
'Innovare Medics'

As the gazes of the two individuals locked, a detectable tension filled the air, accompanied by the rhythmic resonance of their accelerated heartbeats. It was unmistakably that this is their first time seeing each other, yet this brief moment of eye contact seemed to stretch into an eternity, leaving Rose in a contemplative state, questioning the unknown emotion stirred within her. A sudden disturbance interrupted the quietude as a pen clattered nearby, jolting both in the room from their shared stillness. Hastily concealing the subtle shift in their demeanor, they swiftly reverted to a usual composure. Rose glanced towards her parents, she noticed a myriad of gazes fixed upon her, eyes still widened with varied thoughts swirling in the minds of onlookers. The atmosphere crackled with unspoken intrigue, leaving noticeable sense of curiosity lingering in the room.

She hesitated to maintain eye contact with Faith, quickly averting her gaze after a brief glance, choosing instead to focus on greeting those around her to regain composure. In the face of such unexpected situation, internal frustration welled up as she regretted attending. A sudden surge of anxiety or perhaps fear heightened her emotional state, leaving her mind clouded with confusion. Gradually, as moments passed, she managed to regain a sense of calm, ensuring that the unsettling situation did not recur.

Leo addressing his beloved daughter, warmly invited, "Rose, join us here. We can discuss into the topic that has piqued your interest. Mr. Faith and the others are eager to engage in a detailed discussion."

Upon hearing her father's words, she nodded and greeted "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Faith I'm Rose Browns." Her impeccable elegance and manners radiated a supreme charm, and even her voice had taken on a more melodic tone. Yet it was just Faith's delusional thought. In response, Faith reciprocated the greeting, his heart still in turmoil, " The pleasure is mine. Let's start the discussion, particularly regarding the Southern part of the east country."

Rose nodded her head and calmly started to explain things professionally." As my assistant has said earlier. Drug addiction is a major cause that obstructs people from slum to advance for a better life. In these areas the drugs are available without any restriction due to poor supervisions of the government. They are so addicted that they do not want to study and work. This is deteriorating the environment of the people. To stop this there are many ways in which the most famous one is Counseling and other behavioral therapies are the most commonly used forms of treatment."

"The deterioration of the south also impacts the agricultural and economical aspects. The introduction of technology is of no use because they do not have any idea how to use it for better good. It only results in more problems. Thus, we have provided schools and other colleges of course all of these are free of cost. But drug-addicted people are very large in quantity. Thus, I wanted to resolve this matter first so the future will be easier for them. But for this, I want some specialist who has more knowledge in the field of economic development and drugs. Hence, I wanted to ask Mr. Faith to just provide some help with this. Further........."

Faith couldn't help but keep his gaze fixed on her face, captivated by her confident demeanor. With a nod he acknowledged her needs. Despite the simplicity of her ask, he found himself pondering if she could seek something unique that only he could provide. As his thoughts got more absurd, Rose, unaware of his musings, proceeded to showcase a video clip on the monitor. With their limited interaction, Faith questioned the practicality of such demands, thinking how their future interactions would transpire. Yet the next moment Rose's demand made him feel elated in shock, "If Mr. Faith doesn't mind, I'd like to ask for your help. I need assistance in creating special medications that only the 'Innovare Medics' group from the west specializes in. Can I borrow a few members from your medical department?"

Her request left those present astonished, particularly the upper echelons who understood the gravity of her appeal. The widespread misuse of drugs had sparked chaos, and Rose aimed to tap into the expertise of a group known as 'Healquest Innovators', which had previously developed affordable and effective medicine. She added with a deep look, "Naturally compensation would be provided. I realized that without Mr. Faith's approval, securing the assistance I need might prove to be an insurmountable challenge."

Everyone in the hall turned their attention to the man in the main seat. Although these two are the youngest among them but are the most thoughtful yet strong. They both have sharp and clever goals to achieve. Looking at them makes people envious of their parents in particular. For a moment Leo and Cahterine was scrutinized by them with no intention to hide their expression. As for the answer, Faith didn't say yes right away, but he looked thoughtful, letting his mind wander with a hint of amusement. Rose, being clever, didn't miss the chance to seize something valuable. Faith realized he had misjudged her character, yet it is the correct trait that he like the most. A person needs to be decisive enough to take action, if not they are bound to fall. As his interest grew more, his heart swelled up with unknown excitement. While it would be easy for him to grant her request, he felt a proper exchange was necessary. His eyes sparkled mysteriously as he spoke, "Certainly, as this is the main point of out meeting." Standing up he approached her and declared, "But I want something else as compensation, not money. Take your time to consider it, and I'll reveal the condition later."

