
Chapter 4 Vegeta An Errand Boy

"What now!?" Vegeta said walking on grasses. "Don't they have roads?"

[Well, it will let to battle with other Pokemons and trainers. Now why don't you check your back pack.] Nappa said from screen.

Vegeta opened the back and throwed everything in it. There was an ID card, a capsule box and a badge box. Also a spare Pokeball.

[Now you see Vegie, ID card is necessary for you to enter league and win the championship. It can also be used as debit card. Now in you have to badge from different cities and towns. That's all because I know you won't remember it. As for other items, badge box is for badge to collect and capsule is for you to camp outside. Pokeball is for you to capture other Pokemon.]

"That's great. I don't have to sleep on ground!" Vegeta cheered and in next moment became angry. "What the..." In capsule there was a tent, a fire place with pot, and a tup with soap to bath outside. Also a tissue paper roll to wipe shit.

[Tadaaa.. like it right. You can camp outside and you don't have to make a camp. It's ready made camp from your beloved Capsule Corp~]

"Beloved my ass! This is for homeless.."

[Damn! You sure are used to life style of your sugar wife. We used to live in caves in different planets while eating inhabitants. Ahh nostalgic] Nappa said while drinking​.

"Dammit Nappa! You are enjoying your drink and here I am stuck in this shit hole with pets!! Ahh no use crying now." He then take out Pokeball to get Charmander out. "Listen Pet, I am going to become strongest Poke trainer or whatever the fuc*k that is and get out of this world. So your only task is to become strongest. And when I said strongest then it is one above all. You are my first pet and you will become strongest, overcome your weakness, and beat down every one. Now good!!" Vegeta said to frightened Charmander then he nodded his head because for Pokemon, strength is everything. "hey Nappa how do I train this thing?"

[Now that's my Vegie, let me explain in detail. It's similar to how me train and...] Nappa than explained how to make Pokemon strong by battling and by let them practice on their own. How they loose health and he has to restore health in town. He was explaining when a wild Rattata appeared. [Look Vegeta your battle is on. Go and beat down.]

"Go Redchil use scratch repeatedly!!" Vegeta ordered to Charmander who nodded. Without giving Rattata chance he used scratch on him and defeat him gaining experience. He then look towards Vegeta who was still waiting for something. "What are you waiting for finish the damn rat!" Charmander became because he was still little Pokemon. It was same as letting child kill a man in age of five.

[Vegeta that's very cruel for you.] Nappa also showed fake concern for Charmander.

"Shut up Nappa! What the hell he is going to eat then?" He asked.

[He is still a child. You should feed him food from Pokemart in town or your Pokemon will become savage. Just think about your Pokemon as your old self and try to ask him to do something like Freeza. They will listen but will betray you. ]

"Ohh God damnit Nappa!!! What the hell you trapped me??! I really hate this...! Hey is that good pokemon?" Vegeta asked. 'Wait did he just called me savage?'

[What if I tell you that he is at Ratitdz level.]

"More like Yamcha guy, useless." Vegeta sighed and ordered Charmander to kill all Rattata and Pedgie. Charmander nodded and did what Vegeta said. Soon he was able to defeat many Pokemon climbing to level 9 and learned ember. As for poor Pedgies he only captured one and decided to eat rest afterwards. How did he capture Pedgie? He smashed Pokeball on poor thing's head then get him. Charmander was also exhausted then Vegeta showed some mercy on poor thing and decided to let him rest in his Pokeball.

Ding*[Mission: Visit Pokscenter and let heal your Pokemon and Pokemart to buy Pokefood.

Status: ongoing

Reward: 120$]

"Just when I was waiting for." Vegeta said then continued his journey through Route 1 to Viridian City. He then entered the city through gate and started searching for Pokemon center. It was not long when he found the building. He entered and saw that there was a lady with pink creature standing in center.

"Hey woman, I want my pets to be healed. What are charges and cost? And I want that as soon as possible." Vegeta said to pink hair lady.

"Sir I am Nurse Joy and if you can show me your Trainer id then it will cost none. It will take some time. Please wait for 30 minutes." Nurse Joy said with smile though somewhat annoyed how Vegeta addressed her.

