
Veil of Justice

Liang Jianwei, a member of the Hidden Mist Sect, stole the very thing that founded the sect—the Hidden Mist Technique. Stealing the hidden technique of the Hidden Mist, Liang Jianwei becomes a hunted fugitive in the depths of the Jianghu realm. Battling fiercely against the elders of the Hidden Mist sect, Jianwei confronts the harsh reality that death seems an inevitable companion in this high-stakes struggle. The corners of the misty mountains become an arena where once his home town, now slowly becoming his resting place. Yet, a twist of destiny intervenes. Instead of meeting his demise, Jianwei is thrust into a new world, a realm with tons of water, and no land to be seen for thousands of miles. In this uncharted world, Liang Jianwei grapples with the echoes of his past as he embarks on a new journey of justice. The stolen Hidden Mist Technique, now a source of justice, the key for Jianwei journey to engrave his name into the world by the means of justice!

Sibeu · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Joining The Cerulean (2)

Liang Jianwei looked at the emblem, his mind filled with awe and respect.

"You, starting today, will be an ensign!" Weiyang said, his voice filled with pride and authority.

Liang Jianwei looked at senior Yang, his eyes shining with reverence.

"Thank you, Senior Yang." Liang Jianwei said, bowing his head.

Senior Yang laughed, his voice reverberating in the air.

"There's no need for such formalities, young Jianwei. All of us Cerulean are comrades, we are all fighting for justice. You can simply call me senior Yang. Now come, there are others that you need to meet."

Senior Yang led Liang Jianwei to a small gathering of Cerulean ensigns, their eyes shining with a fierce determination. Liang Jianwei looked at them, a mixture of emotions surging within him. It reminded him when he first went to the hidden mist sect in his previous life.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the Cerulean! As ensigns, you will be tasked with performing missions within your area. These missions range from eliminating evil soul masters, patrolling your area, or delivering messages. But do not worry, there will always be veteran Cerulean to guide and aid you in your missions. As ensigns, your main mission is to protect the people from evil soul masters and rogue soul masters. You'll also be enrolled in are academy which is a three year long course that will help with your knowledge of the world and help you find trustworthy companions. Now, you are free for the next week or so before we set sail. You may come to us if you have any questions. And remember, the Cerulean will always be here to help and aid you." Senior Yang said, smiling.

The ensigns nodded their heads and thanked senior Yang, their voices filled with admiration and respect. Senior Yang gave a short bow before walking away, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves.

Liang Jianwei looked around at his newfound comrades, their eyes radiating a fierce determination and their demeanour filled with nobility and justice. He could tell that they would be lifelong comrades that will fight with him on his path to justice.

Though, that doesn't mean he wants to talk to them at all. He walked away from the group of kids and headed straight toward senior Yang.

"Senior Yang, could you wait for a second?" Jianwei yelled, jogging toward senior Yang.

Senior Yang halted his steps and looked back, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Of course, young Jianwei. What do you need?"

Liang Jianwei approached senior Yang, his mind filled with thoughts.

"Senior Yang, could you tell me about the rankings of soul essence? When I was fighting yesterday, a man said he was ranked 17 while his soul essence is a Lunar Markhound. What does that mean?" Liang Jianwei inquired, his eyes filled with curiosity.

Li Weiyang's smile didn't change at all, his blond hair dancing in the suns rays.

"Hmm, I'm surprised you haven't heard about ranking soul essence. Well, I can tell you about ranking soul essence. Soul essence have ranks starting from the 1st rank all the way up to 100. Everyone starts at 1 when they are born, but depending on the child, it might increase more then others when they grow. The more powerful the soul essence, the higher the rank will increase. The higher the rank the stronger the soul master becomes and they tend to have more soul power than others. There are many ways to increase the ranks, like using special soul elixirs or training diligently, and every ten levels you'll reach a bottleneck where you'll find that you can no longer increase your rank. When this happens, you must find ways to breakthrough these bottlenecks, otherwise you'll remain stagnant."

Li Weiyang explained. Jianwei listened carefully, his mind taking in the information.

"Thank you senior Yang. Can you tell me more about the Cerulean?"

Li Weiyang nodded his head, his voice resonating throughout the surrounding area.

"Certainly. The Cerulean is one of the largest factions in the world. Our goal is to bring justice and eradicate evil soul masters and rogue soul masters. There are many Cerulean ensigns just like yourself across the continent and each one has a different role. Some are tasked with protecting civilians, some are tasked with assassinating evil soul masters, while others are tasked with finding resources."

Liang Jianwei listened attentively, his curiosity growing.

"There are also Cerulean Captains that give you missions. These Cerulean Captains are the highest ranking Ceruleans within the faction and they have the most influence. Under them are Cerulean Vice Captains that help lead and guide you, while the last ranking are the ensigns. As an ensign, you have a lot of responsibilities and you will be expected to do many missions, and if you wish to advance up the rankings, then you must prove yourself worthy of such a title. There are also Cerulean lieutenants that help lead and guide ensigns, Cerulean majors that help organise the ensigns and Cerulean colonels that oversee the ensigns."

Li Weiyang finished. Liang Jianwei absorbed the information, his mind filing away the new knowledge.

"Senior Yang, one more question. Does the Cerulean have people who knows about natural souls?" Liang Jianwei requested. Li Weiyang didn't reply immediately, a brief moment of silence hanging in the air.

"You are not the first natural soul I've encountered. Yes we have people who knows about natural soul essences, and we could train you, but the only person who has that experience is a Captain rank Cerulean. He would be able to train you, but I'm afraid that he is away on a mission."

"Thank you senior Yang. I would like to be trained by him if he could." Liang Jianwei said, his mind set on meeting him. Li Weiyang chuckled and placed his hand on Jianwei's shoulder.

"Don't worry, young Jianwei. Once he returns, I'll notify him about you, and if he finds you worthy, then you will have the chance to be trained by him. But that won't happen for another six months." Li Weiyang reassured, his eyes shining with a deep kindness. "But a warning in advance, he's a part of the absolute justice system." Li Weiyang cautioned. Jianwei was curious what absolute justice means but didn't want to waste any more of senior Yang's time, so he thanked him again before returning back to the group of ensigns.

Liang Jianwei explored his new environment, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling village. He gazed at the vast expanse of Cerulea sea, the clear azure waters stretching as far as the eye could see. The salty scent of the sea mixed with the earthy aroma of the surrounding farms, the two distinct smells creating a unique fragrance that was both refreshing and calming.

Liang Jianwei breathed in the cool ocean air, his soul essence resonating with the Cerulea sea, its power and vitality infusing him with a sense of calmness and strength. With his Aqua Mind Resonance strengthened once more, Liang Jianwei turned his gaze toward the horizon, his thoughts turning to the future and his road of justice.