
Veil of existence (BLEACH)

A being that has no where else to go other that ascent. Lost everything, even part of himself so he started to build again. Someone once said “if you want to write a story worth reading, you must write it for the audience of one, yourself.” so this is his story, long before his reincarnation. first world is BLEACH ______________________________________________________________ Consider to support me as patrons on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/deansama

DanteSama · Anime und Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Q: What is my objective in the BLEACH world? A: to evolve my soul to most potent

Q: Why am I going to the bleach world? A: so, I can gain soul power and master soul domain

Q: Who is the most powerful being in the BLEACH universe? A: SOUL KING

Q: What is his source of power? A: because he links to all plan of existence in BLEACH universe so all ambience soul power

Q: Why is he the most powerful being? A: because all have different soul power frequencies like Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow that come from the human soul.

Q: When did he become the most powerful being in the universe? A: from starting of human era

Q: Where is he now? A: he is in soul palace above zero division of soul society

That's where my answer: I am going to BLEACH universe and build my soul from human's native to that universe.

With the potential of becoming a being like soul-king or even evolving my soul even farther.

By going in a different plane in the BLEACH universe, I first could go to the human realm and find boundaries to other realms of existence like (Hueco Mundo) hollow realm and hell realm and soul realm (soul society world).

With that my destination was a town named Karakura Town that is located west of Tokyo in human realm.

In Karakura Town different faction of power holder in hiding like last Quincy (Echt Quincy) pure bloods Quincy and (Gemischt Quincy) half-bloods Quincy, Ishida family and from Shinigami defector captain and vice-captain of (Gotei 13) 13 Division Imperial Guards of soul society and hollow that roaming the human world hunting for human soul.

Year was 1998 in December at midnight and after entering Karakura Town. I was trying find the weakest hollow so I could absorb it and analyze its soul.

Therefore, I can change my soul structure to the human that changes to hollow.

But unlike the human native to BLEACH universe my soul generates very little spiritual energy and since part of my soul is damaged in the void but that was not the problem at that moment.

My problem was I did not know why hollow eating humans or other hollow souls and to what end.

Nevertheless, after just seeing it happen in front of me. I find that after the human from this world dies, and soul leaved their body, their soul has this chain that connects to their heart.

That chain is a symbol of their moral and virtue. Moreover, after they losing it or yanking it from their chest, they lose some part of themselves and then they try to fill that hole which manifest as a hunger for souls.

Lucky me because my soul fills that hole with some grace of angels and demons and gods, I have all the virtue and sins that they represent so in a way they cancel each other out and so I have no chain in my chest.

After spending some time in this new town and trying to feel any power signature. Different locations of town emit different frequencies of soul energy.

After linking my soul and my mind domain, trying to solidify my mind palace and accessing my spiritual energy and circulating spiritual energy in my mind domain and expand my mind domain by building a tiny universe with solar system, planet and star and earth.

Try feeling the hollows that lurk in the shadow, I find one of them that looks like a small cat with white mask and white eyes.

I look at her, and think to myself 'how do I know that it is she, oh well it seemed I have sixth senses or very weak limited omniscient.'

I just extend my hand and catch her trying to absorb her soul but when my hand touch her all I could do is feel her emotions and it was bad, she was pleading to end her suffering.

Cat hollow: "please just end my suffering. I'm tired of the constant feeling of unending hunger, fear, anger, loneliness and stress. That is, it, today was the day I finally lost myself, please end my suffering while I am still me"

So here, I am in my goddamn first contact with hollow and I could not bring myself to do what I should do and eat her. Then another string of thought comes to mind 'I could purify her soul and send her to soul society.'

As I put my mind into it and use my void property to suck her hollow emotions from her soul and with my spiritual energy try make her whole with again my own virtue.

Cat hollow: "I remember, my name is Sakura and I was a doctor, Pediatric surgeon and because of excessive fatigue I have heart failure and since I couldn't save my patient, I feel it was my fault. If I take better care of myself, I could save her. She was innocent and I should have saved her"

MC: "it wasn't your fault, rest your living burden behind and go to your next journey.

Maybe in your next adventure you could find her and protect her as you like."

and with that melodic speech she finds her new mission in life and new precious person to look up to.

Sakura: 'Thank you so very much for saving me from myself, angel.'

She starts gloving and changing from rat hollow to human body and dispersing.

'Could you tell me my savior's name at least.'

she said with a smile in her face and looked in my eyes with gratitude.

MC: 'my name is Dante, Dante Deus.'

with that I watch her go, leaving me with the intuition that I will see her again. Which I did.

that when I have hollow soul structure, I tried to change my soul base of hollows that put their regret as an indestructible mask or helmet to hide their face and try forgetting who they were.

Because of all the grace, my soul absorbs and also take property of Empty and Void dimension.

I become part demon, part angel and part human so from then on, I could be called Nephilim for my race.

I have also grown a set of wings that have power absorption that absorb the allure negatives and positives soul energy and with that energy I restructure my body like human body but with toughness of demon and the angel wings and skeleton mask (helmet) violet color eye and silver hair. To be continued.


In your deliberations, when seeking to determine the military conditions, let them be made the basis of a comparison, in this wise:

(1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law?

(2) Which of the two generals has the most ability?

(3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth?

(4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?

(5) Which army is stronger?

(6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained?

(7) In which army is there the greater consistency both in reward and punishment?

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