Rose, aware of being a businessman, understands everyone has desires and limits. She knows it's a give-and-take world, and though some may see it as deceptive, having faced death, Rose, unafraid, agrees, saying with no further thoughts, "As Mr. Faith wants." This surprises Faith, but he sees it as a crucial part of the play.

She understood the struggled of addicted people firsthand. It was hard to ignore their situation, living in poor slum areas with no proper facilities. Life there felt like waiting for death, with little help available once you entered. Even if someone tried to help, it often went unheard. In past she only had money, but no companion. Like her others are same. This time, she wants those in the dark area to have a better life, free from addiction. In those challenging places, she also wished someone could rescue her. Drugs were like monster turning virus, turning people into something unrecognizable. Now that the main problem can be solved, she's naturally glad.

"If so, I'll tell my condition later." Faith pondered for a moment, gazing at her expressionless face, and then inquired, "Why undertake this huge project alone? There exists a plethora of businessmen, so why not engage in collaborative efforts? Task that involves the collective should ideally be carried out through cooperative endeavors, shouldn't they? A lone individual, despite their best intentions, may find their impact limited by constrained resources and services."

In response, Rose articulated, "Pooling resources might only burden others and potentially lead to increased corruption. 'The dunked biscuit is better, when it falls into the cup of than outside the cup.' Don't you think, Mr. Faith?" Rose used a very common words to express the reason of her unwillingness. She added, "In my perspective, matters like these are best handled by a single person. I am more than willing to shoulder this responsibility independently. Involving others may only exacerbate the existing problems." Her eyes briming with sincerity, subtly reflected a glint of cold determination as she added, "After all, it's rare to find someone with a truly clear heart." Many in the room silently creamed, "Lady your words cut sharp."

Faith found it amusing, realizing the complexity within her character. In this moment, conversing with her brought a sense of contentment to his heart. Her message was straightforward-if corruption were to happen, it would be preferable by someone from their own company, as external intervention posed a potential issue. She emphasized that no one present had a clean heart, casting a metaphorical arrow at everyone, including himself. Despite the implication, he relished in this situation, acknowledgement his own lack of purity. The unexpected critique from a lady's blatant criticism surprised many, prompting some to consider offering assistance. However, she decisively clarified that no one present should involve themselves in the project. One can see the varied expressions, and some conveyed awkwardness, with the exception of Leo and Catherine, who struggled to suppress their laughter.

He asked first, "Would it be a concern if two other nations decide to adopt this plan, and credit is attributed to you?" Acknowledging the meticulously crafted plan by her team, Rose's heart is content. She enthusiastically nodded and said, "I'm more than willing if it aids those in need, and credits are of no importance." Observing Rose's positive response, Faith, captivated by her demeanor and appreciating her beyond mere aesthetics, suggested, "If Miss Rose finds the time, we could explore collaboration in various other fields." Since she first entered, Faith's unwavering impression of her went beyond physical beauty; it was the comforting familiarity and warmth in her aura that resonated deeply with him, surpassing encounters with anyone else thus far.

Not expecting this from Faith, Rose was stunned for a while but thought, he is just asking for business formalities. She agreed with clear eyes, " It would be my pleasure to work with you, Mr. Faith." hearing her formal reply Faith knew she misunderstood him.

Other also felt that Faith was just being courteous. This small project is not enough to make this big boss bow. Little did they know the depth of Faith's commitment. After exchanging pleasantries once more, Rose departed, feeling an indescribable difference about this man compared to anyone she had encountered. There's an inexplicable allure to him, a charisma capable of captivating any woman. Despite his commanding presence, she never detected a hint of emotions in those enigmatic eyes. They were empty yet filled with something unknown. Rose made a conscious decision not to dwell on this man, choosing instead to focus on her own thoughts and emotions.

Faith's face lit up with a broad smile during today's meeting as he exclaimed, "The Browns truly have an exceptional daughter! It's a rarity to find young ladies like her, thriving in their own business."

