Zhuvirion's Attack. One Day, i graduated at Moriana Scholar and i trained a lot of Combat and Magic for 6 Years, Then my Mother said that i can Freely go to Celestial Region and Enrolled to Celestial Academy to Continue my Scholar but That Means i can start my new Journey to Celestial and Find My Brother, However, There's another 2nd War of Zhuvirion Movement again and it will make a lot of Risky to go But i can handle it myself. 

The Next Day, i packed a lot of things to prepare to go to Celestial but before that, i tested again to summon my Light Sword and then My Light Sword been Summoned Perfectly that means i'm ready to go to Celestial, Just in Case i might encounter any Bad Incident in there and Help People. After I packed everything, My Mother had something to tell me about the Royal Family of Celestial. She said that I have to find and meet Theresa to take care of me. But I never heard about Theresa before, and then my Mother took me to the Moriana Port. After i reach to the Port, my Mother say Goodbye to me and she said

Mother: I'm so Proud of you, Marlene. I wish you to go on a New Journey Safely and..i hope you can find your little Brother. But I want you to Promise..that you can go back here again..with your Brother One Day.

After I heard what she said, I'm Determined to find my Brother and Accept my Mother's Promise. When I already hopped in the Ship, I looked at my Mother and said Goodbye to her. I will miss my Mother so much, and Now the Ship has already set sail to go to Celestial.

This is my New Journey of my Life and my Goal is to Find my Brother in there. However, I wish to tell my Mother about my wishes. But my wish is...I'm going to join the Celestial Organisation One Day and Meet the 8 Celestial Commanders out there. This is going to be my Long Journey to Celestial and I hope I can Find My Brother in there. My name is Marlene Hermil, and this is the story of my new Long Journey to Celestial.

-In Celestial Organisation Headquarters-

6th Commander: Hmph, This War never ends yet, Master. Even the Zhuvirion Army is spreading around the Nation too. *Sigh* i will not be lived without a wine to drink (Sipping Wine)


6th Commander: So Master, is there anything my task to do? I saw many things outside the Celestial are Protected by the 8th Commander in our Celestial Border Gate in the South East and her Fellow Soldiers are really Nice to Guard the 2nd Border Gate in the North West. Zhuvirion will not be able to enter our Region against 8th Commander from her sight, hehe that was a Good Strategy Master

MASTER: Hm, It's a Good Thing that She's very well Guarding our Border. But there are a few more Zhuvirion's Soldiers still attacking other Regions and I already sent a backup to my other Commanders out there.

6th Commander: Hmm We still have to face against Zhuvirion's Operators and i already seen one Operator in North East of Dominian Region. That Guy just already claimed one Dominian Cities in there and Arresting the Civilians too. I haven't seen his ability, but my soldiers will go after him by the next day.

MASTER: The Zhuvirion Operator in Dominian, hmm..Very Well. You need to keep an eye on that Operator, if anything bad happens,... Destroyed him.

6th Commanders: hehe As You Wish, My Master

MASTER: Good, You Can Dismiss Now, Illusionist.

-The Illusionist leave the M.A.S.T.E.R's Head Office-

Illusionist: Hmm, This is going to be a Very Long Battle Tonight huh. Hm I can't wait to see that Operator again, But i hope some Commanders will come assist me later for that Operator hehe. Hmm Now I can feel something Coming to Help Us. (Looked at the Stars)