

A Young Girl who Travels around the Nations to Find Her Brother. However, She will Encounter the Dangerous Enemies in One Region. During the Zhuvirion War, There are more and more Zhuvirion Enemies to take over the Nations and Rule The Entire World of Chaos. But The Young Girl will meet 8 Celestial Commanders to fight along side them against the Most powerful Opponent from Zhuvirion Operation Act. An Young Girl has Determination to her own Power to Fight and Find her Brother to Reunited in 13 Years Ago. One Day She will Seek the Truths About This World and 5 Nations. Note: Releasing each Chapter will take 1 week per 1 Chapter. Because i have some small time to make Chapters and i have many things to do with my Family at Home. I Hope You Understand and Enjoy my Novel. Also, This is 2nd Novel i make. The First One is very Short so i decide to stop and make the new one. I Hope i can keep this up for my Dreams. NOTE: This Novel Has Been Cancelled from last 3 years due to my Lack of Writing Stories. Sorry that I Didn't Continue this Novel But I May Have Plan to make Another one Something better or Rewrite the Story.

CedieKun · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Information I

*Somewhere in Harbor City near at the Celestial Border*

*One Old Male Dwarf is Running Away from 2 Celestial Scouts to avoid getting Arrested. He Keep Running Through the Alley to get away those 2 Celestial Scouts and Hiding as fast as Possible. As for the 2 Celestial Scouts, They Lost their Suspect in the Alley and they decide it to Split Up to Find Him*

Old Dwarf: *huff* *puff* ..That Damn Scouts..Why are they Trying to Arrest me for no Reason? What is Wrong with Them?

Old Dwarf: This War Situation is getting worst. All of my Precious Collection has been Stolen by Them! Grr..I Left My Favourite Precious Treasure That I Bought from "Nice Guy '' from Zhuvirion. *Sigh* That "Dark Crystal" has a Good Quality and Unique in the Entire World.

illusionist: You Mean, Vermitious Crystal?

Old Dwarfs: *Shocked* W..When did you get here?! (Step Back from Him)

illusionist: Oh I Just Got Here and I Heard Everything You Said, King of Dominian.

Old Dwarf: Grr..How did you...Wait..You're One of the 8 Celestial Commanders, illusionist. (Looked at him)

illusionist: Hehe, It's Nice to Meet You, King Of Dominian. But You Have to Come With Us to the Celestial Agency to Talk about you.

Old Dwarf: Grr..What Do You Want From me? I Didn't do anything Bad on this Region Or Other Regions, You Damn Brat.

illusionist: …

illusionist: I Know You didn't do anything for this City. But...You Might Be Related to Zhuvirion Issues for a Long Time. I Suggest That You Keep Your Mouth Shut. (looked at him with Angry Face and Casting 3 Green Cards)

Old Dwarf: Huh?! What are you- *gasp* (Looked at him)

illusionist: Don't Try to Call Me That, Old Man. (Looked at Him with Angry Face and Shoot 3 Green Cards to Knock Him Down)

Old Dwarf: N-No Wait- Gahh!..(Got Knock down and Lost Consciousness)

illusionist: Hmph...Such a Rude.

*After the illusionist Knocked the King of Dominian down, He took him to the Celestial Agency and Locked him to the Cell. For The Next 3 Hours, The Old Dwarf was taken to the Interview Room with 2 Celestial Scouts*

Old Dwarf: Tch..Why am i getting arrested?! I didn't do anything bad from Zhuvirion Region or other Zhuvirion People. What Exactly They Want From Me?! These Humans are so Shameless from us.

*Door Open*

Old Dwarf: Huh? (Looked at ???)

???: … (Sits the chair and Face in front of him)

Old Dwarf: … (Nervous)

???: Good Afternoon, King Of Dominian or King Denzer. You Might Notice Why You Here at the Celestial Agency?

Denzer: ...I-I have no idea What you Guys have to do with me. But I Didn't Do Anything Wrong to Other Regions or Other Zhuvirion People!