"That long? Don't you have healing tanks or senzu beans to fix them. They are just scratches!!" Vegeta said with loud voice attracting attention. Nurse Joy became even more annoyed.

"SiR, I hAvE nO iDeA whAt arE you TaLkiNg abOut. Just GivE Me damN pOkEmOn And iD aNd wAIt FuC*KiNg MinUtES." Clearly annoyed Nurse Joy said with some kind of dark demon behind her. Vegeta became little cautious, with his still pride on, nodded as she said. She gave here ID back with smile. "Tch Fucking Arrogant pricks." She cursed before taking his Pokemon for recovery.

Vegeta clicked his tongue and also decided to explore this place. From data book, which he snatched from poor trainer and scaring him away, he found out that this place offers 3 days worth meal and resting place without any cost. This is only available for noob trainer who yet to have a badge. This time limit will increase by each badge gaining. That was first good thing he found out about this world. Actually there were many exciting places and unique things but it can't be noticed by thick skull of proud saiyan.

He ate his meal and decided to rest here after visiting Pokemon Mart. He then returned to Nurse Joy who gave him his Pokemon with good health with her signature scary smile. He then entered Pokemon Mart with directions of data book.

It was rather small compared to Centre. A person with cap looked at him like he was specifically waiting for him."Ahh you must me new trainer sent by Professor Oak right?"

"I am new trainer but not sent by that Dr Doolittle. What do you want!?" Vegeta said crossing arms and annoyed tone. He was getting annoying feeling from this person.

Intimadated by Vegeta's glare, he said, "W-well you see, there is a parsal on Professor Oaks name, w-would you be so kind to deliver it to him. I ehh??" Before he could finish, Vegeta lifted him up from his collars.

"Jimmy right? Am i look like an errand boy to you? You son of bitch!!" Vegeta yelled scaring other customers.

Ding*[Mission: Deliver parcel to Professor Oak.

Status: ongoing

Reward: Pokedex]

[And then you will be called Vegeta An Errand Boy] Nappa said.

"What the hell Nappa? I am not going for errand and I dont need that poke dick!!" Vegeta said to Nappa.

[Vegeta I don't have anything to all this like I said. If you don't then you will be stuck here foreverrrr.] Nappa said with cup of wine.

Vegeta growled and looked at Jimmy who was on verge of death. He released him who started coughing. "Alright I will do that but not for free." Vegeta said with evil smile.

"Bbbut sir, it has nothing hii!" Scared Jimmy by pure killing intent. "H-how about I give you free poke food??"

"Ohh haha No. Don't take me someone stupid. It is already written here that trainer can receive their free poke food for 3 days worth for 3 Pokemon. Don't fool me if you don't want to swallow dead birds." Vegeta smirked.

'damnn curse you' He cried. "How about discount on Potions. They can restore health of Pokemon by some extent."

"Tell me everything and I will decide what will I take. You have no say." Vegeta said. Jimmy cried then did what he said. He somehow don't want his bad side. He wanted to call police but Vegeta didn't do anything, very threathning, yet. Also before police could do anything, he was sure that he would already be dead by how much strength he has. Then he simply took 4 potions, 4 Pokeballs and 4 antidote along with packed food and left. That day Jimmy swear that he doesn't have anything to do with Professor Oak or any of his associates.

Ding*[Mission: Visit Pokscenter and let heal your Pokemon and Pokemart to buy Pokefood.

Status: complete

Reward: 120$]

Vegeta smiled and left to Pokemon centre. He would visit Oak tomorrow as it's already dark. He let his Pokemon feed and get a room and laid down on his bed.

'What a horrible day, it is even worse then dying by hands of Freeza. I hope this is dream. I wonder what Bulma and Trunks are doing. Kakarot must have surpassed me by great margin. Fuc*k I don't want to be in this world with dead or soon-to-be-dead nappa and my pets.' He repeat image of his family and rival one last time before entering dreamland.

The first day of our hero end here. Find out what will happen in next chapter of Vegeta in Pokemon world...

I will take things slow from here because it's hard for Vegeta to coexist to race that he used to destroy. Remember how he let Cell become perfect. that's right!

Anyway, make sure to read, comments and review my book. First fanfic so... Also suggested me anything you want. Chao!

J_Titancreators' thoughts