Leo and Catherine simultaneously chimed in, expressing a contrasting view, "She may seem accomplished, but trust us, she's quite mischievous and not one to be pampered." The mention of their daughter stirred an unease, realizing that crossing paths with Faith wasn't a risk they could afford; especially given his formidable nature. In addition to this dilemma, their daughter grappled with a rare disease. Despite the potential advantage of aligning themselves with Faith though Rose, Leo and Catherine harbored an unequivocal intention to shield their daughter from any further contact with him. Interestingly, onlookers couldn't help but silently applaud the missed opportunity to curry favor with Faith and potentially secure him as a son-in-law. However, unbeknownst to the spectators, Leo and Catherine remained steadfast in their resolve to keep Rose distanced from Faith.

Faith playfully remarked, "Every woman is a princess in the eyes of her parents," and couldn't help but chuckle at their heartwarming reaction. As he observed their genuine fear of losing their beloved Rose, he empathized with the understandable sentiment that comes from having a beautiful and adorable daughter who is not just a cherished part of their family but also the princess of their household. Acknowledging their parental attachment, Faith chose not to press the matter further, recognizing that the time would eventually come when Rose would become an important part of his life. His determination to make Rose his own grew substantially, fueled by the anticipation of a future where their connection would deepen.

Rose walked back into the hall, seeking out her familiar friend amidst the crowd. Resuming their interrupted conversation, she engaged in discussion once more, completing the exchange. As this interaction unfolded, a sense of envy began to permeate the atmosphere among onlookers. Observing Rose's apparent luck in establishing contact with Faith during their first meeting, those present couldn't help but indulge in imaginative musing, weaving narratives of intrigue and fascination for their entertainment.

Boyle appeared to harbor the most envy towards Rose, visibly expressing it as she approached with a smile that lacked genuine warmth, "I happened to hear that cousin got the chance to meet Mr. Faith," she remarked, her tone tinged with curiosity. Leaning in, she sighed continuing, "I understand we might not be on the best terms, but as your elder I'm genuinely curious. How was he? What did you two talked about?" A profound smile accompanied her next words, "You truly appeared exceptionally pleased and happy."

It was always like this. Boyle can only say and try to manipulate others. Rose found this disgustingly childish. If only Boyle knew that one action from Rose could destroy the whole Amber than she would definitely not have this courage and thought to scheme against her. But if they just die out of poverty, she will not feel content. Rose wants them to live a life that they can never imagine. Poorer than the poor. The Amber group is deteriorating day by day. From outside it may look fine, but it has no peace. They will pay the price for everything they did to her.

Rose become the center of speculations as Boyle's words insinuated a romantic involvement with Faith, creating an anticipatory buzz among the onlookers eager for the unfolding drama. Unfazed, Rose continued her conversation with her business partner, completely ignoring the surrounding curiosity, both immersed in their discussion and seemingly indifferent to the audience awaiting a show.

Her business partner, equally absorbed, said, "Doing things like this will be highly beneficial. Tomorrow morning, I'll personally come to finalize out collaboration. Let's ensure a fruitful partnership." In response Rose nodded earnestly, expressing her desire to engage in business with Mr. Stark once again, "Today, I assure you won't face any losses," she affirmed, sealing the commitment with a handshake.

Mr. Stark, recalling their past collaboration, expressed optimism, stating, "It's natural. We've collaborated before, and I look forward to seeing positive result this time as well." Glancing at the surrounding, he added, "But first, you may want to talk with your cousin." Unfazed, Rose, without even acknowledging the presence of onlookers, casually remarked, "I don't have any," before nonchalantly selecting a fresh juice from the waitress and taking a sip, radiating an air of carefree confidence.

"How can you say this? Cousin don't be heartless; I did say sorry before, didn't I?....." she made an aggrieved expression saying all she could. People started to whisper within themselves. 'Who cares about their opinion,' Rose thought, taking a nonchalant sip of her juice as the murmurs of the onlookers intensified. Unfazed, Rose refrained from responding, allowing an awkward tension to envelop the scene. Amidst the hushed whispers, Boyle, desperate for a reaction, found herself unable to provoke any response. The room held its breath, waiting for the impending confrontation to unfold. Yet, to everyone's surprise, Rose calmly returned her glass and began to walk away. Just as it seemed the confrontation had reached a resolution, Boyle's simmering anger erupted into an uncontrollable frenzy.