???: I Didn't Say Anything About the Zhuvirion People, King Denzer.

Denzer: …

???: Now, Let's just settle this. My name is "Rosseta", I'm the Chief of the Celestial Agency in The Main City Of Celestial. "Master" Requesting me to Investigate for your Collections and Your Regions.

Denzer: Huh? About my Collections and Regions? What do you mean by that?

Rosseta: Well, I Got a Lot of Information about You, King Denzer. There's so many Reports Received from Celestial HQ during the 2nd Zhuvirion War. They Said Some People From Zhuvirion were Trading the Dominian People or Dwarfs for their Resources.

Rosseta: However, After the 2nd Zhuvirion War Begun, There's One Zhuvirion Member Who Deliver The Dangerous Item and Trading to the King of Dominian or King Denzer.

Denzer: Dangerous Item? You mean..

Rosseta: Vermitious Crystal, King Denzer. That Crystal can be found in Zhuviron Mines in the Deep. It's a Very Dangerous Crystal to Anybody who Use it But They Can Use it as their own New Power to Convert their own Elemental Power.

Denzer: Vermitious..Crystal? How Did i not Know that?..

Rosseta: Since You obtained the Vermitious Crystal, Where Did You Put it?

Denzer: Umm..i Just Left it in my Collection Room..After i Leave my City When that Zhuvirion Starts Raiding my Region..

Rosseta: Then You Abandon Your Dwarfs out there?

Denzer: ...um..(looked away slowly)

Rosseta: I Heard the Reports from Main City Of Dominian. Every Dwarf inside the Main City got Killed by the Zhuvirion Army and Some of them got "Infected" from Vermitious. I'm Guessing that Your Vermitious Crystal in your Collection is Infecting More Dwarfs in there.

Rosseta: Tell Me, Denzer. Why Did You Abandon Them? (Looked at him with Serious Face)

Denzer: I...i Can't Tell you that..

Rosseta: Ohh? Why not?

Denzer: I just..Can't Tell You That..

Rosseta: Hm..I See...To Be Honest, I Don't Want to Do This to You Because You're the King of Dominian. But… (Grab his Head Hardly and Casting her Hand into Overheat at lvl 5 on his Head)

Denzer: *Screaming in Pain*

Rosseta: I Have no Other Choice to Suffer you for my Master's Command. Now, Let's See Long You Gonna Speak while your Head got Toast

Denzer: *groan* I'm telling you...I Can't Tell You How i Abandon My- *Screaming in Pain* (Got Painfully Burned on his Head)

Rosseta: I Won't Stop until you Honest to Tell me, Denzer. I Will Give You 5 Seconds to Tell Me Everything. If You Don't Tell Me One Last Time, I'll Make Your Head Even More Toastier. 3..

Denzer: W-Wait..I..

Rosseta: 2…

Denzer: I..uhh..

Rosseta: 1…

Denzer: ALRIGHT I'll Tell You Right Now! Please..Don't Kill Me!.. *Crying in Pain*

Rosseta: Hm, Good Boy. Now Speak..

Denzer: *breathing* ..The Real Reason Why I Abandon My Dwarfs in my Kingdom...Is Because The Zhuvirion Army is going to Kill me and My Dwarfs But I'm Trying to Protect Everyone in my Side. Then The Zhuvirion Operator Shows Up, That Zhuvirion Operator is the Same Person that i got Traded for the Vermitious Crystal Before and Then He Gave me 2 Choices to Deal. He Said.."Which one Will be Killed, Your Innocent Dwarfs or You?. When I heard the 2 Choices, I had Nothing to Escape from him.

Denzer: Then I Chose to Kill my Dwarfs in my Kingdom and Then He Let me Go to Get Away from him and my Kingdom. I Feel Guilty back there and Lost my Dwarfs Because of me. Now Here i am, I Got Arrested for my guilt for what I've done.

