
"Hug me"

The next day, the news of Rose meeting with Faith was spread like wildfire. Few people dared to comment about it. As both Faith and Rose remembered the waiter must be the one to spread the news. Or he could be the person who was sent by particular someone. Boyle will never do it. Announcing her target's affair with another woman will not lead to any good. She knows very well that Rose and Faith both are not the people that she can talk about openly.

Rose can see those who initiated this media war. These old geezers, never understands their bound. These media people will not leave this matter at rest. Even if she or Faith cleared this situation up, questions will not rest. Her irritation while watching the news was evident. The anchor is a woman and a man in early forties. Both had rigorous talk about Rose and Faith. Behind them is her and Faith's poster. They made the picture appeared as if both have some hidden affair behind their calm face. The Anchor went ahead and asked the person opposite to her, "So, Mr. Faith claimed that he was busy when you approached him the day before?"

The man has his brows furrowed and with his utmost seriousness he replied, "Yes, he did. It was that we needed to have his assistance to go over the plan given to us. But he denied saying that his schedule is pack. So, I was returning back but saw CEO Rose going in. It was nothing to shock but she didn't come out for 'long time'. I wanted to asked Mr. Faith again, so I waited downstairs. Nonetheless I was rejected again."

The anchor asked with her raised brows, "Oh, it seems that the two of them does have a 'pretty good relationship.' Mr. Faith and Miss Rose are known to be met only two days before. Yet given the circumstances, it seems not the case. Do you think that they had any relation before?"

The man again replied ambiguously, "As the businessperson myself I cannot say certainly but as you said, they did seem pretty close. No one will help other person if not have a close interaction with each other."

The anchor made a purposeful face and started her opinion about it, "It is not shocking for them to have met before. Mr. Faith is so handsome, and Miss Rose is the beauty, both are the upper-class people and are venerable. As such news about them is very private, it is not weird for us to not know about them." She paused and added, "All men and women will surely feel envious about this affiliation." Saying this she surely gathered a lot of people to hate Rose and Faith. In few second their sites were filled with questions and threats.

Why can't Faith reject him when he is not regard as someone important? Was he dying outside or wronged in any other way?

What was that purposeful emphasize on 'long time'? Can't she stay there to have her meals?

What's with that mention of close relationship? Should they talk like this after having a baby?

Moreover, what does this meeting have anything to do with their beauty? Very private? And they are discussing it like it is about their homely matters. These two are talking nonsense. Both Faith and Rose can see where this is going.

Rose heard her phone message sounding none-stop. Her face remained poker yet eyes steel eyed. She will get tit for tat with them. Her action was straightforward. In a day the stock- total capital faced drastic decrease of Mr. Harrison. The so-called old fox of the industries. Since they 'played before' Rose has a clear understanding about his motive. He has five grandchildren who are adults. Three daughters and two sons. For him to target Faith is logical. Every family is targeting to win this jackpot called Faith as their potential son-in-law. It is also logical to think why they aimed at Rose. Her entrance with Faith was unexpected. Despite that the thing they did wrong was directing media hollow upon Rose's character. She is an unmarried woman of upper class. For her to enter Faith's room is already a disgrace. Just this move of his has left a blot on her escutcheon.

On the other hand, Faith also saw the news and her action. He was amused by how far she has her power in Eastern Country. He said to George, "Write a clarification notice on this news." He will let her blend into the background. George nodded and smiled thinking about something. This made Faith feel something is off about his assistant. He distantly asked, "What is making you smile so much these days?" George shook his head, he refused to open his mouth. Faith saw this and an evil smirk flashed through his handsome face. That day George and Faith had thirty-minute talk.

While during the evening time the Blends official website posted a clarification on this issue.

[CEO Faith and Rose maintain a professional friendship and partnership in business. A contract concerning the transportation of metals to the west required their immediate attention. Given Miss Rose's ownership of the largest company, it is imperative for us to negotiate with her. We believe there is no impropriety in this management. Regarding their private affairs, we kindly request that you refrain from involvement in personal matters. Thank you.] The same notice was posted by Apex Company.

The wave of news decreased subsequently. Although these polite words are nice to read but it is a threat in disguise. Everyone can see this, but no one can do anything about it. Due to this, the initial doubts still lingered, but no one dared to act. For an instance, anyone can see the way Mr. Harrison's condition right now. He is pulling his already white hairs out due to frustration. The situation turned drastically against him. He had intended to make Faith one of his daughter's husband but who knew suddenly Rose popped in between this.