Unable to tolerate being ignored, Boyle's rationality abandoned her, and she impulsively lunged forward, intent on slapping Rose. Rose found herself in a state of shock, realizing that without her bodyguard, evading the impending slap seemed impossible. Contemplating whether a swift kick could be her escape, she rejected the idea, fearing the repercussions on Boyle's fragile body will collapse due to Rose's tough body which had undergone Muay Thai training. Even though she doesn't care about Boyle's injury, the slightest blow could potentially shatter her delicate body and the prospect of covering medical expenses appeared large. She is very poor to invest her money on someone like Boyle. If so, she will choose the second option. that is just to act. For Rose this is a great opportunity to display her acting skill. She was toss and turn for all her life in past but that is not the situation she wants to face anymore.

The anticipation in the room reached its peak as everyone awaited the collision of anger and defiance. However, in a sudden twist, Boyle's hand, poised mid-air, met an unexpected stop- a strong arm held her hand. The room hung in suspended silence, caught between the clash of emotions and the intervention that halted the ongoing conflict.

The awaited slap didn't fall for a long time. Rose didn't felt pain and opened her eyes and saw Faith's cold face. When she was stunned to even think and speak, she heard Faith saying. "Young lady, are you out of your mind? How could you just slap anyone? Isn't there any security guards, how they could be so reckless to let this type of people in?" He called Boyle 'reckless' person with no idea of who she is. His focus was just on the situation that is wrong.

The surrounding people, all almost laughed crazily facing backwards. They saw him coming in a very handsome way and thought he would say something more heroic but who would have thought he don't even know the complete circumstances and said whatever come in his mind. But as the boss of the business world who can refute him. Boyle opened her trembling lips to defend herself, but she couldn't utter a single word. Hearing his word Rose really wanted to clap till her hands started to ache but did not. She controlled herself before speaking up, "No Mr. Faith, she is an actress. I don't know maybe she wanted to slap someone else, or she was just acting. Let's leave first." She can see Stanton and Baty's aged face with Emma and Steve coming like about to start a was right here, from the stairs. She doesn't fear them, but now it's not the right time.

Faith loosened his grip but still said with incredulous expression, "Are you an actress? It does not seem so. Madam should have some decency. Miss Rose is collaborating with me." He was still going to continue but his hand is grab by a slender, soft hand and which pulled him away.

Faith easily let her drag him. He just came out to go washroom. And never expected to see this scene. Rose could step aside and escape that slap, but she was intending to take it. It doesn't matter why but he doesn't like it. Moreover, for someone as scheming as him, he won't leave this chance to save Rose. Every step to make a place in a heart needs to be precise and memorable. Yet he is truthfully furious. Who does that young lady think she is? Wanting to slap his person, what was that action of hers, if not stupid. If Boyle knew that her crush has thought of her as a stupid person only God knows what her reaction would be. Today, Boyle is still lucky enough because he is not aware that she is Boyle who made Rose suffered this disease. If he knew, Boyle would be out of the party right now.

Rose is feeling complicated inside her. It seems this made the distance between them disappear a little. After arriving at the side of the garden Rose said with gratitude, "Mr. Faith, thank you for your help today if not I would have suffered misery."

Really if not for Faith those Amber people would not have just stood there watching Boyle being ridiculed. They are not easy to deal with. Even though she had confidence and wanted to try her acting skill it is better to be helped by someone. However, one question is haunting her. Why the heck did he helped her? She began to analyze everything which is happened before her. They just met today and had only talk about business. Their relationship is not close enough to help each other. Perhaps he helped her because he was being merciful or scheming something, or is he furious because of Boyle? And moreover, for her? Really. For an instance she felt very complex, there is not the previous heart thumbing situation, yet unknown comfort. May be because in her past life she never received protection from the opposite gender. However, things are still very suspicious here. Soon her sight returned normal as she reminded herself. He is not a normal person. For him to react like this could be due to ulterior motive. She is not someone close to him either, yet he helped her. If it was someone else, she could search their background. However, for this person, she doesn't even need to think that she cannot do this. He is too powerful. Her mind is a mess.

Faith said appearing very casual, but still murmuring, "It does not matter. But still, how could anyone slap someone like this? That girl is very weird. I'm telling you that girl has no moral sense."

Rose collecting her thoughts expressed, "Mr. Faith does have eyes that can see through everything." The words were a direct praise.