
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantasie
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87 Chs

Chapter 7-Class Awakening Ceremony

I stretched my arms to let the maids put the finishing touches on my formal attire.

It was a black and blue Victorian Aristocrat vest. Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but be impressed with what I was wearing.

I was thinking about wearing this to more than just formal events. Comparing to what I looked like in my previous life, I was handsome in this one.

I had short blonde hair and blue eyes like my mother. My mother came in to see me admiring myself in the mirror and stand next to me.

"There's my handsome boy, you ready for the ceremony?"

"Of course, I am. Been ready about two years ago in fact." She leans down and whispers into my ear.

"Want to tell Mom what you're going to pick as your class? Is it Archer?"

I playfully push her away, "Sorry mom you'll know as soon as everyone else does."

After a year and a half, I found the true OP class out of the rest. As a bonus, this class resides on this continent. If this class works how I think it will, I'm set in this life.

We made our way to the main hall where balls and other events are held.

Inside there were two long tables on each side of the hall, with adults and their kids on their respective side.

I decided to take this time to socialize. As a noble, in the future, I'll have to host parties which means socialize is a necessity. I should prioritize people who are the most left out. I scanned the room and saw two elves, one boy and one girl, and made my way over to them.

"Hello, my name is Eric Ferngrow, to whom to I make an acquaintance?" They looked at me in surprise, the boy rises to his feet.

"Ferngrow? You're the son of Lord Abin?" The girl scrambled to her feet and gave a proper bow, the boy slower in reaction, did so as well. I momentarily forgot they had to do this, telling them not would be pointless. Showing respect to nobles in their own home was instilled into everyone here.

Anything less and you risk invoking trouble to your family and dishonoring your line. After bowing both the boy and girl straighten up.

"What do we owe the Young Master talking to us?" The girl spoke up as well. "Anything you require we will get it done."

"Well, you can start my telling me your names."

"Oh, my name is Elkian Reedwatch and my sister here is Mirenian Reedwatch." Brother and sister who are both the same age at the ceremony, they have to be twins.

"Are you twins?" I curiously ask.

"Yes, sir we are." They say at the same time. 

"We're the same age, you don't have to say sir. I remember hearing that it's hard for elves to have one kid, much less twins. Where are your parents, so I can see how lucky they are and wish them good fortune."

Their gazes saddened and the started looking at the floor. "Our mom was an elf who died giving birth to us, and we were told he left the continent out of grief."

Nice going Eric, you had one job. " Oh, sorry for your loss. I'll go ahead and take my leave then." I didn't need to walk away as my father stood at the podium in the middle of the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen of all races, I am honored to have you with us on this great day to witness the next generation become a part of something grand. I know that the past couple of years have been a bit rough, but let me remind you that 10 years ago, when you looked at your little bundle of joy, you knew things were going to be better."

As he is talking, a giant blue crystal is carried and placed behind him.

"Many centuries prior, the god Ordinus blessed this world with a way for us to grow stronger. Today in his honor, we us the Crystal to allow the next generation to be as blessed. Now who wants to go first?"

No one steps forward or raised a hand, many even started averting their gaze.

Looking at my fellow ceremony attendees and knew they needed a leader. I stood and walked forward, why wouldn't they be excited about finally being able to use magic?

As I'm walking toward the Crystal, my dad proudly announces, "My son everyone, Eric Ferngrow, may his choice lead us to many fortunes."

I took 3 years to study the book my tutor gave me to know everything I needed to do here so I didn't embarrass myself, despite having Acute Mind.

I placed my hand on the Crystal and closes my eyes with excitement.

Soon after a minute passes I started to panic as nothing was happening. I thought I was supposed to be in the system menu by now.

I open my eyes to see a message box near my hand.

[Would you like to activate a class? Yes/No]

Oh, how silly of me. I quickly hit yes, and my mind was surrounded by blue as the various classes appeared before me. Each class like in the book was separated to different sections. I scrolled to the mage section and saw Necromancy. If I was anywhere else other than Iankian, I would most likely choose Necromancy, but we outlawed this class. What I actually wanted was next to Necromancy.

[Are you sure you want to activate the class Sage? Yes/No]

I clicked yes to confirm being a Sage. The description in the book for Sage stated that they invoke powerful blessings and crippling curses. They could negate magic spells or help enforce them. High level Sages could even give or receive the blessing of Immortality.

Satisfied with my choice I exit the system entirely to hear a female voice broadcast, " Eric Ferngrow has chosen the class, Sage."

I come back to my sense and turn around with the proudest smile to see that everyone was frozen with a shocked look on their face. With confusion, I look towards my mom to see her hand covering her mouth and tears coming down her face. My father grabs me the arm and whispers in my ear, " Come with me right now."

He turns to the crowd and shouts, "We'll be right back ladies and gentlemen."

He proceeds to take me into a nearby room where the guests who are too drunk go to rest momentarily and locks the door. Still looking at the door he asks," What the fuck was that? What were you thinking?"

Even more confused than before try to rack my brain to find what I did wrong. 'Oh wait, did I accidentally pick Necromancy?'