
Veil of Thought

-In the Dark Ages of humanity, when Heaven and Hell first appeared, the world was completely in ruins. The angels and devils fought relentlessly over control 3 keys to unlock the truth behind a realm called False Reality. As the war progressed with humanity in the crossfire, legends appeared from across the world to defend humanity, they were known as the 12 Gods. They were the first ones to use the powers of divinity also known as Ascent. With the war won and the realms disappeared to their respective realities, it wasn't long until the world had to begin a new one. Peace proceeded across the world and every story that had been created continued to become reality... that was until his history was born. Reawakening from the mysterious feeling of death, Kiryuu Amuka finds himself in a new world and body. He was reincarnated as the main character of the story he created, Xion Trinity, the adopted son of a baker family located in Blackband, a city south of the capital of the Luminous Country Capital City called Chanda. In the Electric Age Eon, technology has grown to use steam power and other technology such as machinery, canons, transportation, canons, airships, and ships, as well as, positions, Arcadius Keys, Apollo Artifacts, laws and authorities, curses, and more. With the mystery comes more questions to ask about the world he truly created. Follow Xion as he finds himself entangled with the Lost Souls, lower gods, and Paradoxs, both physically, metaphysically, and transcendently - as he slowly awakens and develops newfound powers he was given by the Transcenders. The Sovereign of Dawn spoke of the mysterious nature of the future worlds. As stories continue in an endless stream of lies and misfortunes, they also talk about magnificence and truth. The Seraphims spoke of a man who would eventually open the False reality, a man with potential that would be unrivaled by all who approached him. This is the Story and Legend of "Judgement." Or how the gods and Patriarchs call him "The False God."

Acreogoth · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Learning (1)


As the car pulled off, Xion gave the city one last look before sitting back down. His right hand holds a pendant of a blue and white chain with a red prism.

"You seem to enjoy the life there," Sean spoke up. This guy was a party crasher, no matter how sad or joyful a moment could be he would always ruin it.

Xion reminded quiet, the whole world still felt off to him. 'It's funny, this story couldn't have a war in the first place. The Astra Continent is known for being peaceful and prosperous, there hasn't been a single war on this land. Could it be…'

His thoughts were immediately interrupted by Venus tapping his shoulder. "Is everything alright? You seem pretty anxious about something."

Xion lightly chuckled, "Hehe… Really? It's nothing to worry about, I'm probably nervous about what's going to happen to me for the next few years."

Venus smiled until Xion brought up a topic she thought he'd never asked. "Venus, who gave you that scar?" His voice sounded so dead. Her body tensed up in fear.

'How did he know?! I made sure to cover the scars with makeup…'

'This kid has some wicked analytical skills. He's not part of the Sage God Ascent could it be he's naturally talented in intelligence.' Sean thought placing his index and thumb on his chin.

Xion continued to stare at Venus not letting her change the subject, the tension from his gaze alone heightened. Of course, she had no choice but to give in.

"Sigh… Fine, you win. The one who gave me these scars was…"

Before she could say the name of the suspect, the car immediately stopped in front of the Blackband Train Station. "I thought were taking a boat back to the capital."

"We were but it seems like we have spies from the Southern Kingdom watching us, so the train is our best way to close the gap between us and them to take them out."

'Judging by the distance between us, the train, and the spies themselves it would take us at least a minute to board.' Xion closed his eyes with extreme focus he could sense the mana within everyone around him. Everyone had a distinct color of mana when using one's mana to sense either danger or locate certain targets, blue means passive, green means someone is sick or has a disease, and red means hostility.

"I've counted at least eight targets with hostility," Xion muttered.

Venus and Sean gave a glance at each other and exited the vehicle. Xion without question got out as well. They approached the entrance to the station which was a bit crowded with newcomers and those leaving to head back to their original destination.

'Ah, I see now. By using the crowd as a way to blend in, we can escape before they have time to track us again.'

"Say, Venus, what's the train number?" Asked Xion.

"It's B134, why ask?" Venus replied cocking her head.

Xion smiled "No reason, I have to use the restroom."

Sean then placed his hand on Xion's shoulder, "If that's the case then hurry up. We don't have much time."

"Right!" Xion bowed before taking off towards the restroom. As he made his way towards the door with the male sign, he heard footsteps approaching from behind. He quickly entered the bathroom, pretending not to know he was being followed he remained calm.

'The False God abilities are unknown to this world, I read every book that my family had even those that dated to the 641GA which was the Second Era of the story.'

"Maybe the abilities are different when it comes to the user's fate or mindset. I highly doubt that." Xion sighed. He looked at the mirror in the bathroom, he noticed the scars on his chest covered by his clothing. For some reason, Kiryuu couldn't seem to understand what had happened to this body before he had taken possession of it.

As an author, Kiryuu was well known for giving creators ideas on how to make an amazing novel but most of the ideas were already put into the book.

"Target spotted. His mana is low but I can sense something else within him." One of the assassins reported through a magic crystal disguised as a civilian.

"Take him out, we can't have the Northern Kingdom to have—"

Suddenly, Xion kicked open the stall door with minimum. The assassin looked down at the kid who wore a black aura around him. His eyes analyzed the area, the assassin was gone.

"Damn. I thought I heard something here."

He scratched his head, leaving the bathroom.

'That was a close one! Even if I'm skilled enough to take on low-rank assassins, those guys are on another level.' Xion wiped the small sweat drop on his cheek. It was definitely different from when he was capture by the Cult of Apocalypse, these Assassins were Ascent users.

After rendezvous with Sean and Venus, they board the train. Finding their seats with tickets in hand.

"Row F," Sean told the row that they were going to be seated at.

Xion placed his suitcase in the cargo holder, the feeling of being watched never left him. He quickly glanced around to see anything out of the ordinary, his eyes stumbled upon a young man of a bulky yet tall stature, wearing a top hat. He read a book with the title The Fallen King. Not even Xion recognized the book, judging by the cover it's extremely old and rare.

'Hmm, that man… His appearance resembles that of the young man who was cutting down a cherry tree. He has no mana which means he has to be magicless or a part of one of the War God Beasts Ascents.'

Xion sat beside Venus who pulled out a book from a pocket dimension. The pocket dimension had a strange galaxy-blue color to it.

How about some research to understand what you don't understand?" She suggested.

Xion nodded agreeing to her suggestion. "I want to learn more about the powers of the Trinity."

Sean choked, this was the question he didn't know that Xion would ask so early.


"W-Wait!" Sean tried to protest but it was too late as Venus opened her book. The marvelous book illuminated such a soothing glow that the pages were transcribing themselves and telling what he needed to know. The language was known as the Welsh Norse, the current common language of the human race.

Venus's eyes began analyzing the words and details about the Trinity Family but one thing that they noticed right away was that there were only six pages.

"That can't be right. The Trinity Family existed since the Dark Ages, how could there be only six pages?"

Then Xion realized why the information there were only six pages. "Maybe it's because you're not at the Array level to access that much information."

"Think about it, we candidates can't transcend into the next Areay like the beast's Ascent."

Sean then questioned Xion, his eyes narrowed. "What is your Ascent , Xion?"

'Damn, Sean using his Owl eyes to detect the lie in the kid's words.' Venus knew how dangerous it is to lie in front of him. The Wise Owl Ascent wasn't just meant for collecting information and gaining knowledge but also known as the ultimate lie detector.

"It's the False God Ascent."

Silence filled the air between the three, Venus and Sean couldn't believe he was apart of that Ascent.

Xion raised one of his eyebrows confused, "Is something the matter?"

"You see, the False God Ascent wasn't supposed to be claimed until six years from now."