At the late evening night, Rose's phone rang.


The night was deep. Rose left the villa during late hour telling her parents about her urgent attention to the company. Rose let her driver drove over to the company. She used her phone flash as she stepped towards her office room. Her slippers on the clean floor were like cotton on the rock. Like an evil ghost her walk was soft almost nonexistent. There was no fear in those eyes but glint of expectation.

She pushed the office door with a slight touch. Her eyes immediately scanned through the office room. There she found someone crouching down and scrabbling through her papers. Her voice was clear but obviously very frightening to the person who was inside alone. "Good mid-night scheme."

The person crouching down flinched. He turned around only to face a woman with no guards. He snickered slightly inside thinking how naive, but he didn't got time to think about all this because Rose moved. She clicked on the lights and with no damn regard to see the person's face kicked him. It landed straight on his chest. Normal person be it a young man are seriously slow to intercept the moves of the opponents. Moreover, here this man is evidently nervous.

Rose smirked as she saw the expected person's face. "Long time no see Daniel." Yes. it is that Daniel which showed the disgusting look to her before she died. He is still alive but no more with that arrogant look. She cannot help but say, "Oh, you are now slimmer than before. Seems like the food you get is still sufficient enough to make you live."

Daniel has become something he had never dreamt of. Before he could even speak his eyes widen as he saw someone behind Rose. Looking at his reaction Rose didn't look back but asked, "You came in at wrong time."

Faith mysteriously laughed as he said, "I think I came in, at the most accurate time." Saying this he kicked the person behind the door. Rose was shocked to see him finding everyone hiding here within not more than two minutes. Before Daniel could think and see clearly. The sight before him piled up by the group of people he brought to kill Rose.

Rose had her sight fixed on Daniel. This man is not only vicious but also persistent. He didn't turn hopeless even after she made him a complete beggar. This is his twenty-fourth attack for her. If in his place there was Boyle than the situation would be a complete different. She said, "You really are pathetic. I never knew that once proud grandmaster Daniel Anderson will do something so shameful like hidden attack. Moreover, to a weak lady."

Daniel glared hatefully at Rose, but his sight was blocked by Faith. His eyes only saw the broad shoulders covering Rose behind. But he still uttered to Rose as if the words were poison, "You are a real vixen! Rose, don't think that you can slip away from me in the future!" Faith asked with an innocent look, "You think you will have a chance for that. How naive." This statement made Daniel fear incredulously as he fell down with no power on his legs.

Saying this he almost pulled the trigger of the gun, but Rose stopped him. In next second the police came in and took Daniel who was sweating like open tap. Rose didn't let go of Faith's hand. She took him to sit and offered him a glass of water. After this he calmed down and said, "Sorry." As for what even Rose was unaware of it.

She nodded and asked, "You were stalking me?"

Faith, "Nope, I was just passing by."

Rose squinted at this handsome man and said, "Really? I'm slightly shock that you could be passing by, by entering someone else's company."

Faith smiled, this time he didn't lied, "I wanted to see you."

But it was neither satisfactory nor questionary statement. Rose was stuck at the same place.

She threw away her other questions and walked out of the office. Her mind a mess. Behind her Faith caught up and said with an utmost serious face, 'I was missing you." He sighed at his appearance which was at his pajamas and said, 'Hug me."

The look at that time he gave to Rose was so sweet. He was like a youthful boy falling in love with his teenage lover. His hair flutter under the wind of the night flowing through the slight open window by Daniel to seek in. His arms were spread out expecting the beautiful lady that covers his dream day and night. For a long time only, silence was between them. However, even so much later Faith didn't put his hands down neither his expression changed. He remained at the same place as this is what he will do for all his life. This was what he made for. Rose didn't know why she was walking ahead but the man before her makes her feel a little too much. These suffocating feeling seems like grief, happiness but also nothing at the same time. That night the two people hugged for a long time.

Faith return hotel with a sweet smile on his face. He entered all the way to his room with that stupid smile. Rose was daze till she reached home. Her parents were awake. The two people waiting for her to come home and went back to sleep after seeing her fine. The whole night Faith and Rose didn't sleep but tried to decipher each other.
