
Who kissed who, that is the question!

An hour later, Xiang Yu sat on a log, sharing dinner with Mei, Lian, Baihe and Yi Nuo. The other soldiers, including Han Zhan, were eating nearby, but Han Xin was conspicuously absent. Xiang Yu was curious to know what he was up to, but given that he was asked to return to the capital immediately, he dismissed it, assuming Han Xin was occupied with his duties as General. 

He was fully prepared for what was going to happen in the capital which was why he was relaxed. Even if things went south, he had the big man in his pocket. By big man, he was referring to the Divine Emperor who had gone M.I.A. 

Speaking of the devil, he finally showed up. As they ate, he felt a sudden, intense presence in his mind. The Divine Emperor, who had been missing for some time, was now yelling at him. Xiang Yu's eyes widened slightly, but he maintained his composure. What was he hooting and hollering for? Had he woken up on the wrong side of the bed or taken the wrong pill?