Rosseta: Hmm I See, You Should Save Your Dwarfs than Abandoning. You Just Have to Sacrifice Yourself For Your Kingdom and Dwarfs. As For What You Said About Zhuvirion Operator, Do You Know About that Operator?

Denzer: Well...Uhh..I'm So Scared to Tell That..

Rosseta: Hm? Why?

Denzer: He Told Me Not to Tell Anybody about him..But….I will Tell you Who he is. I Already Familiar That Person Before.

Rosseta: Who is it?

Denzer: "Overseer"

Rosseta: … *shocked*

Denzer: I Guess...I'm Going to Die for Telling me about him. I Know That You Guys Need Information About him. He's the one who Gave me the Vermitious Crystal Before.

Rosseta: That Damn Mad Man…

Denzer: That's All I can Say about him…

Rosseta: Hmm, Alright then. Thank You For Giving Me More Information. You Are Big Help to Us for His Information in the Future. But You're Still Arresting for The Zhuvirion Tradings.

Denzer: *sigh*..I Understand..

Rosseta: I Shall Take my Leave Now. Scouts, Take Him Back to the Cell.

Celestial Scouts: Roger! (Close to him and Tie his Both Hands)

*Rosseta Left the Interview Room and got all the Notes about the New Information. Then She's looking for an illusionist to give the Reports for the Investigations.*

*In Celestial Organization HQ*

Rosseta: Here's the Report for Interviewing King Denzer. This Might Help For Your Investigation.

illusionist: Excellent,..Thank You For Helping us, Ms.Rosseta.

Rosseta: Hm, Just as i Expected. You Really Drink a lot of Wine For Your Break Time, illusionist.

illusionist: Heh, I Never Been Drunk For Any of This. This Celestial Red Wine is Completely Worth it to Drink and Nobody Beats Red Wine in this Region. (Drinking Red Wine)

*illusionist Got 5 Bottle of Red Wine Around Him*

Rosseta: Uhh..Right….

illusionist: So, Is There Anything Interesting to Tell?

Rosseta: Hmm, I Guess so. King Denzer just Mentioned about the Incident of Dominian.

illusionist: Let me guess, Did he Mentioned about Overseer?

Rosseta: Yes. He said he's the one Who Traded him the Vermitious Crystal on his Collections. Just as i thought, That Vermitious Crystal can cause Infecting More Civilians to make them Weak and Lost their Minds. I Can't Believe that King Denzer Left them.

illusionist: Hmm, What a Shame. Those Innocent Dwarfs Can Be Worst to this Crisis. Infact, I Never Seen That Overseer in Personal But It Makes Me Excited to Battle With Him One Day.

Rosseta: Seriously? That Guy can be More Dangerous than other Zhuvirion Operators to Deal With Them. No Matter What Plan his Doing, It Will Be More Chaotic Than We think.

illusionist: Hehe, Don't Think Too Much, Ms.Rosseta. I Believe That One Person will Handle This Situation.

Rosseta: Huh?

illusionist: I Already Saw That Young Lady Who Fought Against A Strong Opponent from Zhuvirion and It's Very Surprising To See Her Fight against Real Enemies. But If She is Worthy Enough to Fight Against Them, She Must Show Her True Worthiness to Stop This Crisis.

Rosseta: Uhh..Who You Talking about?

illusionist: Hm? Oh It's Nothing. I Just Speak by myself. Anyway, You Want Some Wine?

Rosseta: Umm No Thanks. I Got Many Things to Find the Investigations about that Incident.

illusionist: Oh? I'd like to Know More About it. Maybe I Can Find Some Good Information about the Zhuvirion Operators to Fight Them.

Rosseta: Hm, You Really Love To Fight The Strongest Opponent Huh?

illusionist: Hehe, Don't Underestimate the Worthy Mage like me and I Already Know what i can Fight them.

Rosseta: *sigh* Whatever. I'm Leaving Now.

illusionist: Let me Know If You Got Some Information, Ms.Rosseta.

Rosseta: OK (Leave)

illusionist: Hm, I'm Looking Forward to This (Drinking Red Wine)